Lab Handout --: IIR Filter Design Using MATLAB
Course Code: EEE 420Course Name: Digital Signal Processing
Electrical & Electronic Engineering , Eastern MediterraneanUniversity
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Erhan A. İnce
Ext: 2778 / Lab Assistant: Burçin Özmen
Ext: 2771
Characteristics of Prototype Analog Filters
IIR filter design techniques rely on existing analog filters to obtain digital filters. We designated these analog filters as prototype. Three prototypes are widely used in practice. Here we briefly summarize the characteristics of the lowpass versions of these prototypes: Butterworth lowpass, Chebyshev lowpass (Type-1), and Elliptic lowpass.
- Butterworth Lowpass Filters: This filter is characterized by the property that its magnitude response is flat in both passband and stopband. The magnitude squared response of N-th order lowpass filter is given by
where N is the order of filter and is the cutoff frequency in rad/sec.
MATLAB provides a function called [z,p,k]=buttap(N) which returns the zeros, poles, and gain for an N-th order normalized () prototype Butterworth analog lowpass filter. The resulting filter has N poles around the unit circle in the left half plane, and no zeros. However, we need an unnormilized Butterworth filter with arbitrary as in the following function:
function [b,a] = u_buttap(N,Omegac);
% Unnormilized Butterworth analog lowpass filter prototype.
% ------
% [b,a] = u_buttap(N,Omegac);
% b = numerator polynomial coefficients of Ha(s)
% a = denominator polynomial coefficients of Ha(s)
% N = Order of the Butterworth Filter
%Omegac = Cutoff frequency in radians/sec
[z,p,k] = buttap(n)
p = p*Omegac;
k = k*Omegac^N;
B = real(poly(z));
b0 = k;
b= k*B;
a = real(poly(p));
The above function provides a direct form (or numerator-denominator) structure. Using the u_buttap function, we provide the afd_butt function to design an analog Butterworth lowpass filter.
function [b,a] = afd_butt(Wp,Ws,Rp,As);
% Analog Lowpass Filter Design: Butterworth.
% ------
% [b,a] = afd_butt(Wp,Ws,Rp,As);
% b = numerator coefficients of Ha(s)
% a = denominator coefficients of Ha(s)
% Wp = Passband edge freq. in rad/sec; Wp > 0
% Ws = Stopband edge freq. in rad/sec; Ws > Wp > 0
% Rp = Passband ripple in +dB; Rp > 0
% As = Stopband attenuation in +dB; As > 0
if Wp <= 0
error('Passband edge must be larger than 0')
if Ws <= Wp
error('Stopband edge must be larger than Passband edge')
if (Rp <= 0) | (As < 0)
error('PB ripple and/or SB attenuation must be larger than 0')
N = ceil((log10((10^(Rp/10)-1)/(10^(As/10-1)))/(2*log10(Wp/Ws)));
fprintf('\n*** Butterworth Filter Order = %2.0f \n',N)
Omegac = Wp/((10^Rp/10)-1)^(1/(2*N)));
[b,a] = u_buttap(N,Omegac);
2. Chebyshev Lowpass Filters
There are two type of Chebyshev filters. The Chebyshev-I filters have equiripple response in the passband which will be studied, while the Chebyshev-II filters have equiripple response in the stopband.
The magnitude-squared response of a Chebyshev-I filter is
where N is the order of the filter, is the passband ripple factor, which is related to Rp, and TN(x) is the Nth-order Chebyshev polynomial given by
MATLAB provides a function called [z,p,k]=cheb1ap(N,Rp) to design a normalized Chebyshev-I analog prototype filter of order N and passband ripple Rp and returns zeros in z array, poles in p array, and the gain value k. We need an unnormilized Chebyshev-I filter with arbitrary .
function [b,a] = u_chb1ap(N,Rp,Omegac);
% Unnormilized Chebyshev-I Analog Lowpass Filter Prototype.
