Port of Cape Town (General Waste)
Questions / Answers
What colour wheelie bins are required for domestic waste? (TNPA to identify if they have their own colour coding system) / -TNPA will advise with the colour coding.
Size / colour of plastic containers required for recyclables? (TNPA to identify if they have their own colour coding system) / -Size and colour of plastic containers required for recyclables will be advised for all the ports.
Please provide rules of the port / safety requirements / Port Waste Management Plan / Waste Management Procedure / -Before any company operate in the Port, necessary induction training is provided to all the staff that will be working in the port premises.
What is the staff compliment on the contracts for Cape Town i.e. how many people required on site – Transnet usually indicates a maximum number of labour to be used for their contracts. / -TNPA require the Contractor to provide a list of its entire fleet of vehicles, equipment and employees including but not limited to the drivers that will be utilised for the performance of the service
Does TNPA have a centralised storage / sorting area for all recyclables? I.e. for consolidation of recyclables from various port areas to ensure maximum volumes to be removed? If yes, what is the size / capacity of the area? / TNPA will not provide an interim storage for general waste, except a space for transfer stations for recyclable, which the contractor will provide those reception facilities for the recyclables.
May the BoQ be amended to reflect all line items required to complete / carry out the identified scope of work / service? / -TNPA require the Contractor to provide a list of its entire fleet of vehicles, equipment and employees including but not limited to the drivers that will be utilised for the performance of the service
Will TNPA provide facilities / resources for the personnel required on site? Which facilities / resources will be provided? / No Facility will be provided
Collection records are used for general waste – the scope of work refers to Safe disposal certificates and manifests which apply to hazardous waste. / All waste streams must have disposal certificate
Do the current recyclers being used provide Recycling certificates? / Yes
Where international best practices are reviewed and updated resulting in reviewing the terms of the contract – who will be liable for any changes in cost due to these reviews / updates? / -For international best practice changes, TNPA will invite and discuss any possible changes with the service provider and determine how will this changes affect the service and the contract itself. Where necessary amendments are required, negotiations will take place between the TNPA and the contractor.
Covered skips identified in scope but not in BoQ – additionally what are the number of skips required? / -Hazardous waste receptacles are mentioned in the hazardous waste specifications. (2.2 Waste Receptacles).
-TNPA to send Waste Classification report – which specifies type of waste and where it must be disposed
Does TNPA have / provide wash bay? Who is responsible for costs associated with the treatment and disposal of runoff? / -TNPA will not provide the client with the wash bay for cleaning of their equipment
Does TNPA have standard agreements or specified transfer / consolidation facilities to be used in their area? / -TNPA Does not have standard agreements neither any consolidation facilities to be used except a space for recycling transfer stations, however the recycling transfer stations will be provided by the contractor.
Where the requirement for use of a transfer / consolidation facility is required through no fault of the contractor – who is liable for the costs incurred. / The expectation from the service provider is the safe disposal. They should provide their own transfer station where need arises
Does TNPA have standard agreements or specified recyclers to be used in their area? / No specific recycler from TNPA the service provider must have their own recycling arraignments
How is the contractor expected to ensure that disposal at landfill is supervised? / -The supervisor to ensure that all the waste taken from the Port is safely disposed to the appropriate landfill site
Please clarify the statement “ contractor shall ensure: that all costs incurred from the collection & loading point until waste is recycled / disposed of at registered landfill site for its own account” – Does TNPA mean that the transportation, recycling and or disposal of from the point of collection at the port is for the contractor’s cost? / -The intention of this contract is to provide a sustainable recycling management solution as a requirement, hence the quotes are requested.
Please clarify “contractor shall ensure: …….. provide evidence ……. and loading rates of the landfill site” – What does loading rate refer to and Does this mean that TNPA wants to see the rates quoted by the landfill site to the contractor? / It is recommended to separate the disposal fee and should be the same as the one the service provider is paying to landfill
Where a non-conformance cannot be rectified within 48hrs – what circumstances apply? / -Where a non- conformance cannot be rectified within 48 hrs further engagement will take place with the service provider
Spillages NOT the result of the contractor will be cleaned up by who and at whose cost? / -The port of Cape Town have a dedicated Pollution control team, should the spill be caused by TNPA if by service provider have to ensure the they clean the spill accordingly, Polluter pays principle applies.
How regularly is the contractor required to service the 240 L wheelie bins for the domestic waste?
Please confirm the frequency at which the domestic waste wheelie bins are required to be disinfected?
Please provide records of volumes of general waste streams collected, other than domestic waste.
