Supplementary materials for:

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture

Authors: Barbara Piwowarczyk1*, Krzysztof Tokarz1,2, Iwona Kamińska1

Affiliation: 1Unit of Botany and Plant Physiology, Institute of Plant Biology andBiotechnology, Facultyof Biotechnology and Horticulture, University of Agriculture in Krakow,Al. 29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Krakow, Poland

2The FranciszekGórski Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of SciencesNiezapominajek 21, 30-239 Kraków, Poland

*Corresponding author: Barbara Piwowarczyk ()

Supplementary Table 2. Seed germination and seedling emergence percentage of four grass pea genotypes under salinity stress

Genotype / NaCl[mM]
0 / 50 / 100 / 200
[%] ±SD* / Derek / 100.0±0.0a / 100.0±0.0a / 98.3±4.1a / 85.0±10.5ab
Krab / 98.3±4.1 a / 98.0±4.5 a / 98.3±4.1a / 87.5±9.6 a
D4 / 98.3±4.1 a / 98.0±4.5 a / 96.7±5.2a / 91.7±9.8 a
K12 / 100.0±0.0a / 98.3±4.1 a / 91.7±7.5a / 78.0 ±16.4b
[%] ±SD* / Derek / 96.7±8.2 a / 94.0±5.5a / 85.0±8.4 a / 28.3±19.4a
Krab / 96.7±5.2 a / 96.0±5.5a / 90.0±11.0a / 57.5±26.3a
D4 / 90.0±8.9 a / 98.0±4.5a / 91.7±7.5 a / 33.3±24.2a
K12 / 100.0±0.0a / 91.7±7.5a / 78.3±14.7a / 38.0 ±19.2a

* different letters - significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 within one NaCl concentration and parameter

Supplementary Table 3. Shoot and root length [mm] of 14 day-old grass pea seedlings under salinity stress

Organ / Genotypes / Length[mm] ±SD*
0 / 50 / 100 / 200
shoot / Derek / 81.7 ±22.9 a / 74.2 ±28.5 ab / 39.1 ±19.8 c / 2.4 ±4.6 c
Krab / 74.0 ±20.7 ab / 84.0 ±25.1 a / 66.7 ±16.9 a / 12.1 ±13.5a
D4 / 60.6 ±29.2 b / 60.6 ±19.4 b / 41.4 ±25.0 bc / 6.4 ±11.6 b
K12 / 69.3 ±27.0 ab / 60.2 ±24.8 b / 53.3 ±24.4 ab / 6.2 ±9.7 bc
root / Derek / 89.9 ±15.8 a / 59.8 ±16.9 a / 25.9 ±7.6 a / 8.4 ±6.3 a
Krab / 86.4 ±22.4 a / 48.9 ±15.4 b / 30.6 ±8.5 a / 11.5 ±2.9 a
D4 / 68.3 ±31.0 b / 57.4 ±18.5 ab / 27.3 ±12.4 a / 10.8 ±5.7 a
K12 / 77.0 ±38.5 ab / 37.6 ±19.7 c / 26.9 ±17.0 a / 9.6 ±6.9 a

* different letters – significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 within one NaCl concentration and organ

Supplementary Table 4. Percent of dry weight content of 14 day-old grass pea seedlings under salinity stress

Organ / Genotypes / Dry weight [%]±SD*
NaCl [mM]
0 / 50 / 100
shoot / Derek / 10.3 ±1.1 bc / 9.5 ±0.4 b / 10.1 ±1.0 a
Krab / 9.0 ±1.1 c / 9.8 ±0.4 b / 9.6 ±1.2 a
D4 / 13.6 ±1.1 a / 12.8 ±1.8 a / 12.5 ±3.2 a
K12 / 11.1 ±0.4 b / 12.4 ±1.4 ab / 11.9 ±0.7 a
root / Derek / 9.1 ±1.6 a / 9.9 ±3.1 a / 13.4 ±0.8 a
Krab / 8.4 ±0.3 a / 10.9 ±0.8 a / 16.4 ±2.7 a
D4 / 11.3 ±1.4 a / 13.6 ±1.6 a / 16.8 ±1.5 a
K12 / 10.4 ±1.0 a / 13.2 ±1.1 a / 12.8 ±1.4 a

* different letters – significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 within one NaCl concentration and organ

Supplementary Table 5. Electrolyte leakage [%] of 14 day-old grass pea seedlings under salinity stress

Organ / Genotypes / Electrolyte leakage [%]±SD*
0 / 50 / 100
shoot / Derek / 12.6 ±1.5 a / 24.8 ±0.8 a / 67.3 ±3.3 a
Krab / 56.0 ±4.0 c / 75.4 ±5.9 c / 86.1 ±0.9 bc
D4 / 51.8 ±1.3 c / 85.3 ±11.6c / 91.2 ±1.0 c
K12 / 28.2 ±4.8 b / 50.6 ±2.8 b / 81.1 ±7.4 b
root / Derek / 45.0 ±6.0 ab / 40.2 ±4.7 a / 57.8 ±0.8 a
Krab / 53.0 ±2.6 b / 66.7 ±3.8 c / 80.1 ±2.3 b
D4 / 71.7 ±7.8 c / 88.4 ±2.7 d / 81.1 ±9.0 b
K12 / 38.7 ±2.7 a / 55.8 ±4.3 b / 68.0 ±2.1 ab

