Dear Carolyn and Members of Tri-Council,
It is an honor and pleasure to address all of you. I am in awe of the educational scope covered by the LANDSCAPE DESIGN, GARDENING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOOLS.
The fact that many of you take the time and resources necessary to become a Consultant in even one of the areas above is commendable; to those of you working in all three areas, it is awe inspiring.
Armed with the knowledge you have attained, together with your dedication and energy, Florida has become one of the top tier states in educational endeavors and shines a very bring light of inspiration in educating our communities of the beauty of nature, the best way to showcase that beauty and how to protect our unique and fragile environment.
On behalf of all FFGC members, I congratulate and thank each of you for your dedication and enthusiasm in sharing all that you have attained through your membership in the TRI-COUNCIL.
Claudia Bates
Table of Contents
FFGC President's Message / 1Table of Contents / 2
General Information – National, Regional, and State / 3
Tri-Council of FFGC President’s Message / 4
Tri-Council of FFGC Presidents, Officers and Chairmen / 5
Environmental Consultants’ Council President’s Message / 6
Gardening Consultants' Council President's Message / 7
Landscape Design Consultants' Council President's Message / 8
“Unsolicited Awards for Planting In A Public Or Private Space” / 9
Standard for Evaluating Landscape Design
History of Tri-Council of FFGC / 10
FFGC Earth Steward Recognition Award / 12
Four and Five Star Members / 13
FFGC Tri-Consultant and FFGC Master Tri-Consultant Members / 14
Consultant Classification / 15
Membership Directory / 16-27
Tri-Council of FFGC Alphabetical Listing / 28-32
Personal Record Keeping / 33
General Information
PresidePresident – Nancy Hargroves
399 N Ridge Rd, #76.
Richmond, VA23229-7450
804.784.0109 cell 804.363.0771
Regional Regional Director – Ann McCormick
3071 Dumbarton Rd.
Memphis, TN38128Memphis, TN38128-5107
901.353.5427 cell 901.491.3583
Florida Federation of Garden ClubsPresident Claudia Bates
P.O. Box 252, Micanopy, FL32667-0252
cell 352.317.2831
NGC Chairman, Pat Rupiper
5580 Jeffries Ct., Westerville, OH43082-8013614.423.8646 cell 740.703.3683
DSR Chairman, Jayne Hemstreet
2030 Villa Sites Dr., TampaFL33612813.977.5156
FFGCSchool Chairman, Nancy
3429 Lakeview Drive, Delray Beach, FL33445561.274.0188 cell 561.702.0550
NGC Chairman, Barbara Hadsell
6506 Sandi Ln., Greenacres, FL33467561.439.4607 cell 561.635.8809
DSR Chairman, Maggi
258 Chula Creek Rd, Chattanooga, TN37421423.499.9751
FFGCSchoolChairman, Barbara
6506 Sandi Lane, Greenacres, FL33467561.439.4607 cell 561.635.8809
NGC Chairman, Greg
512 Newton St., San Fernando, CA91340-2421818.361.7873
DSR Chairman, Barbara Hadsell
6506 Sandi Lane, Greenacres, FL33467561.439.4607
FFGCSchool Chairman, Karen
108 Wing Foot Circle, Daytona Beach, FL32114cell 954.295.7205
Message from President Carolyn Lowry-Nation
WELCOME! New members and renewing members to the three Councils. Tri-Council of FFGC purpose is to work together to protect the environment, increase knowledge in horticulture and promote excellence in Landscape Design. We will embrace our theme, T E A M. TOGETHER EVERYONE ACCOMPLISHES MORE.
Through our schools, we will gain the knowledge to understand what is happening to our air, our water and our land here in Florida. We will achieve this by continuing to encourage the sponsorship and attendance at National Garden Clubs schools and refreshers! We will continue to promote EDUCATION with lectures, workshops, conferences and tours and ENCOURAGE consultants to serve on local and state committees.
