Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Ingham Parish Council

Date: Monday 13th May 2013

Venue: Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: K. Wagstaff (Chairman); M. Dickinson (Vice Chairman); D Howe; V. Kitchin; C. Slater; J. Baker. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk); D. Booth (Village Caretaker); S. Skayman (P3 Liaison Officer); PCSO McFaul; District Councillor R. Patterson and 1 member of the public.

092/May 2013 Election of Chairman

Councillors nominated Councillor Wagstaff as Chairman. Proposed Councillor Dickinson seconded Councillor Slater and RESOLVED unanimously to elect Councillor Wagstaff as Chairman of Ingham Parish Council for the year 2013/14.

093/May 2013 To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Councillor Wagstaff verbally accepted the position of Chairman of Ingham Parish Council for the year 2013/14. The declaration of office form was signed by Councillor Wagstaff and witnessed by the Clerk.

094/May 2013 Apologies for absence

Councillor M. Nicholson

095/May 2013 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government

To be declared under appropriate agenda items.

096/May 2013 Election of Vice Chairman

Councillors nominated Councillor Dickinson. Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Howe and RESOLVED unanimously to elect Councillor Dickinson as Vice Chairman of Ingham Parish Council for the year 2013/14.

097/May 2013 To receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Councillor Dickinson verbally accepted the position of Vice Chairman of Ingham Parish Council. The declaration of office form was signed by Councillor Dickinson and witnessed by the Clerk.

098/May 2013 Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer

Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Kitchin and RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Baker be appointed as Responsible Financial Officer for the year 2013/14.

099/May 2013 Appointment of Safety Officer

Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Kitchin and RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Slater be appointed as Safety Officer for the year 2013/14.

100/May 2013 Appointment of Grass Cutting Liaison Officer

Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Kitchin and RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Duckworth be appointed as Grass Cutting Liaison Officer for the year 2013/14.

101/May 2013 Appointment of Highways and Footways Officer

Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Kitchin and RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Duckworth be appointed as Highways and Footways Officer for the year 2013/14.

102/May 2013 Appointment of Flooding Officer

Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Kitchin and RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Duckworth be appointed as Flooding Officer for the year 2013/14.

103/May 2013 Appointment of P3 Liaison Officer

Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Slater and RESOLVED unanimously that Sylvia Skayman be appointed as P3 Liaison Officer for the year 2013/14.

104/May 2013 Appointment of Tennis Court Liaison Officer

Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Slater and RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Dickinson be appointed as Tennis Court Liaison Officer for the year 2013/14.

105/May 2013 Appointment of Ingham and Cammeringham Village Hall Committee Representative

Proposed Councillor Baker seconded Councillor Kitchin and RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Wagstaff be appointed as Ingham and Cammeringham Village Hall Committee Representative for the year 2013/14.

106/May 2013 Appointment of LALC Representative

Proposed Councillor Baker seconded Councillor Slater and RESOLVED unanimously that the Clerk be appointed as LALC Representative for the year 2013/14.

107/May 2013 Appointment of Village Venture Representative

Proposed Councillor Baker seconded Councillor Slater and RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Howe be appointed as Village Venture Representative for the year 2013/14.

108/May 2013 Appointment of Internal Auditor/ Independent Examiner

Proposed Councillor Howe seconded Councillor Dickinson and RESOLVED unanimously that Bridget Solly remain as Internal Auditor for the year 2013/14.

109/May 2013 Appointment of Associate Governor to Ingham School

Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Slater and RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Nicholson acts as associate governor to Ingham School for the year 2013/14.

110/May 2013 Adoption of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

Proposed Councillor Baker seconded Councillor Howe and RESOLVED unanimously that standing orders (including addendum for the dispensation process) and financial regulations are accepted for 2013/14. The Clerk noted that LALC are due to review standing orders in August 2013.

111/May 2013 Notes of the Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on Monday 8th April 2013

Proposed Councillor Howe seconded Councillor Kitchin and RESOLVED unanimously that the Notes of the Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on Monday 8th April 2013 be approved as Minutes with one amendment.