* different letters – significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 within one NaCl concentration and organ

Supplementary Table 6. Total phenols content [mg 100 g-1f.w.]of 14 day-old grass pea seedlings under salinity stress

Organ / Genotypes / Total phenols[mg 100-1 gf.w.] ±SD*
0 / 50 / 100
shoot / Derek / 679.1±53.5 a / 559.9±8.8 a / 566.3±135.0 a
Krab / 623.0±75.3 a / 528.8±137.8a / 474.3±53.3 a
D4 / 457.6±81.5 b / 553.4±49.3 a / 485.3±107.7a
K12 / 544.1±105.6 ab / 484.5±71.5 a / 527.3±57.3 a
root / Derek / 162.8±11.4 c / 380.4±48.6 b / 827.2±157.8 b
Krab / 238.5±45.0 b / 591.9±39.6 ab / 1170.0±97.2 a
D4 / 335.8±14.3 a / 690.3±78.1 a / 815.5±191.8 b
K12 / 261.0 ±32.8 b / 844.0±278.8 a / 1157.8±122.8 a

* different letters – significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 within one NaCl concentrationand parameter

Supplementary Table7. Total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid contents [mg g-1f.w.] and pigment ratios of 14 day-old shoots under salinity stress

Pigments content
[mg g-1f.w.]±SD* / Genotypes / NaCl[mM]
0 / 50 / 100
total chlorophyll / Derek / 0.70 ±0.27 a / 0.51 ±0.04 a / 0.44 ±0.04 a
Krab / 0.78 ±0.28 a / 0.46 ±0.08 a / 0.59 ±0.12 a
D4 / 0.57 ±0.11 a / 0.55 ±0.08 a / 0.41 ±0.07 a
K12 / 0.53 ±0.20 a / 0.49 ±0.11 a / 0.48 ±0.10 a
chlorophyll a / Derek / 0.53 ±0.21 a / 0.39 ±0.03 a / 0.33 ±0.03 a
Krab / 0.59 ±0.21 a / 0.35 ±0.06 a / 0.45 ±0.09 a
D4 / 0.43 ±0.08 a / 0.42 ±0.06 a / 0.31 ±0.05 a
K12 / 0.40 ±0.15 a / 0.36 ±0.08 a / 0.37 ±0.08 a
chlorophyllb / Derek / 0.17 ±0.06 a / 0.12 ±0.00 a / 0.11 ±0.01 a
Krab / 0.19 ±0.07 a / 0.11 ±0.02 a / 0.14 ±0.03 a
D4 / 0.14 ±0.03 a / 0.13 ±0.02 a / 0.10 ±0.02 a
K12 / 0.12 ±0.05 a / 0.12 ±0.03 a / 0.11 ±0.02 a
carotenoids / Derek / 0.13 ±0.05 a / 0.10 ±0.01 a / 0.08 ±0.01 a
Krab / 0.14 ±0.05 a / 0.08 ±0.02 a / 0.11 ±0.02 a
D4 / 0.12 ±0.03 a / 0.11 ±0.01 a / 0.08 ±0.01 a
K12 / 0.11 ±0.04 a / 0.10 ±0.03 a / 0.10 ±0.02 a
Pigments ratios ±SD*
chla/b / Derek / 3.1 ±0.18 a / 3.2 ± 0.19a / 3.1 ±0.33 a
Krab / 3.2 ±0.08 a / 3.1 ±0.22 a / 3.3 ±0.04 a
D4 / 3.2 ±0.09 a / 3.3 ±0.04 a / 3.1 ±0.01 a
K12 / 3.3 ±0.03 a / 2.9 ±0.43 a / 3.3 ±0.10 a
car / total chl / Derek / 0.19 ±0.01bc / 0.19 ±0.01a / 0.18 ±0.01 b
Krab / 0.18 ±0.00c / 0.18 ±0.01a / 0.19 ±0.01b
D4 / 0.20 ±0.01 ab / 0.21 ±0.01 a / 0.20 ±0.00 ab
K12 / 0.21 ±0.01 a / 0.20 ±0.03a / 0.21 ±0.00 a

* different letters – significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 within one NaCl concentrationand parameter

Supplementary Fig2. Proline content [mg 100-1 gf.w.] of 14 day-old grass pea seedlings under salinity stress

* different letters - significant difference at p ≤ 0,05 within one NaCl concentration and organ

Supplementary Fig 3.Peroxidase activity [U 100-1 gf.w.] of 14 day-old grass pea seedlings under salinity stress

* different letters - significant difference at p ≤ 0,05 within one NaCl concentration and organ

Supplementary Fig4.Catalase activity [μmol(H2O2) min-1 100 g-1f.w.]of 14 day-old grass pea seedlings under salinity stress

* different letters - significant difference at p ≤ 0,05 within one NaCl concentration and organ