Please advise who collects the recyclables from the TNPA offices and transfers this to the recyclables transfer containers stations?
Is providing a sustainable recycling management solution a requirement or consideration, 4.1(i) states general waste will be removed and recycled (if possible), disposal to landfill site should be last resort if recycling is not possible?
Are plastic containers for waste streams specified by TNPA?
Is TNPA providing colour codes to be used?
Please provide Port Waste Management Plan, Waste Management Procedure, and SHE Policy requirements
Please provide the Port of CT’s SAWIC registration number
Contingency plans for performing services outside normal working hours (4.xii), will it be for the Client’s cost?
Point 4.xvi identified waste is to be disposed of in a manner stipulated for general waste, where is it stipulated, will “that” be made available for us?
Point 4.xix refers the use of international best practice procedures for management of recyclable waste, will TNPA provide the procedure?
Point 4.xx requires the service provider to provide the leak proof, covered skips, however the tender requirements are wheelie bin, plastic containers and recycling paper box, please clarify what this means?
Please provide TNPA Waste Classification Report as specified in point 4.xxii
5.2.1 please confirm timeframe?
5.2.2 please provide TNPA requirements for waste receptacles?
5.2.10, how will waste be traceable from point of generation as contractor is only responsible for removing waste for disposal purposes?
Will the supervisor be employed on a full time basis (5.3.1(d) “…..to perform daily inspections”)or always available during the waste collection operations?
6.2.3, skips not included in scope?
6.2.5 Is the wash bay provided by the client? Who is responsible for ensuring run-offs are treated and /or disposed of correctly?
6.2.7 “provide TNPA with a list of its entire fleet of vehicles, equipment and employees including but not limited to the drivers that will be utilised for the performance of the service” for what purpose?
6.2.11 “ensure that the Equipment and Vehicle(s) are utilised by the Contractor to perform the Service in terms of this Agreement. Should such Equipment and Vehicle(s) not be utilised to their full capacity by the Contractor, during the term of this Agreement, then the Contractor with prior written consent from TNPA, shall make such Equipment and Vehicle(s) and its Employees (drivers) available to TNPA, free of any further charges or rates, for alternative use at the Port of Cape Town….” Please clarify further?
Will TNPA be providing an interim storage for general waste?
5.2.1 refers to 4 hrs to attend to the provision of waste receptacles, refers to 3 hrs for the removal of general waste, please clarify?
Who will be responsible for spillage clean up should it result from TNPA?
What is the emergency turnaround time?
Can you please assist with a copy of the Port (Port of Cape Town as well as Port of Saldanha)’s Port Waste Disposal License issued in terms of Section 57 of the National Ports Act No 12 of 2005?
It was also suggested that the pricing schedule should be for a year period and not for the full duration of 3 years as increases of prices are done annually based on CPI
AS discussed in the tender meeting, please would you be so king as to let us know the weights of the various waste streams in the 10m3 bins.
we need the new scope of work for the Port of Cape Town. Mr Dilima has told us that they do not want wheelie bins (wind blow them into the sea) and that the wrong scope of work was sent
Spillages NOT the result of the contractor will be cleaned up by who and at whose cost? / The port of Cape Town have a dedicated Pollution control team, should the spill be caused by TNPA if by service provider have to ensure the they clean the spill accordingly, Polluter pays principle applies.
1) Is there a central waste area on the site or will Transnet make an area available for use to house equipment and sorting facilities?
2) Is the service provider allowed to put recycling stations down, bulk bags and frames?
3) Who will insure the wheelie bins are correctly recycled at the various areas?
4) The food waste bins, what type of food waste? Wet waste? Will this be Domestic waste?
5) Will there be place for an MCU to compost food waste?
6) Will the waste service provider be responsible for the transfer of the waste from the respective areas in wheelie bins to the respective transfer containers?
7) No indication is provided on the monthly recycling volumes. Can Transnet provide estimates?
8)Nr 4 XVI- please explain in more detail.
9) Total amount of wheelie bins needed?
10) Total amount of replacement bins needed
11) Storage of recycling to maximize loads and minimize cost to Trans. Is there space for this?
12) LDV and Trailer will be needed permanently on site to transport all bins. Is there secure parking?
13) Will LDV have access to all areas where bins need to be collected at all times?
14) Certain age of vehicle requirements?
15) Monday to Friday 7 to 4 Weekends?
16) EWM suggests 30m³ bins for the storing of recyclables? One for each recycling category as an option. Will space be made available for these?
17) Clarity needed on recycling bins for the site
a. Domestic 240L wheelie bins
b. Food waste? also 240L (states plastic container)
c. Bottles? Also 240L (states plastic container)
d. Cans? Also 240L (states plastic container)
18) Hygienic status of wheelie bins? Who will be responsible to clean the wheelie bins and will an area be provided as well as water and run off facilities/sump?
19) Emptying of office paper boxes into what containers outside of the offices?
Galley Waste
  • What is the minimum quantity of 2 cubic meter containers required by TNPA for the collection of galley waste from All the quays in the Port of Cape Town?

