Itasca Elementary School Week of:November 7-11, 2016Grade: ____1st Grade__
Subject: ELAR / Unit Title:Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Recognize Author’s Purpose; read HF words around, find, food, grow, under, water; identify singular and plural nouns; recognize features of a description; segment and spell words with the long u, silent e. / Recognize Author’s Purpose; read HF words around, find, food, grow, under, water; identify singular and plural nouns; recognize features of a description; segment and spell words with the long u, silent e. / Recognize Author’s Purpose; read HF words around, find, food, grow, under, water; identify singular and plural nouns; recognize features of a description; segment and spell words with the long u, silent e. / Recognize Author’s Purpose; read HF words around, find, food, grow, under, water; identify singular and plural nouns; recognize features of a description; segment and spell words with the long u, silent e. / Recognize Author’s Purpose; read HF words around, find, food, grow, under, water; identify singular and plural nouns; recognize features of a description; segment and spell words with the long u, silent e.
TEKS: / 1.2.B.1 Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in spoken one-syllable words.
1.3.A.1.ii.10 Decode words in context by applying common letter-sound correspondences, including: single letters (vowels)
Including u (u_e).
1.13.A.1 Identify the topic [of text].
RC-1.F.1 Make connections to own experiences.
1.5.A.1 Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (appropriate phrasing).
1.19.A.1 Write brief compositions about topics of interest to the student.
1.20.A.2.i Understand and use nouns (singular) in the context of reading, writing, and speaking.
Question of the Week: / How are plant and animal communities important to each other?
Key Vocabulary: / Amazing Words:
Environment, require, thrive, inhale, slimy, sludge, capture, creature / High Frequency Words:
Grow, food, around, find, water, was, please, too, be, into / Academic Vocabulary:
Author’s Purpose, author, multiple-meaning word, context clues, expository text,
Materials Used: / Unit 2 Student Reading Street Book, Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook, Sing with Me Chart, Decodable Readers, Leveled Readers
Lesson Procedures: / Concept Talk: TE p. 138j -139, SE p. 138-139
Spelling: TE p. 142d, DVD 110
High Frequency Words: TE/SE p.143
Listening Comp.: TE p. 143a-143b (Author’s Puprose)
Conventions: TE p. 143c (Singular and Plural Nouns) / Concept Talk: TE p.144a - 144b
Spelling: TE p.145e
High Frequency Words: TE p. 145
Vocabulary: TE p. 146a
Main Selection – First Read: TE 146c – 159a, SE p. 146-159
(Life in the Forest)
Genre: TE 159b (Literary Nonfiction)
Conventions: TE p. 159c WS 287(Singular and Plural Nouns) / Concept Talk: TE p. 160a-160b
Spelling: TE p. 160f, WS 293
High Frequency Words: TE p. 160g
Main Selection – Second Read: TE p. 160h-161a, SE p. 146-161 (Life in the Forest)
Fluency: TE p. 161b
Writing: TE p. 162-163
Conventions: TE p.162a (Singular and Plural Nouns) / Concept Talk: TE p. 164a-164b
Read Paired Selection: TE p. 164i-167 (A Mangrove Forest)
Fluency: TE p. 167a
Conventions: TE p. 167b (Singular and Plural Nouns)
Summative Assessments:
Spelling Test and
HFW test / Summative Assessments:
Unit 2 Volume 2, Story 2 “Life in the Forest”
Singular and Plural Nouns WS 296
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Differentiated Activities pg. 170h-170i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers / Differentiated Activities pg. 170h-170i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers / Differentiated Activities pg. 170h-170i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers / Differentiated Activities pg. 170h-170i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers / Differentiated Activities pg. 170h-170i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers
Technology Integration: / iStation
Lexia / White Board Vocabulary Games
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with a long u, silent e, recognize the Author’s Purpose of a story, recognize expository text, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a Singular and Plural Nouns
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 10 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test Singular and Plural Nouns Test / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with a long u, silent e, recognize the Author’s Purpose of a story, recognize expository text, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a Singular and Plural Nouns
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 10 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test Singular and Plural Nouns Test / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with a long u, silent e, recognize the Author’s Purpose of a story, recognize expository text, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a Singular and Plural Nouns
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 10 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test Singular and Plural Nouns Test / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with a long u, silent e, recognize the Author’s Purpose of a story, recognize expository text, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a Singular and Plural Nouns
