Councillors Present: Cllr. Neil Cruise
Cllr Gerry Ginty, Cathaoirleach
Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly
Cllr. Michael Loftus
Cllr John O’Hara
Cllr Annie May Reape
Cllr. Michael Smyth
Cllr. Seamus Weir
Officials Present: Mr Paul Benson, A/Director of Services
Mr Paul Dolan, A/Senior Engineer
Mr Kevin Keegan, Executive Architect
Ms Carmel Murphy, Administrative Officer
Mr Brendan Munnelly, Executive Planner
Mr Declan Turnbull, Community & Enterprise Officer
Ms Breege Gordon, Staff Officer
Proposed by: Cllr Gerry Ginty
Seconded by: Cllr Seamus Weir
“That “Standing Orders” are suspended in order to allow the Members discuss the urgent business of the traffic flow around both bridges in Ballina town, in light of the recent fatal accident on Emmett Street”.
The Members first extended their sympathy to the family of Mrs Kathleen Slack who was fatally injured on Emmett St on the 10th September and then proceeded to air their views on the traffic flow system in place on Cathedral Rd and Emmett St.
Mr Paul Dolan, A/S.E., advised that the current traffic flow arrangements around the bridges on the Moy are in place since 2008 and he is not aware of any accident history at this location during this period. He pointed out that both Cathedral Rd and Emmett St are now under the control of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and that the matter will now become part of their road safety review procedure. He also confirmed that the fatal accident is currently the subject of both a Gardai and TII investigation.
(a)To adopt Minutes of Proposed by: Cllr Anne May Reape
Ballina Municipal District Seconded by: Cllr Neil Cruise
Meeting held on the AND RESOLVED:-
19th July, 2015. “That the Minutes of Ballina Municipal District Meeting held
on the 19th July, 2015, be adopted as circulated”.
To consider Report in Mr Dolan, A/S.E. referred to Part 8 report dated the 10th September,
accordance with Section 179 2015 and recommended that the development proceed as
of the Planning and proposed in this Report.
Development Act, 2000 as
amended and Part 8 of the The Members welcomed the Project and commended Mr.
Local Government (Planning Declan Ginnelly, A.E., Mr Padraig Higgins, E.E., Mr Paul Dolan,
and Development) Regulations A/S.E., Mr Paul Benson, A/DoS, Mr Austin Meehan, G.S.S. and
2001 - 2004 regarding the the late Mr John McNicholas, G.S.S. for their work on bringing
proposed construction of a this Project to fruition.
footpath, carriageway
Improvement, public lighting Proposed by: Cllr Neil Cruise
and ancillary works from the Seconded by: Cllr Seamus Weir
Junction of the Bellass Rd on AND RESOLVED:-
the R318 to Foxford Railway “That the Elected Members have considered Report dated the
Station. 10th September, 2015, as circulated, and agreed to the proposed
construction of a footpath, carriageway improvement, public
lighting and ancillary works from the junction of the Bellass Rd
on the R318 to Foxford Railway Station in accordance with
Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 as
amended and Part 8 of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations 2001 – 2004”.
To consider draft Traditional Mr Keegan, E.A., outlined the concept behind the draft Scheme and
Facades Grant Scheme 2016. encouraged the Members to submit feedback to him on the Draft
Scheme prior to the October Meeting when it will be on the Agenda for formal adoption.
The Members supported the Scheme and commended the Executive on extending it to all of the towns in the Municipal District.
Update on Grant Payments Ms Murphy, A.O., updated the Members on the allocation of the
to date arising from the General Municipal Allocation.
Allocation of the General
Municipal Allocation
to Ballina Municipal District.
To consider Invitation from Proposed by: Cllr Annie May Reape
Craigavon Borough Council Seconded by: Cllr Jarlath Munnelly
to attend the ‘Country Comes AND RESOLVED:-
to Town’ Festival in Portadown “That Cllr Gerry Ginty, Cathaoirleach of Ballina Municipal District
on Saturday, 19th September, represents the District at the ‘Country Comes to Town’ Festival in
2015. Portadown on Saturday, 19th September, 2015”.
To consider Invitation from Proposed by: Cllr Jarlath Munnelly
Athis Mons to attend festival Seconded by: Cllr Michael Loftus
on the 11th November, 2015. AND RESOLVED:-
“That Cllr Gerry Ginty, Cathaoirleach of Ballina Municipal District, attends Festival in Athis Mons on the 11th November, 2015, together with 1 other Councillor and 1 member of the organising Committee of the recent French weekend in Ballina”.
Mr Benson, A/DoS, agreed to provide an update on the plans for the long term development of the Market Square Area of Ballina including the Military Barracks at the October Meeting.
Community and Enterprise- Mr Declan Turnbull, Community and Enterprise Officer, updated the
To note update on new Leader Meeting on the new Leader Programme 2014-2020.
Programme 2014-2020.
Mr Turnbull replied to queries raised by the Members on the future administration of the Programme.
Update on Ballina Municipal Mr Benson, A/DoS updated the Members on the Districts current
District Works Programme work programme.
Planning Report. The Planning Report was noted as circulated.
ITEM 10:
Notices of Motion:
[A] Proposed by: Cllr Jarlath Munnelly
Seconded by: Cllr Michael Loftus
“That Balllina Municipal District supports the efforts of the Mayo Sub-Group-Calais Refugee Solidarity Group who are sending out an aid convoy to the refugee camp in Calais ,France and allocates €1,000 towards fuel costs to it from the Ballina General Municipal Allocation”.
Proposed by: Cllr Gerry Ginty
Seconded by: Cllr Jarlath Munnelly
“That Ballina Municipal District writes to the Hungarian Ambassador to Ireland, condemning the Hungarian Governments recent treatment of refugees fleeing from Serbia, Iraq and Afghanistan”.
ITEM 11:
The Items of correspondence were noted as circulated
ITEM 12:
Any Other Business:
Proposed by: Cllr Jarlath Munnelly
Seconded by: Cllr Gerry Ginty
“That Ballina Municipal District writes to the Galway SPCA advising them of the concern in the district at the removal of a dog from lands at Downpatrick Head, Ballycastle by a tourist and its subsequent re-homing by the Galway SPCA; Furthermore Ballina Municipal District calls on the Galway SPCA to liaise with the owner of the dog with a view to satisfactorily resolving the matter and reuniting the dog with its owner”.
Cllr Smyth encouraged the Councillors to make a Submission on the Governments National Broadband Plan (NBP) Intervention Strategy before the 25th September, 2015.
The Meeting concluded at 12.45 p.m.
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