Welcome Back!HW: Book in a bag.
- Test on Holy Week today.
- Please remember your gym shoes today.
- New Sight words: carry, kind, put, saw, butter, were, work, and person.
- HW: Sight word practice.
Please remember your library books today.HW: Word Family Practice Sheet.
Please remember your gym shoes today.HW: Please read Johnny Appleseed from our reading books.
Report cards come home today.Please remember your gym shoes today.
Spelling test today (landed, checking, telling, missed, filled, sleeping, bluffing, and planted )
□Congratulations Yahir and Jake! They both made it to 1,000 on their scrolls!
□Please be sure to take note of our Scientist of the Day project that will begin after Spring Break. A paper explaining this activity is in your child’s Friday Folder.
□In math this week we worked hard at getting faster at our math facts, doubles, doubles plus one, and ways to make 10.
□If you find your child has extra time over break, please have them take advantage of IXL, Spelling City, have them journal about their break, write a story, or take a trip to the library to keep them reading. Be sure to let me know of anything extra they do so that I can give them a sticker.
□Please keep your daily routine of reading over break. Consistency is so important to maintain fluency.
□In science this week we have been investigating how parents and their offspring are alike and different. First graders did a fabulous job drawing a parent and baby animal and then using a Venn diagram to display what was the same and different about the two. They were very proud when they were able to hang their pictures up and present them to the class.
□Your child’s Lenten Reflection is in their folder. Please take a minute to read it with them. The first graders did a great job putting their heart into their reflections and doing their best. Please also have them read their Stations of the Cross book to you on Good Friday. A great way to keep Jesus in your heart and easily done in the car as well.
□If you would like to help your child study for their Holy Week Test, here is what they should know: What do we call the first day of Holy Week? Who betrayed Jesus?Who denied knowing Jesus three times? What did Jesus wash and why did he wash them? Why did Jesus die on the cross?What do we celebrate on Easter?