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 10 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test Singular and Plural Nouns Test / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with a long u, silent e, recognize the Author’s Purpose of a story, recognize expository text, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a Singular and Plural Nouns
Summative Assessment: Unit 2, Story 10 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test Singular and Plural Nouns Test
Subject: Math / Module Title: Addition Strategies
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Count on to solve addition problems / Identify doubles facts / Use Double facts to help add / Use what you know about doubles to find another sum / Solve various addition problems
TEKS: / 1.3.D – Number and Operations – Apply basic fact strategies to add and subtract
1.1.A – Apply mathematics to problems
1.1.D – Communicate mathematical ideas and reasoning
1.1.F – Analyze mathematical relationships
Key Vocabulary: / Count On / Doubles / Doubles plus one
Doubles minus one
Manipulatives Used: / Connecting cubes
Two color counters / Connecting cubes / Connecting cubes
Two color counters
crayons / Connecting cubes
Two color counters
Lesson Procedures: / Go Math Lesson 6.1
Pgs. 213-216
Homework – Pgs. 217-218 / Go Math Lesson 6.2
Pgs. 219-222
Homework – Pgs. 223-224 / Go Math Lesson 6.3
Pgs. 225-228
Homework – Pgs. 229-230 / Go Math Lesson 6.4
Pgs. 231-234
Homework – Pgs. 235-236 / Addition Review
Addition Assessment
Differentiation/scaffolding: / RTI Lesson 30
Enrich 29 / RTI Lesson 31
Enrich 30 / RTI Lesson 32
Enrich 31 / RTI Lesson 33
Enrich 32
Technology Integration: / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener
iStation Math
Math Facts in a Flash / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener
iStation Math
Math Facts in a Flash / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener
iStation Math
Math Facts in a Flash / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener
iStation Math
Math Facts in a Flash / iStation Math
Math Facts in a Flash
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 6 Assessment, Unit 2 Test / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 6 Assessment, Unit 2 Test / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 6 Assessment, Unit 2 Test / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 6 Assessment, Unit 2 Test / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 6 Assessment, Unit 2 Test
Subject: Science / Unit Title: Patterns of Movement
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Identify and discuss patterns of movement / Identify and discuss patterns of movement / Identify and discuss patterns of movement / Identify and discuss patterns of movement / Identify and discuss patterns of movement
TEKS: / 1.6cd Patterns of movement
Key Vocabulary: / Near, Far, Position, Motion
Manipulatives Used: / Student Jounrals / Various objects like a ball and toy car to see how fast they move. / Various objects like a ball and toy car to see how fast they move. / Student journals Various objects like a ball and toy car to see how fast they move. / Various objects like a ball and toy car to see how fast they move. Journals
Lesson Procedures: / Ask students what they know about location and how it moves Read page 48-49. Demonstrate how something can be closer to you and farther away from you. / Students can use their journal to predict which object will move faster. Record the data findings in the journal / Students can use their journal to predict which object will move faster. Record the data findings in the journal / Read 50-52 and Talk about how different objects can move and have the students draw and show the different movements in their journal / Magnet Review
Summative Assessment: Patterns of Movement
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Have the students draw a picture of themselves in their journal. They can draw arrows for which way the body is going.
Sentence Stem I use my ______(body part) to change directions. / Have student describe different ways movement can happen ex: zigzag back and fourthect..
Name some objects that move fast and slow / Write in the journals what their predictions are for what objects that will move and how do they move. / Have student describe different ways movement can happen ex: zigzag back and fourthect..
Name some objects that move fast and slow
Technology Integration: / Stemscope Connections Video 1 / Stemscope Picture Vocabulary / Stemscope Connections Video 2,3 / Stemscope Connections Video 4,5
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify patterns of movement
Stemscope Assessment: Patterns of movement / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify patterns of movement
Stemscope Assessment: Patterns of movement / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify patterns of movement
Stemscope Assessment: Patterns of movement / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify patterns of movement
Stemscope Assessment: Patterns of movement / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify patterns of movement
Stemscope Assessment: Patterns of movement