112/May 2013 Police Report

PCSO McFaul noted the following:

·  The allocated police car now has police markings;

·  The non-emergency number of 101 is not well known. The Clerk agreed to place a reminder card on the Parish Council notice board;

·  There has been another report of noise nuisance caused by skateboarders on Saxon Way;

·  A vehicle was parked on the carriageway uninsured and untaxed near Churchfield despite being declared SORN. This has since been moved to private land;

·  Councillor Slater noted he had discovered broken glass bottles near the fence around the playing field play area. PCSO McFaul agreed monitor this;

·  A speed board was used for a few days on Lincoln Road, Ingham.

113/May 2013 Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding

132/June 2011 Give Way priority on Village Green – Give Way road line markings will be refreshed when the line marking team are next in the area;

386/May 2011 Footpath outside what was Kallisto’s – Pot holes will be fixed on a case by case basis;

538/November 2011 – Resurface of the Tennis Court – The contractor will notify the Parish Council of an appropriate date to carry out the re-surface;

562/December 2011 – the subsiding roadside on Stow Lane – money is being made available within the next two years and the site has been placed at the top of Highways’ list to carry out any structural patching. In the meantime, the site will be monitored and kept safe for road users;

632/February 2012 - Grange Lane layby – the Grasscrete scheme has been sent to the contractor and a joint site meeting will be undertaken;

808/September 2012 - Disabled kerbing for the footpath across the Green – Highways have sanctioned the installation of a kerb and the work will be completed in August 2013;

827/October 2012 - War Memorial crack – Draper have recommend a flexible filler be applied in Spring. The Clerk was asked to arrange this work to be completed by Draper;

896/December 2012 – B1398 Speed Limit change – Highways will provide an update by the next Parish Council meeting;

059/March 2013 - Footpath outside the Village Hall – this has been added to the list of things to discuss with Highways.

005/January 2013 – Footpath to school – Highways have spoken the Traffic Management Officer and it is thought that further lining on this road would be unsuitable as vehicles cannot be prevented from running over it. The white lining on the road will, however, be refreshed;

The Clerk also noted that he had contacted Acis to report the items in the front garden/ roadside of 20 Churchfield. An Acis Officer will ensure these are removed. A Streetlight on Long Lane has been reported to LCC as faulty. West Lindsey District Council have agreed to empty the bin outside the Mini-Market as part of weekly bin emptying.

114/May 2013 Village Caretaker’s Report

The new Village Caretaker, David Booth, introduced himself and noted the following:

·  Most wooden assets in the Village require wood treatment;

·  Many tarmac surfaces require repair;

·  Dog fouling is a problem but not as bad as expected;

·  One of the balance beams in the playing field play area is loose;

·  An inventory and quarterly asset check has been given to the Clerk;

·  The fencing around the Village Tennis Court requires attention. It was noted that it is not worth doing this until the re-surface work has been completed;

·  Wooden furniture in the school top playground is unsafe. The Clerk has informed the school;

·  The telephone box on the Village Green requires some attention;

Councillor Baker noted that the Village Caretaker requires an ID badge. The Clerk will arrange for one to be made. The Clerk will also source a COSH safe cabinet for storage of any items which are chemically dangerous. There was discussion about treating the wooden assets in the Village. The Village Caretaker suggested that one item should be targeted first for sanding and treating and the time taken logged. Other wooden items can then be scheduled in thereafter. Councillor Dickinson will liaise with the Village Caretaker on this matter.

115/May 2013 P3 Liaison Officers Report

The P3 Liaison Officer noted the following:

·  A battery has been dropped in the lake and there are other signs of damage. The P3 Liaison Officer asked the Clerk to publish a message in the Village Venture reminding parishioners to stick to the footpaths and bridleways;

·  The use of barbed wire along the footpath alongside Ingham House has been discussed with Highways who have advised there is nothing to stop it being used. The owner of Ingham House has informed Councillor Duckworth that it has been used to prevent dogs straying into his paddock from the footpath;

·  The footpaths do not require cutting at the moment. The Clerk will inform Green Grass Contracting of this and the P3 Liaison Officer will notify him when cutting is required.

116/May 2013 Items raised by Councillors for future agendas

None to report.

117/May 2013 County Council Issues

Councillor Kinch last attended a meeting on 8 February 2010. The P3 Liaison Officer noted the County Councillor’s poor attendance. The Clerk was asked to engage County Councillor Kinch on the speed limit change request on the B1398.

