Bylaws of Illinois State University’s
Association of Residence Halls
The purpose of the Association of Residence Halls’ Bylaws is to define, explain, and clarify points of the Association of Residence Halls Constitution and to establish standard operating procedures not outlined therein.
Article I: Definitions
- ALAS – Association of Latin-American Students
- ARH – Association of Residence Halls
- APAC –Asian-Pacific American Coalition
- BBC – Bowling and Billiards Center
- BSC – Bone Student Center
- BSU – Black Student Union
- CA – Community Assistant
- CDS – Campus Dining Services
- CR&R – Community Rights and Responsibilities
- DSAC – Dining Services Advisory Council
- GLACURH – Great Lakes Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls
- IRHA – Illinois Residence Hall Association
- ISRAA – Illinois State Resident Assistant Association
- NACURH – National Association of College and University Residence Halls
- NCC/ICC – National Communications Coordinator/Illinois Communications Coordinator
- OTM –Of the Month awards based on programs, people, and organizations that are submitted to the NCC/ICC from any ISU representative.
- RA – Resident Assistant
- RAC - Renovations Advisory Council
- RFI - Regional File Index
- RSO - Registered Student Organization
- SGA - Student Government Association
- Sustainability – development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, in terms of energy consumption and conservation in the residence halls.
- UHS - University Housing Services
- “ARH event” refers to the following: Move-In, all conferences, the ARH executive board retreat, Government & Diversity Coalition Retreat, Passing of the Gavel, Homecoming, Charity Ball, Suicide Prevention and Awareness Week, and Relay for Life.
- "ARH programming” refers to any event hosted by ARH, but not mentioned above.
- “ARH sponsored event” refers to any event not hosted by ARH, but supported by ARH with funding, manpower, or other forms of support.
Article II:Executive Board Duties
Section 1: Area Government and Diversity Coalition Meetings
Each Executive Board member shall be required to attend an Area Government General Assembly meeting at least twice a month.
Section 2: President
- Shall be required to serve a minimum of six (6) office hours per week, three (3) of which should be served in the ARH office.
- Reasonable Constituent Contact
- Shall be responsible for coordinating a President’s council meeting once a month for all Area Government and Diversity Coalition Presidents.
- The President should begin to contact these executive officers after the first two (2) General Assembly meetings of the fall semester.
- Shall be responsible for sending out the listserv to residence hall students, in conjunction with the Vice-President.
- Student Government Association
- Shall ensure consistent attendance at Student Government Association meetings by either the President or Vice-President.
- In the event that neither can attend, the President shall request that another executive board member attend.
- Room and Board Fee Review
- Shall be required to attend all Room and Board Fee Review meetings.
- Shall report to the ARH Executive Board the proceedings of the UHS and CDS Room and Board Fee Review meetings.
- Shall ensure that each Area Government and Diversity Coalition designates at least oneperson to sit on the committee.
- Summer Duties
- Shall serve as the Assistant Director of Move-In.
- Shall serve as the Summer Treasurer.
- Shall attend the Student Government Association’s summer business meeting.
- Shall coordinate meetings with people and organizations in the best interests of ARH when necessary.
Section 3: Vice-President
- Shall be required to serve a minimum of six (6) office hours per week, three (3) of which should be served in the ARH office.
- Shall compile a Move-In transition binder submitted to ARH for future Move-Ins.
- Shall review the policies and Constitutions of the Area Governments and Diversity Coalitions to ensure that their duties are in accordance with the Constitution of ARH.
- Shall be responsible for planning Passing of the Gavel in the spring semester.
- Shall be responsible for sending out the listserv to residence hall students, in conjunction with the President.
- Shall maintain equipment during meetings.
- Can delegate equipment use to other members and meeting attendees as appropriate.
Section 4: Secretary
- Shall be required to serve a minimum offour (4) office hours per week.
- Shall facilitate communication within the executive board and the General Assembly.
- Shall maintain an accurate contact list of all the Executive Boards’ members of each Area Government and Diversity Coalition.
- Shall take accurate minutes of ARH General Assembly and Executive Board meetings.
- Shall distribute the minutes of the General Assembly meetings within forty-eight (48) hoursof that meeting.
- Shall be responsible for maintaining and monitoring the ARH website, ensuring that information is up-to-date as well as publishing records to be posted on the website.
- Shall be responsible for organizing, posting, and updating the office hours of the executive board.
- Shall keep track of the office hours served and report any absences or changes to the President and Vice-President, who will discuss it with the responsible board member.
- Shall be responsible for coordinating and maintaining the executive board’s email access, in conjunction with Student Affairs Information Technology.
- Shall maintain equipment in the ARH office.
- Shall be responsible for digitizing records and archiving an electronic historical account of files.
Section 5: Treasurer
- Shall be required to serve a minimum offour (4) office hours per week.
- Shall present and investigate funding requests at necessary ARH meetings.
- Shall attend the Room and Board Fee Review meetings as the fiscal representative from ARH.
- Shall be responsible for the upkeep and ordering of office supplies and equipment for the ARH Office.