% ------
% [b,a] = u_chb1ap(N,Rp,Omegac);
% b = numerator polynomial coefficients of Ha(s)
% a = denominator polynomial coefficients of Ha(s)
% N = Order of the Elliptic Filter
% Rp = Passband Ripple in dB; Rp > 0
%Omegac = Cutoff frequency in radians/sec
[z,p,k] = cheb1ap(N,Rp);
a = real(poly(p));
aNn = a(N+1);
p = p*Omegac;
a = real(poly(p));
aNu = a(N+1);
k = k*aNu/aNn;
b0 = k;
B = real(poly(z));
b= k*B;
Using the u_chb1ap function, we provide the afd_chb1 function to design an analog Chebyshev-I lowpass filter.
function [b,a] = afd_chb1(Wp,Ws,Rp,As);
% Analog Lowpass Filter Design: Chebyshev-I
% ------
% [b,a] = afd_chb1(Wp,Ws,Rp,As);
% b = numerator coefficients of Ha(s)
% a = denominator coefficients of Ha(s)
% Wp = Passband edge freq. in rad/sec; Wp > 0
% Ws = Stopband edge freq. in rad/sec; Ws > Wp > 0
% Rp = Passband ripple in +dB; Rp > 0
% As = Stopband attenuation in +dB; As > 0
if Wp <= 0
error('Passband edge must be larger than 0')
if Ws <= Wp
error('Stopband edge must be larger than Passband edge')
if (Rp <= 0) | (As < 0)
error('PB ripple and/or SB attenuation must be larger than 0')
ep = sqrt(10^(Rp/10)-1);
A = 10^(As/20);
Omegac = Wp;
OmegaR = Ws/Wp;
g = sqrt(A*A-1)/ep;
N = ceil(log10(g+sqrt(g*g-1))/log10(OmegaR+sqrt(OmegaR*OmegaR-1)));
fprintf('\n*** Chebyshev-I Filter Order = %2.0f \n',N)
[b,a] = u_chb1ap(N,Rp,Omegac);
3. Elliptic Lowpass Filters
These filters exhibit equiripple behavior in the passband as well as in the stopband. They are similar in magnitude response characteristics to the FIR equiripple filters. Therefore elliptic filters are optimum filters in that they achieve the minimum order N for the given specifications.
The magnitude-squared response of anelliptic filter is given by
where N is the order of the filter, is the passband ripple factor, which is related to Rp, and UN(.) is the Nth-order Jacobian elliptic function.
MATLAB provides a function called [z,p,k]=ellipap(N,Rp,As) to design a normalized elliptic analog prototype filter of order N, passband ripple Rp and stopband attenuation As, and that returns zeros in z array, poles in p array, and the gain value k. We need an unnormilized elliptic filter with arbitrary .
function [b,a] = u_elipap(N,Rp,As,Omegac);
% Unnormilized Elliptic Analog Lowpass Filter Prototype.
% ------
% [b,a] = u_ellipap(N,Rp,As,Omegac);
% b = numerator polynomial coefficients of Ha(s)
% a = denominator polynomial coefficients of Ha(s)
% N = Order of the Elliptic Filter
% Rp = Passband Ripple in dB; Rp > 0
% As = Stopband Ripple in dB; As > 0
%Omegac = Cutoff frequency in radians/sec
[z,p,k] = ellipap(N,Rp);
a = real(poly(p));
aNn = a(N+1);
p = p*Omegac;
a = real(poly(p));
aNu = a(N+1);
b = real(poly(z));
M = length(b);
bNn = b(M);
z = z*Omegac;
b = real(poly(z));
bNu = b(M);
k = k*(aNu*bNu)/(aNn*bNu);
b0 = k;
b= k*b;
Using the u_elipap function, we provide the afd_elip function to design an analog elliptic lowpass filter, given its specifications.
function [b,a] = afd_elip(Wp,Ws,Rp,As);
% Analog Lowpass Filter Design: Elliptic
% ------
% [b,a] = afd_elip(Wp,Ws,Rp,As);
% b = numerator coefficients of Ha(s)
% a = denominator coefficients of Ha(s)
% Wp = Passband edge freq. in rad/sec; Wp > 0
% Ws = Stopband edge freq. in rad/sec; Ws > Wp > 0
% Rp = Passband ripple in +dB; Rp > 0
% As = Stopband attenuation in +dB; As > 0
if Wp <= 0
error('Passband edge must be larger than 0')
if Ws <= Wp
error('Stopband edge must be larger than Passband edge')
if (Rp <= 0) | (As < 0)
error('PB ripple and/or SB attenuation must be larger than 0')
ep = sqrt(10^(Rp/10)-1);
A = 10^(As/20);
Omegac = Wp;
k = Wp/Ws;
k1 = ep/sqrt(A*A-1);
capk = ellipke([k.^2 1-k.^2]);
capk1 = ellipke([k.^2 1-(k.^2)]);
N = ceil(capk(1)*capk1(2)/(capk(2)*capk1(1)));
fprintf('\n*** Elliptic Filter Order = %2.0f \n',N)
[b,a] = u_elipap(N,Rp,As,Omegac);
Analog-to-Digital Filter Transformation
After discussing different approaches to the design of analog filters, we are now ready to transform them into digital filters.
