Dr.Ira Rudowsky CORC1312 MW2/ MW3

Fall 2012 MW2:15-3:30; 3:40-4:45Computing: Nature, Power and Limits

Required Text:

Pearson Custom, Computer Science , Brooklyn College, Pearson Learning Solutions, 2013. The latest edition is available in the college bookstore, ISBN # 1-256-60114-4.Do not but previous editions as the 2013 edition has a large number of updates.

Not open to students who are enrolled in, or have completed, any CIS course--other than CISC 1050-- with a C or higher, or who have completed Core Studies 5 or 5.1. If you are currently enrolled in CISC 1110, you will not get credit for this course.

Class Objectives:

Gain knowledge of computing, computers and computer science to help you understand their role in today’s world and how it will impact your future.

Test/Grading Policy:

Labs, homework assignments, attendance, class participation25% of final grade; 3 exams each 25%.

Homework is due when specified (usually within a week); points are deducted for late homework. Discuss questions with anyone you like but the answers must be your own.

The final grade is curved based on the performance of the entire class.

Class Etiquette: You are allowed to use the classroom computersonlyfor the assigned labs and following the lectures. Use of other electronic devices (cell phone, PDA, laptop, etc.) is not allowed.


Classes run from August 27th through December 12th, meeting Monday and Wednesday each week. We will not meet on Sept 3, 17, 26 and Oct 8. Check the full college calendar at

for important administrative dates.

Final exam: Wednesday, December 19th, 10:30-12:30PM

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations, students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell at 718-951-5538. If you have already registered with the Center for Student Disability Services, please provide your professor with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with him/her.

Academic Integrity

The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site: If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation.

College Regulations

All students should read carefully and thoroughly the 2007-2010 Brooklyn College Bulletin, especially pp. 35-51, pp. 52-59, and pp. 74-83, for a complete listing of academic regulations of the College. This includes the state law regarding non-attendance because of religious beliefs (p. 53 in the Bulletin).

Course Outline:

Lecture / Lab / Readings
1) Intro - what is CS?
algorithms, programs / 1) Intro to use of computers for subject matter to follow, Windows, Web, Email / Pearson Custom (PC), Chap. 1
Two Appendices
2) networks, LANs, WANS, TCP/IP / 2) URLs, IP addresses, DNS names, tracert / PC - Chap. 3
3) Algorithmic thinking / 3) HTML I source file vs. browser display; basic tags; ordered and unordered lists / PC - Chap. 2, 8
First Appendix
4) Computer languages
compilation process
(software view) / 4) HTML II links, images / PC - Chap. 2, 8
5) data representation, storage devices / 5) data representation, searching on the web, plagiarism / PC - Chap. 5,8,9
6) History of CS / 6) Google video, Computer Museu m Series 1 and 2 on the class web page / PC - Chap. 6
7) Exam I
7)Introduction to JavaScript: scripts, variables and expressions / 7) JavaScript I. alert and prompt methods
variables and expressions / PC- Chap. 4
8) Using predefined functions; introduction to event-driven programming / 8) JavaScript II, library functions and predefined methods; simple responses to events / PC - Chap. 7
9) Unsolvability and nonfeasibility, halting problem / 9) JavaScript IV, loops and running time / PC - Chap. 12
10) machine architecture
stored program concept
(hardware view) / 10) architecture simulation lab / PC - Chap. 11
11) Artificial Intelligence / 11) Examples of AI applications found on web site / Lecture notes
12) Social media and networking / 12) Blogs, wikis, twitter, Facebook, Google / Lecture notes
13) Security and privacy / 13) e-commerce; cookies; secure transactions / PC - Chap. 13, 14
14) Encryption / 14) PGP encryption and digital signatures / PC - Chap. 13, 14

I can be reached via e-mail at

My web page is and it will be used to

communicate lecture notes, assignments, announcements etc.

Office: Ingersoll 1417 Phone: 951-5000 x2062

Ofice hours: Monday and Wednesday 12:30-1:30 PM and by appointment