- Shall recommend the amount of funds necessary for supporting future fundraising efforts, which shall be reserved, to the Executive Board.
Section 6: National Communications Coordinator/Illinois Communications Coordinator
- Shall be required to serve a minimumfour (4) office hours per week.
- Shall be responsible for attending all national, regional, and state business meetings and conferences.
- Shall be responsible for submitting material as assigned by the NACURH, GLACURH, and IRHA constitutions and policy books including but not limited to the RFI.
- Shall be responsible for maintaining contact with NACURH, GLACURH, and IRHA organization members over their listservs.
- Shall be responsible for submitting OTM’s to the regional and state organizations each month.
- Shall be responsible for the distribution and collection of conference program evaluation forms from all conference participants.
- Shall be responsible for compiling a wrap-up report regarding any conference or business meeting attended that is affiliated with GLACURH, IRHA, or NACURH. This report shall be included in his/her transition binder.
- Shall be responsible for leading delegations at NACURH, GLACURH, and IRHA.
- Shall be responsible for establishing an application process for those interested in attending the state, regional, and national conferences.
- Shall be responsible, in conjunction with the advisor(s), for selecting the delegation for the national, regional, and state conferences.
- Shall be responsible for coordinating fundraising efforts for each conference’s philanthropy.
- Shall serve as the Parliamentarian during ARH meetings.
- The Parliamentarian shall serve as sergeant-at-arms for ARH.
- The Parliamentarian shall assist the President with facilitating and maintaining order in the Executive Board and General Assembly meetings as outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order.
- The Parliamentarian shall interpret the constitution and provide advice to the Vice-President.
- The Parliamentarian shall protect the rights of all members of the Executive Board and General Assembly.
- The Parliamentarian shall protect the rights of all students residing in the residence halls.
- The Parliamentarian shall inform the President and Vice-President of any infractions of the ARH Constitution and Bylaws.
- The Parliamentarian shall serve as a non-voting member of ARH.
- The Parliamentarian shall serve as a non-voting member of all committees formed by ARH.
- Shall be responsible for transitioning the new NCC/ICC at the NACURH conference, as stated in Article VI Section 1 of the Bylaws.
- Shall be responsible for ARH recognition in conjunction with President.
Section 7: Programming Coordinator
- Shall be required to serve a minimum offour (4) office hours per week.
- Shall work with treasurer toensure that he/she follows the programming budget.
- Shall execute a monthly service project, and can work in conjunction with other RSO’s or organizations.
- Shall be responsible for hosting an annual philanthropic program
- Shall be responsible for forming a Programming Committee consisting of one Programming Coordinator from each area of campus. Will meet every 2 weeks to brainstorm, plan, and correlate programs throughout campus.
- Shall serve as the team captain for the ARH Relay for Life Team.
- Shall be responsible for submitting an Of the Month for each program he/she puts on.
Shall be responsible for conducting post program improvement discussions at the next available Executive Board Meeting and writing a post program synopsis to be held for record.
Section 7: Marketing Coordinator
- Shall be required to serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week.
- Shall work with treasurer to ensure that he/she follows the marketing budget.
- Shall be responsible for creating and designing T-Shirts for ARH needs.
- Shall be responsible for creating all flyers and advertisements for ARH events.
- Shall be responsible for changing the ARH office bulletin boards in front of the office monthly.
- Shall supervise ARH’s involvement with online social media, including but not limited to publicizing ARH events and programs, maintaining ARH’s Student Involvement Center profile, and any other online profiles created in ARH’s name.
Section 8: Diversity Coalition Coordinator
- Shall be required to serve a minimum offour (4) office hours per week
- Shall be responsible for establishing a permanent channel through BSU, Pride, ALAS, APAC, and any other multicultural student organization on campus.
- Shall be responsible for attending no less than two (2) Diversity Coalition meetings in each area of campus each semester.
- Shall promote the formal channel, through UHS, CR&R, Office of Diversity and Affirmative Action, and the Diversity Advocacy office for minority students concerns regarding allegations of discrimination within a residence hall.
- Shall serve as the chair of the Diversity Coalition Committee, which shall meet at least once a month
- Shall plan at least one program that places an emphasis on diversity per semester, in conjunction with the Diversity Coalitions in each area of campus.
Section 9: Sustainability Coordinator
- Shall be required to serve a minimum offour (4) office hours per week.
- Shall serve as the chair of the Sustainability Committee, which shall meet at least once a month.
- Shall be responsible for organizing events for Earth Hour and/or Earth Day.
- Shall be responsible for leading delegations to Sustainability Conferences, when possible.
- Shall promote education and awareness of environmental issues and concerns within the residence halls.
- Shall collaborate with UHS, CDS,, the SGA Secretary of Sustainability, GREEN Team, and other campus groups that promote sustainability.
- Shall maintain a working relationship with the University Sustainability Coordinator.
- Shall ensure ARH’s representation at GREEN Team, headed by the University Sustainability Coordinator.
- The ARH Sustainability Coordinator shall serve as the representative for ARH on the SGA Sustainability Committee.
