Sunday Worship:
8:15am in Eaton Chapel
10:30am in the sanctuary
Sunday School:
9:00am Gathering
9:15am Opening / 1
7:00p Trustees meeting / 2 / 3
9:30a LET Bible Study
6:00p Bell Choir practice
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
7:00p Healing Service / 4
6:00-7:30p Kidz Club / 5 / 6

6:00p Worship
11:30a SS Teachers mtg
in Chapel Café
6:00p Lay Leadership
Committee / 8 / 9
12:30p UMW meeting
6:00p Aldersgate practice / 10
9:30a LET Bible Study
6:00p Bell Choir practice
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
practice / 11
9:00a Busy Bees / 12
/ 13
6:00p Worship

Fellowship Hall in use 12 – 4:30
6:00 – 7:30 p Youth meeting / 15
We Care Food Distribution
5:30 – 8:30 pm / 16
6:00p Aldersgate practice / 17
9:30a LET Bible Study
6:00p Bell Choir practice
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
practice / 18
6:00p Boy Scouts F.H. / 19 / 20
Fellowship Hall in use 12-2pm
6:00p Worship
11:30a GEMS meeting
6:00p Lay Leadership
Committee / 22
/ 23
6:00p Aldersgate practice / 24
Gleam Assembly
9:30a LET Bible Study
6:00p Bell Choir practice
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
practice / 25
9:00a Busy Bees / 26
/ 27
9:00a United Methodist Men’s Breakfast

11:30a CE Board Meeting

4 – 6p
No Youth meeting / 29 / 30
6:00p Aldersgate practice / 31 Happy
9:30a LET Bible Study
6:00p Bell Choir practice
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
7:00p Cluster Conference @
First UMC Rochester / AA meets in Fellowship Hall every Sunday evening at 6:00pm / Weight Watchers meets in Fellowship Hall every Wednesday at 6:00pm / Chapel Café
Open from 9:00am
until 10:15am

The Gleam October 2007

Baden United Methodist Church * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720

Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC:

This past summer we took a family vacation to Walt Disney World. In addition to enjoying the shows, events, food and numerous attractions, we especially enjoyed a rollercoaster called Expedition Everest. This rollercoaster is themed as a train that goes out of control and has an encounter with a creature called the Yeti. The rollercoaster has periods of darkness and also moments of going backwards at high speeds. When you are on a ride like that, the way you respond determines your experience on the ride; and on a ride like that, the only way to respond is to SCREAM!

In many ways, life can be like a rollercoaster with twists and turns of unkind words, rejection, abandonment and disappointment. And like a rollercoaster, we may want to SCREAM. However, when it comes to life, forgiveness, a major theme of the Bible, is one experience that can get you through.

In Matthew 18:21-22 we read, Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him, up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.” In those days, the Pharisees were teaching people that forgiveness only needed to be extended to someone three times, but in this passage, Jesus said that forgiveness should be granted seventy times seven…or in other words…indefinitely.

By forgiving, we bring ourselves into a right relationship with God and in oneness with God’s heart. When Peter suggested that we forgive people seven times, it’s very likely that he thought he was being generous (given the practice of the day was only three times), but his comment reveals that he did not get it. Similarly, sometimes we just do not get it. Get what? Get the fact that our rollercoaster ride of life will not get any better until we get into rightness (through forgiveness) with God.

God is gracious and mercifully extends forgiveness to everyone. Does that bring you great joy! I hope so. No one is worthy of forgiveness, yet God’s grace is available for all. How does that make you feel? Joyful? I hope and pray the answer, your answer, is one that screams “Yes!”

Grace, Hope, and Joy!

Ed Bailey, Pastor

1  Al Tomei, Jr.

Deborah Polonoli

3 Linda Babich

5 Carol Harmotto

10 Sue Schaeffer

Walter Tillery

Jacob Bailey

11 Thomas Oaks

12 Jill Miller

13 Sue Corless

Fred Ramsey

Isaac Jones

14 Jeff McClure

Marsha Geweth

Patricia A. Lewis

15 Justine Fennell

16 Linda Ruckert

Clement Marmagin

17 Melissa Jones

18 Celia Overholt

Dale DiCicco

19 Samantha Lubic

20 Amanda Hartge

Harold Moorhead

21 Travis Debogovich

22 Chelsea Covert

Daniel Walsh

23 Samantha Peters

24 Alice Smith

25 Danielle Gibson

26 Jim Fox

27 Ed Schwarz

John Lubic

31 Sue Ramsey

Donna Herrmann

Janet Hamilton

Please help us keep our birthday list current. If you or someone you know has an October birthday and is not included on, or would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office.


