Quality and Safety Task Force
Mission: QSENIZE the FPB curriculum
Program Updates
------just to keep the MISSIONfresh in our minds:
1) Develop Faculty: to implement contemporary quality and safety education in all types/levels of programs
Increase use and application of standardized language related to quality and safety
Increase use of resources and reference from National quality and safety organizations
2) Transform Student Learning
Plan and integrate QSEN concepts (6) throughout the curriculum
Implement innovative teaching strategies (Simulation, web- casts)
3) Collaborate with clinical partners and share resources
FPB Quality and Safety Website will be launched next week
5 proposals were received for internal grant funds (under review)
- Theme monthsFebruary 16th, 2009. Blue bag, 11 am -12. Patient Centered Care & Relationship Based Care
- Recording and posting on the web for anyone who can not attend
- March: Teamwork,
- April: Safety,
- November: EBP,
- October : QI,
- December: IT
Clinical Partners meeting Feb. 5th: Discuss ideas for partnerships and topics that need to be addressed
Tracking of QSEN integration throughout the MSN curriculum
The BSN faculty are using the form below.
Course number / QSEN topic / Readings / Other materials / EvaluationNurs316 Peds / What is QSEN
Pediatric medical errors / QSEN handout
Pediatric Medical Errors
Pediatric Nursing: July/Aug 2004, 30 4 328-335 / Team Stepps
Sue Sheridan Video / Quiz:
what is qsen?
Quality and Safety Task Force
Mission: QSENIZE the FPB curriculum
Program Updates
February/March Summary
1) FPB Quality and Safety Website:
2) Teaching learning Library- outside of Patricia Underwood’s office
3) Check out the Quality and Safety Bulletin Board – 1st floor. Encourage students to visit and take materials.
4) Encouraging program officers to get Patient Safety and Quality Handbooks (DV D) for each program (see directions)
* Monthly summary on theme month
5) Internal Grants update. Held a workshop on evaluation and IRB implications. 5 grants will be funded.
6) Interprofessional education: IQ+ Interprofessionalism Session January 30, 2009 (4 times/year)
Root Cause analysis (RCA) improving safety /quality of care
Read: Five system barriers to achieving ultra safe health care Amalberti, R., Auroy, Y. Berwick, D.
Barrach, P. Ann Intern Med. 2005, 142-756-764.
Joy Naughton had students in am log into IHI open school and complete modules on pt. safety.
7) IHI open school Chapter at CASE LaurineGajkowski will be our facilitator at FPB
8) Glossary finished. Feedback welcome on the blackboard
9) Articles in Urologic Nursing (Shirley Moore has article) Copies available on Bulletin Board.
10) QSEN PHASE III update: RWJF funded AACN and QSEN (UNC) $4.3 million to develop faculty expertise to teach competencies instill competencies in textbooks and licensing/accreditation/certification standards; and promote innovation in teaching competencies. Regional conferences, speaker’s bureau, national forums and VA quality scholars program.
11) Follow up on Theme month February Patient Centered Care & Relationship Based Care (Blackboard site for additional resources and library for DVD of the presentations)
- March: Teamwork Blue bag March 16 12 noon Kepro implementation of team steps, Pediatric teams
Keep the FPB Q & S MISSION AIMS fresh in our minds:
1) Develop Faculty: to implement contemporary quality and safety education in all types/levels of programs
Increase use and application of standardized language related to quality and safety
Increase use of resources and reference from National quality and safety organizations
2) Transform Student Learning
Plan and integrate QSEN concepts (6) throughout the curriculum
Implement innovative teaching strategies (Simulation, web- casts)
3) Collaborate with clinical partners and share resources
Quality and Safety Task Force
Mission: QSENIZE the FPB curriculum
Program Update
1) FPB Quality and Safety Website: post BSN titles of their QI projects BSN 320
2) Check out the Quality and Safety Bulletin Board – 1st floor. Encourage students to visit and take materials. SAFETY
3) Patient Safety and Quality Handbooks (teamwork)
4) Internal Grants update. Held a workshop on evaluation and IRB implications.
5) Update on IT: EMR Deans roundtable will be posting 3 learning modules (generic EMR learning platforms)
6) IHI open school Chapter at CASE April 9th at 1pm 2 BSN students (LaurineGajkowski facilitator)
Interdisciplinary quality and safety grand rounds and Symposium OCTOBER 30 8-10am
7) Follow up on Theme month March (Teamwork and Collaboration)
8) April SAFETY Blue bag April 20 at 12 noon Dr. Debra Nadzam (JCO) and AmanyFarang ROOT CASE ANALYSIS
9) Internal Grants:
Author / Title / Program / ExplanationCeleste Alfes / QSEN Competencies in NLN Simulation Template / LRC / Incorporate the six QSEN competencies into NLN’s simulation template to guide simulation experiences at FPB.
Jennifer Brewer / Integrating Quality and Safety Into the Nursing Curriculum / BSN Curriculum: NURS230/240 & NURS351/353 / Use of QSEN case studies to teach and illustrate teamwork and collaboration specifically related to delegation to unlicensed personnel.
Elizabeth Click / Patient Centered Care and the Disney Institute / NURS 471 / Implementing an innovative teaching strategy to focus on creating a culture of service, by using the webcast “Disney Institute”.
Chris Winkelman & Carol Kelly / Using Simulation to Build Safe and Evidence-Based Practice / Acute Care NP (NUNP443) / Use simulation experience to teach quality and safety core competencies by learning and applying quality improvement for CVP insertion, intubation, and suturing
10) VA Quality Scholar program- 2 year DNP or PHD (Pre-doc or Post Doc’s)
11) Working with GE DNP faculty on integration in their 1st -2nd semester courses and clinical. TeamSTEPPS, SBAR Handoff Report tool, CUS, Team Huddle