As Tri-Council of FFGC embarks on the next two years, we will strive to work together to protect, preserve and beautify our beautiful state of Florida. By incorporating our NGC President’s theme, Plant America and FFGC President’s theme, Plant, Bloom & Grow with Us,
each member may enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Tri-Council of FFGC Officers and Chairmen
2017 - 2019
13207 Malachite Drive941.361.1047
Lakewood Ranch, FL34211-2117941.685.1853 cell
Vice President
3616 N. Indian River Drive321.636.1299
Cocoa, FL32926-8704321.537.8060 cell
2461 Deloraine Trail407.628.0964
Maitland, FL32751-4018407.628.0964 cell
22125 Drawbridge Dr.352.365.6434
Leesburg, FL34748-2303 Summer: 1145 Walnut Ridge (#4298), Ellijay, GA30536-2676
Advisor – Immediate Past PresidentInger Jones
BylawsCarolyn Schaag
Membership & YearbookGloria Blake
NewsletterCarole Johns
Ways & Means Inger Jones
Past Presidents
2008 -2011 Pat Carver
2011-2013 Barbara Hadsell
2013- 2015 Carolyn Schaag
2015 - 2017 Inger Jones
/ Message from President Gloria BlakeEnvironmental Consultants’ Council
Dear Consultants:
The NGC Environmental Consultants Council of Tri-Council encourages protecting and saving our environment through conservation of our resources. Therefore, a series of 4-two day classes are offered. These four courses are open to anyone. The main reason for these courses is that those who attend will pass this knowledge on to their local clubs and communities to educate the public. The courses present many ways to educate the members, public, educators, and governmental entities about the many issues of environmental concern today both locally and nationally.
As a member of the Environmental Consultants Council you will receive environmental alerts and a Tri-Council newsletter. You will be made aware of many educational events like the Consultants Waterwise Day, field trips, ideas, projects, excellent speaker/programs at Tri-Council meetings, etc.
The FFGC President, Claudia Bates theme is “Plant, Bloom and Grow”. Her “Special Project” is “Color Our Canopy” by planting trees all around Florida. Trees give off oxygen, provide beauty in the landscape of homes and communities, and provide security in our neighborhoods. Trees, also, provide homes and food for animals and insects.
The NGC President, Nancy Hargroves, theme is “Plant America”. Her theme covers any aspect of gardening, horticulture, garden design, and even water issues as one cannot garden without water. NGC grants are available for PLANT AMERICA Community Projects.
With all of this in mind, let’s get busy planting.
Do plan to attend, and become an Environmental Consultant.
Contact: Nancy Richards, Environmental Schools Chairman , e-mail
3616 N. Indian River Drive321.636.1299
Cocoa, FL 32926-8704cell 321.537.8060
Vice President/Membership Committee
1840 Old Tomoka Road W365.677.2630
Ormond Beach, FL 32174-6715
Former Presidents: * Deceased
2001-2005 Alice Changstrom * (President pro tem)
2005-2009 Pat Carver
2009-2011 Carolyn Schaag
2011-2013 Kalia Baillene
2013-2015 Carolyn Schaag
2015-2017 Kathy Echevarria
/ Message from President Marylou Ruiz
Gardening Consultants’ Council
The NGC Theme for 2017-2019 is “Plant America”. With the knowledge you have acquired from your Gardening Study Courses on the many aspects of gardening, horticulture, design and water issues, you now have an opportunity to put all this knowledge to work. Your in-depth knowledge of “right plant, right place” gives you all the tools needed for you to help your local gardeners to” get it right”. You can also apply for NGC grants available for PLANT AMERICA Community Projects. Check the NGC website for more information.
Our FFGC President, Claudia Bates theme is “Plant, Bloom and Grow”. Her “Special Project” is “Color Our Canopy” by planting flowering trees all around Florida. Our Gardening Consultants can encourage the clubs and junior gardeners in their areas to participate in both Arbor Days and also promote the planting of more trees in their communities.
Our Florida Garden Clubs are creative in developing programs and projects to promote sound gardening. As Gardening Consultants, you are the cheerleaders to excite them to take action.
Our team at the Tri Council is looking forward to receiving any suggestions for projects and we will work to come up with some ideas that you might want to adapt.
Please remember to promote attendance at NGC Gardening Schools and Refreshers. For more information please contact Barbara Hadsell, State Gardening School Chairman at 561.635.8809 cell,
Welcome and I look forward to working with you.