7.....….………....…..………Joyce Hudson

14..…………….....……...... Dave Smith

21……….....…...... ………….Janet Johns

28…...... …..…….……...... Peggy Evanko


7...... Nicholas Charlovich, Candle

...... Paige Miller, Bible

14...... Jacob Charlovich, Candle

...... Megan Ochs, Bible

21...... Brooke DiCicco, Candle

...... Jesse DiCicco, Bible

28...... Garrett Foley, Candle

...... Mason Foley, Bible


7………………………..……Nicole DiCicco

& family

14……………………..…..Chrissy DePalma

21………………………………….Betsy Gall

Randi Gibson

28……………………………………Jill Miller

Joe Barsic


7...... Fran Zimmerman

14...... Betty Wells

21...... Dick & Janet Johns

28………….……………………..Judy Tomei

We would like to wish a belated “Happy Anniversary” to Homer & Helen Quinet who celebrated their anniversary on September 26th.


7 8:15...... Dan Wilson

10:30...... Walt King, John Parkhurst

Don Fleming, Bill VanDeCar

14 8:15...... Timothy Smith

10:30…...... Bill Ickley, Alan Freed

Fred Zajac, Bobby Charlovich

21 8:15...... Gerald Dunstan

10:30...... Dave Smith, Jeff McClure

Brandon Short, Dale Sheaffer

28 8:15...... Paula Hazelwood

10:30...... Bill & Joyce Ickley

John & Phyllis Parkhurst

October 1 John & Judy Irwin

October 1 Chris & Leslie Foley

October 8 Chuck & Joyce Hudson

October 12 Alan & Amy Freed

October 17 Ken & Tammy Jones

October 18 Bill & Joyce Ickley

October 19 Louis & Marge Gardner

October 24 Missy & Mickey Futato

Please help us keep our Anniversary list current. If you have an October anniversary that is not included on our list, or if you would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office. Thank you.

October 1 7:oopm Trustees Meeting

October 7 11:30am Sun. school teachers

meeting in Chapel Café

October 7 6:00pm Lay Leadership Comm.

October 9 12:30pm UMW

October 21 11:30am GEMS meeting in the


October 21 6:00pm Lay Leadership Comm.

October 27 9:00am UM Men’s breakfast

October 28 11:30am CE Board meeting in

Chapel Café

October 31 7:00pm Cluster Conference at

Rochester UMC


We are still looking for children to serve as Acolytes for 2008. Children in first through sixth grade can serve as an Acolyte. If your child is interested in serving, please contact Christy Sheaffer or Pastor Bailey. An acolyte training class will be held in the fall.

”one of America’s Premier handbell ensembles”

Saturday, December 1, 2007
7:30 pm Concert
Soldiers & Sailors Hall
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Come and join the members of the BUMC Handbell choir in attending this wonderful musical event. Miss Linda is checking into getting a bus if enough people are interested in attending. Please let her know if you plan to attend no later than Sunday October 14th.

The cost of the tickets is $15.00

We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who recently passed away:

Risa Robinson

Doris “Dee” DeVries

John Phillips

Jim Bails

Iona Scott

Please keep their families in prayer at this difficult time.

“I am the resurrection and the life,” says our Lord. “Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26, NRSV).

Congratulations to Dana McPhilomy and Justin Tucker who were married on September 14th.

Congratulations also to Pat LeCerf and William Niesen who were married on September 15th.

I wish to express my gratitude to those who serve on the prayer chain. Comfort is given to those requesting prayer to know they are not alone and are being upheld in prayer by others.

Not everyone can be a missionary in foreign lands, but we can minister to those in our midst. If you wish to be a part of the chain please call 724-869-9150.

~Carmel McCreary

Christina Blinn; Lee Briola; Pauline Bruning; Katherine Collingwood;

Costanza Family; Faith Costella and her unborn son; Nancy Craig; Maggie Gall; Danielle Gibson; Brent Harmon; Jack Hayes; Jason Hazelwood; Ken Jones; Pastor Warren Jones of Bethel UMC (Lower Burrell); Ellen Lawrence; Amber Mazur; Spc. Brian Mickey; Emma Mills; Mark Montagna; Lynn Palmer; Janine Parkhurst; Nelson Parkhurst; Lisa Priano; the Reich family; Skip Rex; June Seamon; Joshua Shoup; Betty Smith and family; Robin Stumpf; Marge Tillery; Walt Tillery; Matthew Wadd; David Waxler; Lillian Winters; Cynthia, Pam.

