
Room 2-229


Physics Syllabus

Physics is a course of study that shows how events in this universe can be predicted using readily observable laws. Physics is the science of the most basic things such as motion, forces, energy, matter, heat, sound, light, and the composition of atoms. This class is designed to explainthe ideas of physics using both conceptual ideas and mathematical derivations.

Attendance Procedures:

  1. Attendance is governed by district policy. It will be checked and recorded daily. The student is responsible for using proper channels for excused absences. Two school days per day absent (excused only) are allowed for make-up work. NOTE: Unexcused absences resulting in missed work or tests cannot be made up.
  2. Students missing on test days must reschedule time for make-up tests (excused absences only).
  3. It is the student’s responsibility to confer with the teacher after an absence to receive make-up work.
  4. Tardies are recorded and reported to the office. Abuse of punctuality will require disciplinary action.

Grading Policy

  • Your quarter grade will be 40%formative assessments: daily class work, lab activities, homework, group activities, written papers, quizzes, and 60% summative assessments.
  • Point totals determine the quarter grade:
  • A = 90-100%
  • B = 80-89%
  • C = 70-79%
  • D = 60-69%
  • It is expected that all work will be turned in on time. Scores on late work will be reduced 50%.
  • Work missed due to any excused absence will receive full credit if it is made up within two school days for each day missed.
  • Work missed due to an unexcused absence will not be able to be made up.
  • It is expected that any work turned in is your own. Plagiarism/cheating will result in no credit.
  • Each student will be allowed to drop their lowest test score per quarter. Tests must be made up within one week of the date of the test and tests taken after one week will reduced by 10% for each week late.
  • The average of your point totals from the first two quarters will count for 85% of the semester grade. The semester examwill count for 15% of the semester grade.

Required Materials

Students should come to class each day prepared to learn.

Students should have a pencil or pen, paper, a folder or binder to hold papers, the physics textbook, and a scientific Calculator (a $10 non-programmable would work just fine)

Class Rules

District 535 rules apply.

Generally, behavior conducive to allowing the teacher to teach and students to learn is expected.

Cell phones may be used during work times.

How can I get help with Physics?

Talk to your teacher, your teacher may be able to help you after school most days.

Use the online resources provided by your teacher (see Moodle website below)

Search the web with your questions, there are many great online physics sites.

Communications – Student/Parent

Students or parents may send an e-mail , , .

It is highly suggested that you take advantage of the Skyward system to track your child’s grades and attendance.

Please talk with your child about any class-related issues before contacting the teacher.

