LCCC Peace IV Partnership
Minutes of the proceedings of the LCCC PEACE IV Partnership held in The Cherry Room, Lagan Valley Island,
Thursday 10th August 2017 at 5:30pm
Cllr Jonathan Craig (Chair) / DUPCllr Ben Mallon / DUP
Cllr Johnny McCarthy / SDLP (5.20pm)
Cllr John Palmer / UUP
Cllr Andrew Girvan / TUV
Ald Stephen Martin / APNI (5.25pm)
Mabel Scullion / Early Intervention Lisburn
Adrian Bird / Resurgam Trust
Pauline McMullan / Lisburn YMCA
Peter Crory / Lagan Valley Vineyard
Stephen Dallas / Education Authority
Lynsey Agnew / LCC Community Trust
Diane Ewart / TADA Rural Network
Ryan Black / Head of ServiceNiamh O’Carolan / Peace Programme Manager
Jennifer Harkness / Administrative Support
Cllr Rhonda Walker / DUPPatricia Lewsley-Mooney / TWN
Angela McCann / Policing and Community Safety Partnership
Ralston Perera / SEHT
Cllr Craig welcomed everyone to the meeting. He particularly welcomed Lynsey Agnew to the Partnership who is replacing Kathryn Millaras a social partner member.
3.Minutes of the Partnership Meeting held on 15th June 2017 and Matters Arising
Cllr Craig invitedMembers to review the minutes of the Partnership meeting held on
15thJune 2017. As there had been no quorum at the last meeting there were a number of key decisions which require ratification at this meeting.
Ryan Black referred the Partnership to Point 6 of the previous minutes and highlighted the changes to the delivery mechanism included in the original action plans. These changes are as follows:
Children & Young People:
Programme 3, Leadership and Citizenship to be divided up as follows:
3a – Youth Council element £5,400 – Partner Direct Delivery
3b – Emerging Leaders £104,600 – Tender Delivery
Shared Space & Services:
Welcome Project – Partner Direct Delivery
Boys Brigade – Partner Direct Delivery
Lisburn YMCA – Partner Direct Delivery
Building Positive Relations:
Developing the Capacity for Dialogue
Women’s Project – Partner Direct Delivery
RESOLVED: That the Partnership agree with the changes made to the delivery mechanisms originally outlined in the action plans.
Proposed: Cllr Johnny McCarthy, Seconded: Peter Crory.
Cllr Craig invited Members to review the minutes of the Partnership meeting held on
15th June 2017 for accuracy.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Peace IV Partnership meeting of 15thJune 2017 be adopted as a true and accurate record of proceedings.
Proposed: Pauline McMullan, Seconded: Adrian Bird
4.Declaration of Interests/Conflict of Interest
Cllr Craig asked if anyone wished to declare a conflict of interest on any of the items on today’s agenda. No declarations were made.
5.Register of Interests
Cllr Craig asked if everyone had completed the Register of Interests. As there was some uncertainly regarding the completion of the Register Niamh O’Carolan agreed to recirculate the papers for completion and return.
6.Peace IV Update
Letter of Offer
Niamh O’Carolan informed the group that the Letter of Offer from SEUPB had been received on the 7 July 2017 confirmingfunding of £2.37M. The figure for Shared Spaces is incorrect giving £4,500 more than initially calculated. Niamhconfirmed that she would be following up on this error.
Niamhalso informed that most of the tender projects are complete and are currently with LCCC Procurement Unit for approval and will then go to the SEUPB for sign off very shortly, with advertisements being placed hopefully by the end of September.
Members raised their concerns regarding the delay in receiving the Letter of Offer and the impact this would now have to the delivery of the projects.
Niamh O’Carolan informed the group that Donna Casey, Verification Officer, has left employment with the Council and that the process of recruiting for this post was now underway. Niamh placed on record the Partnership’s thanks to Donna for all her hard work and highlighted her excellent achievement in managing to bring the error rate on Peace III down from 5% to 0%.
Niamh O’Carolan further updated that the Women’s Groups, which is a partner lead project, are currently working on their Partner application. Overall work within Peace IV will start to increase as soon as the Tenders have been advertised and the funded projects start to get underway.
- Rebid Options
Members are aware the there is an amount of money that we are required to rebid for. At the last meeting some suggestions on how to approach the rebid process were discussed.
A Suggestions for Rebid document (detailed below) was prepared for this meeting by Ryan Black & Niamh O’Carolan for the consideration of the Partnership. Concerns were raised regarding the timescales involved for delivery of projects particularly within Schools. After some lengthy consideration agreement was reached for the rebid process as follows:
Building Positive Relations - £42,964 available – AGREED
BME Awareness Project - extra £12,046 to let the programme run until April 19 (currently Dec 18). The extra time and money would allow more meaningful work to take place, allow more opportunities for cross community/ border visits, more time to plan intercultural events and festivals and ensure effective BME Forum.
Tender would increase from £77,954 to £90K.
Capacity for Dialogue – churches/ interfaith - extra £10,000 to let the programme run until April 19 (currently Dec 18). The extra time and money would allow more meaningful work to take place, allow more opportunities for cross border visits and reciprocal visits, ensure effective Church Forum established and dialogue continues between the churches. Tender would increase from £60k to £70K.
2 Grants of £11k each. The grant amounts are slightly inflated as projects tend to underspend.
Children & Young People –£101,654 available –AMENDED
Increase existing Projects:
Schools Programme – extra £44,000 to let the programme run until June 2019 in conjunction with the school term (currently to conclude Dec18). Extra 150 participants engaged Sept 18-June 19. Tender would increase from £116k to £160K.
Capacity Building for Youth Based Work – extra £14,554 to extend the programme to April 19 (currently Dec 18). This will allow more meaningful work to take place including more cross border visits and networking opportunities to bed in learning. Tender would increase from £35,447 to £50k
2 Grants of £23k each with 30 participants per grant project. The grant amounts are slightly inflated as projects tend to underspend.
Amended Details:It was agreed that due to time restrictions there would be 3 grants of £23,000 and the remaining monies from the School Programme (Approximately £21,000) would be redirected to the Emerging Leaders Programme.
RESOLVED: That following a successful rebid process 3 grants of £23,000 would be awarded and the remaining amount of approximately £21,000 would be transferred from the Schools Programme into the Emerging Leader Programme.
Proposed: Adrian Bird, Seconded: Cllr Ben Mallon
8.Launch of Peace IV
The official launch will take place on 14th September 2017 from 10:30 – 12 Noon, followed by lunch. The Chief Executive from SEUPB, the Mayor and Partnership Members will all be invited to attend. Members are encouraged to invite anyone they feel would be interested and eligible for funding under Peace IV. A short video presentation will be given at the Launch.
9.Any Other Business
There was no further business raised.
10.Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be 5th October 2017.
Cllr Craig thanked Members for their attendance and closed the meeting.The meeting closed at 6:25pm.