Please help keep our prayer list current. If you know someone who needs prayer, call the office and let us know. If you know someone on the list who is doing better, please let us know so that we may remove his or her name. All names will remain on the list for no more than six weeks unless the office is notified otherwise.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

12:30 pm

Greeters...... Everyone

Devotion……………………………………………...Sue Meade

Hostesses...... Betty Vagias and

Anna Margaret Decker

Program………………………………………………Marilyn Kouvolo

We will be making Halloween favors

The “Busy Bee” sewers will gather on the Thursdays of October 11th & 25th

from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.


We would like to send packages and a card to those who are continuing their education. It does not matter if they live on campus or commute to school. Please contact the church office or Sue Meade at 724-775-6796 with the names and addresses.

We would also like to have the names and addresses of military personnel. We send cards throughout the year to those stationed around the world. Please contact Sue Meade with this information

THE GEMS MEETING will not be held on October 14th because of the church retreat. The meeting will be held on October 21st at 11:30am in the parlor.

Sunday School:

Classes for all ages began on Rally Day, September 9th. Each Sunday we begin with Opening at 9:15am and then proceed to our classes. Our children’s department is currently using the “Hands On Bible” Sunday school curriculum. All of our Sunday school staff have the necessary clearances as required by our “Safe Sanctuary” policies. We are asking that you please observe our Safe Sanctuary policy of staff only in our classrooms. You may walk your child to class, and then enjoy a fresh cup of coffee in the café, or join our Adult Sunday School class. We will come and get you if your child is need of mommy or daddy.

Chapel Café is open from 9-10:15am for anyone who would like to sit and chat, or just have a fresh cup of coffee.

Kidz Club:

Our Thursday evening Kidz Club is meeting the first Thursday of every month, in Fellowship Hall, from 6-7:30pm. We provide games, bible stories, crafts, and as always, snack! Any child preschool age or older is welcome. We would also like to encourage our fifth & sixth graders, and our Jr. High’s to help us out as Club Assistants. Come and join us, we have a lot of fun!! Parents, this allows you to have time to get some groceries, or even get an early start on that Christmas shopping!

Upcoming events:

MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR A HARVEST PARTY AT YECK FARM! Our annual Harvest Party and hay ride will be held at the Yeck farm on Sunday October 28th from 4 to 6pm. The cost will be $3.00 per person or $12.00 per family of 4 or more. Come out and enjoy the corn maze, hay ride, bonfire and wiener roast and the chance to pick a pumpkin. This event is open to everyone in the church! We are going to have two wagons reserved for our church family. Plan on attending and bring a friend!

P.S. The Steelers game is at 1:00! We will begin with our bonfire and wiener roast, and save the hayride time for all you late comers.

We Care Harvest Bags:

The Sunday school children will begin to decorate and distribute our “We Care Harvest Food Bags” on Sunday Oct 7th and Oct.14th. We especially wish to distribute our bags so that everyone will have the “blessing” of God’s food for our Thanksgiving season. In addition to our Harvest Bags, the Sunday school will also have their annual “School snack” drive throughout the month of October. Just remember to bring a snack with you to put in our “Snack” basket each week at our Sunday school “Opening”.

Just a reminder:

Christian Education Board meets the last Sunday of the month at 11:30 in Chapel Café.

Sunday school teachers meet the first Sunday of every month at 11:30 in the Café.

Sunday School Staff 2007-2008:

Toddlers and Preschool

Teachers – Michele Sheets, Nicole DiCicco and Betsy Miller

Pre-K and Kindergarten

Teachers – Marcia Hespenheide, Tracy Charlovich, Leslie Foley.

First and Second Grade

Teachers – Joyce Hudson and Carol Walker

Third and Fourth Grade

Teachers – Tabitha Bailey, and Tammy Jones.

Fifth and Sixth Grade

Teachers – Christine Smith, and Phyllis McClure.

Junior and Senior High

Teachers – Miss Linda, and Paula Hazelwood.


Teachers – Donna Brynczak.


Dave and Danna Smith, Lori Hartge, and Linda Fleming.

Sunday School Secretary/ Safe Sanctuaries Floater: Amy Freed