Cherry Hill Farm Homeowner’s Association Minutes
July 12th, 2007
7-9 PM
Bothell Police Station
Attendance: Mike Stall (Sec), Orley Krogh (Member at Large), Sandy Portulano, Pat Sheehan, Janice + Harold Shreve, Mel Mierisch (President), Kevin Brown, Brian Hill (Treasurer),
Old Business
Attendees stuffed the Summer ’07 Cherry Hill Farm newsletters while the meeting was in progress.
Board Elections:
The board held elections for positions. Welcome Sandy Portulano to the board. Thank you to Brian Hill for serving.
Traffic Calming Program:
Orley Krogh talked to Sherman Goong (City of Bothell Transportation Planner) earlier today about the status of our application for traffic calming. The 2007 city budget is already projected to be completely consumed with Westhill and Maywood Hills projects. Sherman Goong’s projection is that the city would not get to Cherry Hill Farm until Summer ’08.Orley will continue to followup with the city.
Adult Entertainment
The Bothell City Council is hearing about a potential zoning change to allow adult entertainment at Brickyard and Riverside. The last council meeting postponed the issue. More details are in the Summer ’07 newsletter.
Automated Web Queries for Cherry Hill Farm activity on government websites
The board wants to leverage web searches to find news pertinent to Cherry Hill Farm. Mike Stall has been investigating and has a query that searches "Cherry Hill Farm" or "Brickyard" on the website, and then converts it into an RSS feed. Mike reported that naïve searches for “Cherry Hill Farm” or related terms tend to produce a lot of noise. The current query is:
The board will try this out to see how effective it is.
The second bimonthly landscaping maintainence is underway and should be completed in the next few days. The board discussed holding payment to the contractoruntil the job is completed properly. Mel brought up that several areas still needed attention. Mike G. will discuss completing the work properly with the contractor.
Motion: Mel motions to add warm weather flower installation, Option E,to the “landscaping scope of work”
Board voted 5-0 to approve.
Mike G will followup with the landscaping company to determine costs of adding pruning the rhodies to the scope of work.
Volunteer Fire hydrant painting program
Tris Samberg is investigating the program and will report back to the board. Mel counted 9 fire hydrants in the neighborhood.
Garage Sale
The garage sale was another success. Mike Stall counted 13 homes participating in the neighborhood garage sale on June 2nd. Thanks to Christine Chavesfor puttingan advertisement for the garage sale on Craig’s List.
Neighborhood CC&R violations
The parked car in front of 16723 122ndAve NE has been moved. Unfortunately, the car has been moved to block the utility right-of-way. Attendees observed that there have been 3 (2 pickups and a maid vehicle) commercial vehicles observed parked at the house, which may be a violation of the Bothell Municipal Code and the CC&Rs. It was also observed that cars were parked on the city utility right-of-waynext to the house. City law may require the lanes be kept open. Significant traffic parking activity has been observed around 16604 122ndAve NE.
Poor landscaping upkeep by homeowners was discussed. Kevin Brown suggested the board pay for barking areas over that are not being maintained by homeowners. Mel suggested amending the CC&Rs to address that renters must keep up landscaping maintenance (as most of the houses that are rented need landscape maintenance). The summer ’07 newsletter reruns an article encouraging owners to keep their yard up. Mike G stated that including a blurb on proper lawn maintenance and how to amend common landscaping problems would help alleviate the problem, add the blurb in the next newsletter and including it with the violation letter.
Motion: Mel motioned that the board wait2 weeks after the Summer ’07 newsletter goes out (7/28) to see if it has effect; and then start sending violation letters.
Board approved 5-0
Harold observed a neighbor leaving garbage cans in the street. Mel noted this is a CC&R violation and the board can send out violation notices for it. Mel asked Harold to send an email to the board stating the problem with the garbage cans prior to the board sending out a violation letter.
Past Dues
Brian Hill reported that dues were all caught up.
Mailbox maintenance
The locks on the mailbox are getting old and stiff. The Board concluded at the last meeting that it would be too expensive to replace every individual lock (about $5k). The board explored cheaper alternatives:
- buying a lubricant like TriFlow for the locks.
- buying replacement locks in bulk and then selling them to homeowners on a as-needed basis.
- investigate how much bag of locks cost to be available to homeowners by the board
Pat Sheehan volunteered to pick up the TriFlow on July 13th, 2007.
Mike S suggested to first apply it to mailboxes that the board can open to verify
Pass the Baton material
Mel suggested that Orley pick up the board mail weekly from the PO Box (in Woodinville PO Box 2818), write checks for CHF bills, and keep up hard-copy check register. Orley agreed. Once Brian summarizes duties, someone else will keep the books using Quicken. Brian passed the mailbox key to Orley.
Mel said that Dave Graf said that there may be a new law that will require audits for non-profits. By splitting the duties of the treasurer, we will already start a QA process.
Rusu PUD
The Rusu PUD in inactive.The RUSU lots can’t be subdivided per the CHF PUD . Mel estimated 25% of the Cherry Hill Farm community replied about the RUSU PUD. The Summer ’07 newsletter contains more details.
Kudos to Mike G for the Summer newsletter
Mel, Sandy, and the Cherry Hill Farm community for providing excellent feedback to the city of Bothell regarding the Rusu PUD.
New Business
Approve old minutes
Motion: Mel motioned to approve. Mike seconded.