President – Marylou
7124 NW 169th Street305.822.2717
Hialeah, FL 33015-4215cell 786.442.4991
Vice-President/Membership Committee
Rebecca Stallard561.400.2119
458 NW 11th Avenue
Boca Raton, FL 33486
Past Presidents: *Deceased
1981-1982 Ben Young*
1983-1985 Joanne Lucan
1985-1995 Frankie Bretherick*
1995-2001Shirley A. Cook
2001-2003Carol Brown*
2003-2005Joan Pryor*
2005-2007 Carol Brown*
2007-2009Carolyn Schaag
2009-2011Pat Carver
2011-2015Inger Jones
2015-2017 Maida Atkins
/ Message from President Sally FlanaganLandscape Design Consultants’ Council
The Landscape Design Consultants Council as part of the Florida Federation Tri-Council is continuing its objective of Beautification of our surroundings in conjunction with the NGC and FFGC themes “Plant America” and “Plant, Bloom and Grow” These themes although newly named, are what the Landscape Council was founded upon. The 4 part school subjects prepare our Consultants to take on these tasks and we anticipate greater interest in the upcoming schools as more Garden Club members engage in greater interests in Garden Clubbing. In addition we encourage existing Landscape Consultants to bring greater numbers into the fold of the Landscape Consultants Council.
The Council brings us together 3 times per year so that we can pool our knowledge and inspire each other to move forward. The meetings in the future will offer speakers for updates in the latest practices and hopefully will inspire Consultants to encourage their Garden Clubs to undertake Landscape Projects throughout their areas. All those that attended the Consultants Day in June 2017, enjoyed the exposure and camaraderie and we anticipate this to be an annual affair.
The Unsolicited Awards Project is one of the most worthwhile endeavors that our Consultants could participate in- rewarding the public for their Landscaping efforts. It must become more than a Pilot project in our state especially considering the FFGC theme for 2017-2019 as well as the special project “Color our Canopy” asking for an increase in plantings of Flowering trees in Florida. We as Landscape Consultants can greatly assist in this project. I will be asking Consultants from the twelve districts to spearhead the unsolicited awards program throughout their district and will hopefully have concrete results to display by the next convention.
I welcome all suggestions and ideas to expand the dynamics of the Landscape Consultants Council as we work together with the other 2 facets of the Tri-Council of FFGC for the welfare of Florida residents and visitors.
312 Gleneagles Drive386.428.3170
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168-7920cell 386.315.3317
Vice President/Membership Committee Chairman
18728 Big Cypress Drive561.972.4957
Jupiter, FL 33458
Past Presidents * Deceased
1963-1965 Mrs. John Parkinson1987-1989 Mrs. Joseph L. Patton
1965-1967 Mrs. Jack Dunlap*1989-1991 Mrs. W. H. Horton
1967-1969 Mr. J.L. Anderson*1991-1993 Mrs. James A. Whitmer*
1969-1971 Mrs. John W. Hussey1993-1995 Mrs. Robert C. Matthews
1971-1973 Mrs. W. W. Rippe1995-1997 Mrs. Harold Allen
1973-1975 Mrs. Lloyd Hundley*1997-1999 Mrs. Carl Ray
1975-1977 Mrs. Walter Neals1999-2001 Madeline Lawton
1977-1979 Mrs. Carl Conney2001-2003 Betty Waterfield
1979-1981 Mrs. U. A. Young2003-2005 Carolyn Schaag
1981-1983 Mrs. Charles P. Vale2005-2008 Darcy Stottlemyer
1983-1985 Mrs. Daniel F. Connell2008-2013 Barbara Hadsell
1985-1987 Mrs. John Liretz, Jr.*2013-2015 Karen Gott
2015-2017 Mona Johnston, Sally Flanagan
This project was planned to involve all members of the Landscape Design Consultants’ Council for the purpose of recognizing and encouraging well-designed and maintained plantings in the public sector. The awards are “unsolicited” in that they are not requested by the places nominated, Nominees are not notified.
Any garden club member, especially graduates of the NGC Landscape Design School may nominate any well-designed and maintained landscaped area in the public sector in his/her District. Nominations are to be made in writing and are sent to the District Chairman of FFGC Landscape Consultants’ Council or to the District Director if none appointed.
This District chairman will select panels of judges made up of members of the Consultants’ Council (see current Yearbook) of his/her District to evaluate the area nominated.*
Other interested GC members may participate on the teams. Judging will be done according to the NGC Standards – Evaluating Landscape Design. All nominations will require Point Scoring
and are available from the President of the Florida Landscape Consultants Council.
Categories eligible for nominations are:
- Small business (such as gas stations, fast food, etc.)
- Public Facility (such as library, park, police station, etc.)