Impulse Invariance Transformation
Given the digital lowpass filter specifications and, we want to determine by first designing an equivalent analog filter and then mapping it into the desired digital filter. The steps required for this procedure are
- Choose T and determine the analog frequencies
- Design an analog filter using the specifications and. This can be done using any one of the three (Butterworth, Chebyshev, or eliptic) prototypes prototypes.
- Using the partial fraction expansion, expand into
- Now transform analog poles into digital poles to obtain the digital filter:
It is easy to develop a MATLAB function to implement the impulse invariance mapping.
function [b,a] = imp_invr(c,d,T);
% Impulse Invariance Transformation from Analog to Digital Filter
% ------
% [b,a] = imp_invr(c,d,T);
% b = Numerator polynomial in z^(-1) of the digital filter
% a = Denominator polynomial in z^(-1) of the digital filter
% c = Numerator polynomial in s of the analog filter
% d = Denominator polynomial in s of the analog filter
% T = Sampling (transformation) parameter
[R,p,k] = residue(c,d);
p = exp(p*T);
[b,a] = residuez(R,p,k);
b = real(b');
a = real(a');
Example 1: Design a digital filter using a Butterworth prototype to satisfy
Soln: The design procedure is described in the following MATLAB script:
% Example 1
% Digital Filter Specifications:
clear all
wp = 0.2*pi; % digital Passband freq in rad
ws = 0.3*pi; % digital Stopband freq in rad
Rp = 1; % Passband ripple in dB
As = 15; % Stopband Attenuation in dB
% Analog Prototype Specifications: Inverse mapping for freq.
T = 1; % Let T= 1
OmegaP = wp/T; % Prototype Passband freq
OmegaS = ws/T; % Prototype Stopband freq
% Analog Butterworth Prototype Filter Calculation:
[cs,ds] = afd_butt(OmegaP,OmegaS,Rp,As);
% Impulse Invariance transformation:
[b,a] = imp_invr(cs,ds,T);
[C,B,A] = dir2par(b,a)
*** Butterworth Filter Order = 6
C =
B =
1.8557 -0.6304
-2.1428 1.1454
0.2871 -0.4466
A =
1.0000 -0.9973 0.2570
1.0000 -1.0691 0.3699
1.0000 -1.2972 0.6949
The design filter is a 6th-order Butterworth filter whose system function is given in the parallel form
- Design a lowpass digital filter using a Chebyshev-I prototype to satisfy
- Design a lowpass digital filter using an elliptic prototype to satisfy
(Hint: The elliptic filter is equiripple in both bands).
Bilinear Transformation
Given the digital filter specifications and, we want to determine .The design steps required for this procedure are
- Choose T. This is arbitrary, and we may set T = 1.
- Prewarp the cutoff frequencies that is, calculate
- Design an analog filter to meet the specifications and. We have already described how to do this.
- Finally, set
and simplify to obtain as a rational function in .
MATLAB provides a function called bilinear to implement this ampping.
Example 2: Design a digital Butterworth filter of Example 1. The specifications are
Soln: The design procedure is described in the following MATLAB script:
% Example 2
% Digital Filter Specifications:
clear all
wp = 0.2*pi; % digital Passband freq in rad
ws = 0.3*pi; % digital Stopband freq in rad
Rp = 1; % Passband ripple in dB
As = 15; % Stopband Attenuation in dB
% Analog Prototype Specifications: Inverse mapping for freq.
T = 1; Fs = 1/T; % Set T= 1
OmegaP = (2/T)*tan(wp/2); % Prewrap Prototype Passband freq
OmegaS = (2/T)*tan(ws/2); % Prewrap Prototype Stopband freq
% Analog Butterworth Prototype Filter Calculation:
[cs,ds] = afd_butt(OmegaP,OmegaS,Rp,As);
% Bilinear transformation:
[b,a] = bilinear(cs,ds,Fs);
[C,B,A] = dir2cas(b,a)
*** Butterworth Filter Order = 6
C =
B =
1.0000 2.0284 1.0287
1.0000 1.9997 0.9999
1.0000 1.9719 0.9722
A =
1.0000 -0.9459 0.2342
1.0000 -1.0541 0.3753
1.0000 -1.3143 0.7149