Board approved 5- 0.
Treasurer Report
The board has $4000 + interest in a CD, $1933.57 in checking, $8256.40 in savings.
Brian reported that he hasn’t received landscaping bills from May and July, and so the balance is high.
New ACC form:
The following ACC forms have been received and approved.
Leslie Thieme – 16421 122nd Court - new garage door, ACC app received.
Debra Larson – 12217 NE 168th place – new air conditioner that is not visible from the road.
CC&R violations:
Mel asked if the draft violation letters emailed to the board were acceptable. The board agreed the letter was not as abrasive as previous violation letters and was acceptable. Mike S and Sandy approved them. Mel and Sandy agreed to talk to their neighbor about the boat parked improperly. Violation letters will only be sent out if talking to the homeowner does not solicit action.
An attendee observed a black SUV that hasn’t moved in months, which is a violation of Bothell Municipal Code.
Motion: Mel motioned to send out violation letters. Sandy Seconded.
Board approved 5-0.
A visit from Police Operations Captain Henry Simon:
Operations Captain Henry Simon of the Bothell Police Department stopped in the room around 8:23 PM. He asked what police-related concerns the neighborhood is seeing. Attendees stated mostly traffic-related issues. He suggested contacting Sergeant Keller (police in charge of traffic unit), who works for Captain Wolverton, about the traffic issues.
Gift basket update
There is a house for sale on 122ndAve. Mike Stall still has a gift basket from the last batches of houses. That basket can be delivered to the new owner on 122nd.
Neighborhood Picnic
Traditionally, the neighborhood picnic is the 1st Saturday after labor day. The 2007 picnic will be Sept 8th, 2007, 11 AM – 1 PM.
Mel motioned that the board change the picnic date for 2008 (next year) to the 2nd Saturday after Labor day so as not to interfere with Labor Day vacations.
Board approved 5-0.
Orley estimated 40-50 people were at the picnic last year.
Brian reported that the board spent a total of $324 last year for a bouncy house and food. The Aug 10th, 2006 minutes had listed $225 for a bouncy house and $150 for food.
Motion: Mel motioned $150 for the food.
Board approved 5-0.
Sandy and Pat will buy the food, condiments, and supplies. Mel stated that she has leftover plates, napkins, and cups from last year.
Mike G will make the fliers. Remember that gift certificate from AGM from Home Depot will be used as door prize at picnic.
Mike S, Mel, Sandy will bring coolers with ice.
Mike S- post flier on the web and email owners.
Harold suggested that owners should bring any games that they wish to play.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting Sept 13 , the Thursday after the picnic.
Mike S motioned to adjourn. Mike G seconded.
Board voted 5-0.
Action items
Orley – continue to contact city of Bothell Transportation, Sherman Goong ((425) 486-2768 x4402), about 169th traffic prior to the next meeting.
Mike S. – one week prior to adult entertainment meeting, post announcement to website and email CHF list.
Mel – email Mike G. about areas still needing attention for landscaping.
Mike G - will followup with the landscaping company to determine costs of pruning the rhodies, adding warm weather flower installation – Option E, and completing the job properly. Mike G. will inform the treasurer when the job is properly completed so the treasurer can pay the bill.
Mel – followup with Tris Samberg about fire hydrant program.
Mel/Sandy – talk to neighbor about improperly stored boat. Send violation letter only if necessary.
Mel – send violation letter to homeowner with improperly parked trailer. Note: trailer did not seem to be parked improperly after meeting.
Mel – notify city about blocked utility right-of-way.
Mel – look into whether commercial vehicles may park on the street in a residential area in the BMC and whether cars may be parked in a utility right-of-way. Contact the city if cars are not in compliance.
Mike Stall – summarize what CC&Rs (by 7/26/07) say about lawn care to determine what to put in the violation letter(s).
Mel – draft lawn care violation letter.
Mike G/Mel – investigate common landscaping problems in our neighborhood and try to find exerpts from cited articles on how to address the problem. Draft up blurbs for inclusion in next newsletter and for violation letter.
Mel – when email received from Harold on garbage can violation, draft violation letter, send to board for approval, then send to homeowner.
Mel – investigate how much bag of locks cost and how hard to change locks.
Pat Sheehan – buy Tri Flow.
Sandy, Mike S, Mel – apply TriFlow.
Brian – summarize treasurer pass-the-baton material and give to Mike S. Give check book to Orley. Give copy of Quicken files to Mike S.
Mike S – email board that treasurer pass-the-baton material received; begin email discussion about Quicken duties.
Sandy – take down meeting signs from mailbox.
Mel – make it easier to submit ACC forms over email; send form code to Mike S. to upload to website.
Mel – send Mike S info about the ACC form the board approved for Leslie Thieme.
Mel – email Leslie to submit ACC form to board; email approval is not enough.
Mel – call about black SUV that hasn’t moved. Where is this??? Who complained about it?? Please email me – I need more information.
Mike S – keep an eye on the house for sale in 122ndAve NE and deliver the gift basket when appropriate (after checking expiration date on any edibles).
Sandy and Pat - buy the food for picnic.
Mike G - make the fliers for picnic.
Mike S, Mel, Sandy - bring coolers for picnic.
Mike S- post flier on the web and email owners.
Mel – contact Tris about borrowing BBQ grill and sun shade.