- Private Facility (such as church, hospital, etc.)
- Private Resident or Merit.
*All Landscaping must have been completed for at least a year.
There can be one winner in each category in each District each year.
Winners’ Certificates will be presented at the Spring District Meetings of FFGC.
Certificates are available from the President of the Florida Landscape Consultants’ Council.
Landscape Design Schools
Standard for Evaluating Landscape Design
Score / Value / Total- First Impression (5)
- Suitability of Design to Purpose (5%)
- Design (45%)
- Functional Aspect
- Suitability
- Creation & Utilization of Space (including circulation, patters, activities, rest area, etc.)
- Aesthetic Aspect
- Design principles employed successfully
- Design elements applied successfully
- Originality and distinction
- Implementation (30%)
- Materials and structures
- Suitability to purpose, site and design
- Perfection of details
- Plant Materials
- Maintenance (10%)
- Incorporation of maintenance awareness into design and selection of materials
- Current, sustained maintenance
- Final Impression (5%)
On January 10, 2008, six members of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. met at the home of Pat Carver at Dade City, FL. Present were Carolyn Schaag, Past President of FFGC and President of Gardening Consultants’ Council; Darcy Stottlemyer, President of Landscape Design Consultants’ Council; Pat Carver, President of Environmental Consultants’ Council; Joan Pryor, Past President of FFGC; Sue Pryor, 3rd Vice President of FFGC; and Jayne Hemstreet, State Schools Chairman.
The goal of the meeting was to bring the three Consultants’ Councils together for the purpose of sharing meeting time before FFGC Board Meetings three times a year, publishing a joint yearbook, promotion of education, publishing a joint newsletter, sharing common projects, and building stronger organizations.
The decision was made the group would be named Tri-Council and would be led by a Tri-Council President which would rotate among the Presidents of the three councils with the Presidents serving in alphabetical order: Environmental, Gardening, and Landscape Design. The President would serve a two-year term, concurrent with the FFGC President, and each President would appoint other Tri-Council officers.
The first joint meeting was held on January 16, 2008, with Carolyn Schaag presiding. The recommendation was presented and approved and the Tri-Council became a reality.
On September 10, 2014, members adopted Bylaws naming the Tri-Council of FFGC, stating the objectives, listing qualifications for membership, establishing the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer as elected positions for a two-year term, listing duties of the officers, and regulations on finances, meetings, and committees. The three Consultant Councils adopted new Bylaws at this same meeting which eliminated a secretary, a treasurer, and a separate bank account for each of the Councils and established a Tri-Council secretary, treasurer, and one bank account that would serve the organization starting with the 2015-2017 administration.
On January 14, 2015, Tri-Council of FFGC adopted Standing Rules creating the FFGC Tri-Consultant and FFGC Master Tri-Consultant status. The first award certificates and pins were presented on April 19, 2015, at the FFGC Convention in Boca Raton, Florida.
Tri-Council of FFGC Past Presidents
2008 – 2011Pat Carver
2011 – 2013Barbara Hadsell
2013 – 2015Carolyn Schaag
2014 – 2017Inger Jones
2017 – 2019Carolyn Lowry-Nation
The Tri-Council of FFGC has established a new FFGC recognition to honor anyone who has accomplished outstanding efforts regarding the stewardship of our natural resources. The earth stewardship could be in the field of Environmental, Gardening, and Landscape Design out of efforts to protect our environmental resources, educating about our resources, or efforts to persuade decision makers to protect our resources.
The recipient of the Earth Steward recognition will be presented a pin andcertificate and given to FFGC members or non-members who have performed tasks worthy of recognition regarding stewardship of our natural resources.
Application for this honor must be made on the Earth Steward Application Form and sent with a check for $100 to this Earth Steward Chairman. It may be awarded by aclub, district, an FFGC organization, or by an individual. The revenue will go to the “Color our Garden Fund”, a part of the FFGC Headquarters and Endowment (H&E) budget for the continued stewardship and care of the grounds at FFGC Headquarters. This form can be found at:
under FORMS
Barbara Hadsell
Garden Club Members who complete all Four NGC Schools (Environmental, Gardening, Landscape Design, and Flower Show) and other requirements achieve a 4-Star designation.
When a 4-Star refreshes four times in each school and becomes a Master in each and meets other requirements, they achieve a 5-Star designation. A certificate is presented from NGC for each designation.