118/May 2013 District Council Issues

District Councillor Patterson noted the following:

·  The Planning Committee will consider the planning application (129648) for affordable/ social housing on Lincoln Road on 29th May from 6.30 pm. It was noted that if anyone from the Parish Council wanted to attend and speak then they should contact Simon Sharp (WLDC Planning). District Councillor Patterson will send the Clerk an agenda for this meeting when it is available;

·  The annual council meeting will be held in May and the leader will change to Councillor Summers. District Councillor Patterson will remain on the Planning Committee;

·  District Councillor Patterson has requested double yellow lines on a section of Lincoln Road and asked for a change to the speed limits on B1398;

·  Councillor Howe noted that the WLDC website now showed an amended plan for planning application 129648 that included a 2m wide footpath running in front of the development on Lincoln Road and uncontrolled pedestrian crossing of Lincoln Road at the southern end with dropped kerbs (requested by Highways).

119/May 2013 Best Kept Village Competition

Proposed Councillor Dickinson seconded Councillor Baker and RESOLVED unanimously that an entry form be completed and entered to the Best Kept Village Competition for 2013.

120/May 2013 Annual Insurance Renewal

Proposed Councillor Baker seconded Councillor Slater and RESOLVED unanimously that the insurance renewal terms from AVIVA representing a 2.5% decrease on 2012 premium be accepted.

121/May 2013 Monthly Financial report including resolution to make the following payments:

Cheque Number Payee Amount

991 G S Monks (salary April 2013)

992 D Booth (salary April 2013)

993 ESPO (stationery) £18.06

994 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd (tile adhesive) £37.80

995 Green Grass Contracting (playing field hedge cutting) £234

996 Green Grass Contracting (grass cutting April 2013) £357.60

997 Campaign to Protect Rural England (entry to Best Kept Village Competition) £15

998 Broker Network Ltd (Parish Council Insurance – Came and Company) £686.78

Proposed Councillor Baker seconded Councillor Howe and RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 991 to 998. Councillor Baker noted that the Jubilee Fund is now closed.

122/May 2013 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered

With respect to planning application 129700, 38 Lincoln Road, Ingham, proposed Councillor Howe seconded Councillor Wagstaff and RESOLVED unanimously that an additional comment submitted to Planning, based on amended plans, should be ratified as follows: It appears that the direction of the pitch of the roof means that in order to gain access to the gutter they will need to cross the boundary line.

123/ May 2013 Risk Assessment report

Councillor Slater presented the playing field play area/ top playground inspection report. It was highlighted that there are gaps between the play surface tiles and the wooden surround is coming away in many places. There are also a large number of divots on the playing field that require filling. On the top playground, there are three picnic benches, two of which have been removed as they were dangerous. The remaining bench is thought unsafe. Ingham School are obtaining quotes to replace these items. The two basketball nets are not secured onto the backboards well and require attention. Also, there are nails protruding from the wooden fence and some wooden kickboards are in poor condition surrounding the playground. Ingham School are obtaining quotes for remedial work. The gate to the top playground from the playing field will now be locked until the area is made safe and the Clerk will place a notice on the gate to this effect.

124/ May 2013 Flooding & Highways Issues

Councillor Duckworth requested the Clerk make arrangements with LCC Highways officer for the annual village highways inspection.The fence around the dyke in the Hollow is missing a top rail and as this fence is on Parish Council property. Councillor Duckworth will obtain a new piece of timber and ask the Clerk to arrange it to be fitted. The Clerk will arrange for Highways to look at the condition of the fence adjacent the footpath at the Hollow.The issue with the dyke at the pumping station has been handed to LCC. LCC will be arranging for the Drainage Board to provide a report on its profile and the bank steepness. LCC have said there is no history of complaints about the state of the dyke, however Councillor Duckworth advised them that we have records of several complaints from 1990. District Councillor Patterson was asked to support the need to improve the dyke conditions. The P3 Liaison Officer noted that a rat had been seen around the pumping station.

125/May 2013 Parishioner request

Discussion was postponed until the next meeting as per standing order 39 (Resolutions on Expenditure).