Section 10: Resident/Community Assistant Liaisons
- Shall be required to serve a minimum offour (4) office hours per week.
- Shall be a RA/CA in the fall of the administrative year and continue through the rest of the year
- Shall facilitate communication with all RA/CA liaisons on campus.
- Shall remain in contact with all RAs/CAs on campus through the RA/CAlistserv. Communicating via email at least bi-weekly with all RAs/CAs.
- Shall attend the RA/CA Think Tank.
- Shall seek student feedback concerning ARH, the residence halls, and dining centers through the use of surveys, polls, forums, or any other channel of communication seen fit to do so.
- Shall form a committee of all campus RA/CA liaisons, once a month
Article III. Committees and Retreats
Section 1: Constitutional Review Committee
- Shall consist of a representative from each Area Government and Diversity Coalition, the Vice-President, and Secretary of ARH.
- Shall be responsible for revising and recommending changes to this Constitution and its Bylaws.
- Shall convene no less than fourteen (14) days before the seating of newly elected officers for the next administrative year.
- Shall be adjourned immediately after the ratification of the new Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2: Dining Services Advisory Council
- Shall be established by CDS.
- Shall consist of a representative from each Area Government and Diversity Coalition.
- Shall promote other CDS-related programs.
- Shall assess and recommend improvements of the dining centers.
Section 3: Government and Diversity CoalitionRetreat
- The President shall facilitate the government and diversity coalition retreat to be held at the beginning of the fall and spring semester.
- The executive boards of each Area Government and Diversity Coalition shall ensure participation in the retreat.
- The retreat shall include a session on Parliamentary Procedure which everyone is required to attend.
- The ARH executive board shall be required to present a position specific session for the Area Governments’ and Diversity Coalitions’ respective positions.
Section 4: Renovations Advisory Council
- Shall be established by UHS and CDS.
- Shall consist of a representative from each Area Government and Diversity Coalition.
- Shall assess and recommend improvements in regards to UHS and CDS renovation projects.
Section 5: Room and Board Fee Review Committee
- Shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, each treasurer of the area governments, an ARH advisor, and, including, but not limited to, the director of Housing and the director of Dining.
- All committee members shall attend all meeting regarding Fee and Board Review. Any absences shall be noted and the offending party shall be removed from the committee.
Section 6: Sustainability Committee
- Shall consist of one member from each Area Government and be chaired by the Sustainability Coordinator.
- Shall be responsible for maintaining contact with CDS, UHS, and the University Sustainability Coordinator.
- Shall be responsible for assessing and recommending improvements to create a more sustainable environment to UHS and CDS.
- Shall be responsible for educating and promoting awareness within the residence halls on the issues of sustainability.
- In order to use funds from the ARH sustainability bond account, the committee must approve the spending by a simple majority. If the funding request is over $500, it must be submitted to the ARH General Assembly for voting.
- All funding requests for the sustainability fund must first be submitted to ARH and follow ARH funding procedures.
- In the event that a committee does not exist or has less than three (3) members, all funding requests under $500 must be submitted to the ARH Executive Board for voting.
Section 7: Diversity Coalition Committee
- Shall consist of one representative from each Diversity Coalition and be chaired by the ARH Diversity Coalition Coordinator.
- Shall be responsible for maintaining contact with UHS, CDS, BSU, Pride, ALAS, APAC and any other diversity-oriented student organization on campus.
- Shall be responsible for assessing and recommending improvements to create a more diverse environment within the residence halls to UHS and CDS.
- Shall be responsible for educating and promoting awareness within the residence halls on the issues of diversity awareness.
Section 8: Program Committee
- Shall consist of one representative from each Area Government and be chaired by the ARH Programming Coordinator(s).
- Shall be responsible for educating and promoting awareness within the residence halls about upcoming events and programs.
- Shall be responsible for sharing ideas for future programs and report past programs.
Section 9: Community/Resident Assistant Liaison Committee
- Shall consist of CA/RA Liaisons from each Area Governments and Diversity Coalitionsand be chaired by the ARH CA/RA Liaisons.
- Committees shall serve as the point of communication from the RA Liaisons/CA Liaison to ARH.
- Shall work with the Programming Committee to assist with planning and promoting philanthropic events.
Article IV. Assembly
Section 1: Membership
- Voting membersshall consist of two (2) liaisons, or representatives, from each Area Government and Diversity Coalition.
- Each Area Government or Diversity Coalition must internally select the other liaison.
- All other residents in attendance may observe, but shall not participate in discussion or voting.
- SGA On-Campus Senators
Senators shall serve as an ex-officio of ARH, meaning they will reserve the right to speak during discussion, but will hold no voting rights.
Section 2: Duties
- Shall represent the best interests of their respective areas of campus.
- Shall be responsible for attending all ARH General Assembly meetings.
- Should attend at least oneARH program each semester.
Article V: Quorum
- Quorum shall consist of half of the total number of Area Governments and Diversity Coalitions collectively plus one (1).
- At least one Diversity Coalition and one Area Government must be in attendance within the half of the total number of Area Governments and Diversity Coalitions.
Article VI. Election Procedures
Section 1: Procedures