Sole Source Determination Summary (Services)
Date: November 21, 2016
Commodity Specialist’s Name: Mike Weges
Commodity Specialist’s Recommendation: Approved Disapproved
If disapproved, agency contacted
Agency: Department of Corrections
Supplier Number: 423176
Supplier: Christian Conte
Sole Source ID Number: 28448
Estimated Dollar Amount: $68,000
Federal Funds: Yes No
Check box below and complete Agency name if request is over $250,000
The Department of General Services delegates to the Department of Corrections the authority to act as purchasing agency for the procurement of the service(s) listed below.
Please keep in mind that this delegation requires that you carry out this procurement according to requirements of Section 518 of the Commonwealth Procurement Code (62 Pa. C. S. 518) and to the policies and procedures outlined by DGS in the Procurement Handbook.
“Yield Theory,” is a powerful and compassionate approach to communication that essentially boils down to radical empathy delivered with intentionality. Yield Theory seeks to teach inmates and staff to accept one another for the people they are currently rather than any crime or other action they have taken in the past. The key components of Yield Theory include acceptance, the elimination of shame, mindfulness, creativity, conscious education, non-attachment and authenticity. This unique type of therapy can help improve the interaction between staff and inmates in these special units. Dr. Conte is the creator of Yield Theory. He has written about, published, and practiced Yield Theory for 18 years. Dr. Conte is only one of four, Level-5 Anger Management Specialists in the world, and is the keynote speaker every year at the International Conference on Anger Management
Agency Summary:
An initial study on Yield Theory with inmates at SCI-Fayette demonstrated that the implementation of Yield Theory was able to produce a statistically significant Reduction in assault rates among inmates in the Special Management Unit of a Restricted Housing Unit. Further study is needed to determine the impact of Yield Theory on inmates who are slated to leave prison within one year of their contact with Yield Theory. It is hypothesized that Yield Theory can provide the type of education necessary to ultimately reduce recidivism.
Procurement Summary:
Online research has found that Dr. Christian Conte is the founder of the “Yield Theory” approach. He the only known provider of this technique and is the only known provider of the videos and workbook materials. In an attempt to make SCI Laurel safer for guards and inmates, Yield Theory teaches inmates and staff to accept one another for the people they are currently rather than any crime or other action they have taken in the past. The key components of Yield Theory include acceptance, the elimination of shame, mindfulness, creativity, conscious education, non-attachment and authenticity. This unique type of therapy can help improve the interaction between staff and inmates in these special units. It is the hope of DOC that this training technique will have the added benefit to reduce recidivism rates among current inmates.
A cost analysis was done and pricing given in the SPR is the same pricing that Dr. Christian Conte gave as part of a competitive bid process for this type of service at SCI Fayette.
Bureau of Procurement
555 Walnut Street, Forum Place 6th Floor | Harrisburg, PA 17101
717.787.5733 | F 717.783.6241 |
Revision: 2-3-2011