  • How regularly is the contractor required to service the 2 cubic meter containers for the Galley waste?

  • Temporal 24 hour storage site/consolidation are - will Transnet make a storage site available for use by the waste service provider to place skips and will Transnet take responsibility for the licensing of such an area should it be required?

  • Does the waste have to be stored in wheelie bins on the quayside or can we place skips on the quayside to avoid double handling?

  • All wheelie bins to be lined with plastic bin liners and replaced daily – do we cost supply of the liner bags in or will it be provided by Transnet?

The Berth numbers for the Port of Cape Town appears to be incorrectly represented.
Figures 1 and 2 are not representative of the Port of Cape Town.
states a minimum of three wheelie bins must be provided per ship per day.
Having previously been a Director at a company who had been contracted to provide this service to the Port and having pioneered the galley waste removal service in the Port of Cape Town, I am aware that wheelie bins are not suitable for the receipt of galley waste. This is due to the fact this type of bin would quite easily be blown into the harbour and would be difficult to secure. Additionally wheelie bins are not large enough to accept bulkier galley waste. Finally wheelie bins are not currently being used in the Port for the provision of the galley waste service. Please can the correct receptacles be specified? Also can the pricing schedule which also requests rates for a wheelie bin service be updated.
5.3.1 (d) please clarify what is meant by “ equipment is correctly placed and that the equipment is not wet”?
5.3.1 (j) please furnish a copy the release certificate being referred to and clarify the process to obtain signed copy of said certificate for each galley waste load.
6.2.1 “ensure that all equipment are colour coded” Does this refer to the bins? Please confirm the preferred PAN colour code.
6.2.4 “wheelie bins are lined with a plastic liner not less than 120 microns and secured to the top of the bin with a elastic band” Please confirm whether this is the correct specification in light of our question 5.2.1.
“ wheelie bins must be emptied twice a day between 09:00 and 10:00 in the morning and again 14:00 and 15:00 in the afternoon. Please clarify whether this is the required times at which services are to be provided? What is the existing collection frequency and timing?
“ the skips must be removed within four hours when they are full” please provide clarity, which skips are being referred to when all other references for Galley waste removal in the Port of Cape Town reference is made to wheelie bins?
Interim storage of galley waste
We found no evidence of Galley waste being stored on site currently. Please clarify the intent of this clause relating to the onsite storage of galley waste.
Port of Cape Town (Hazardous Waste):
Please provide rules of the port / safety requirements / Port Waste Management Plan / Waste Management Procedure / -Port Waste Management plan will be discussed with the successful service provider
What is the staff compliment on the contracts for Cape Town i.e. how many people required on site – Transnet usually indicates a maximum number of labour to be used for their contracts. / When quoting please indicate labour cost for this contract and role of that resource that will be working on this contract.
Will TNPA provide facilities / resources for the personnel required on site? Which facilities / resources will be provided? / No Facility will be provided by TNPA for this contract, however the will be a contractor supervisor on site
May the BoQ be amended to reflect all line items required to complete / carry out the identified scope of work / service? / -Hazardous waste receptacles are mentioned in the hazardous waste specifications. (2.2 Waste Receptacles).
Reference is made to 10m³ for RoRo – RoRo’s used to transport 18m³ and higher / Oily water is coming from the tugs. TNPA deposit the slops into the tanks. Therefore, the service provider must place 10 500 litre vaccum tank onsite. When the tank is full then the service provider to collect the slops.
Reference made to 10m³ - Does TNPA not mean 11m³ (which is standard size) and is removed using skip trucks
What type of storage container does TNPA require for fluorescent tubes – Vapourproof boxes are normally supplied and removed as a whole / -The contained fluorescent tubes will be taken for recycling by the service provider on call outs or when full from the Port of Cape Town, not to landfill site as mentioned in 1.2.4
-There is a container provided by TNPA the service provider will have to just remove it when full and replace it again
Who is expected to do the crushing of fluorescent tubes / globes should TNPA refuse the packaging of fluorescent tubes / globes instead? Does TNPA have a permit / licence to crush? / -There are trained personnel that crushes the tubes on site
- Yes
Fluorescent tubes & globes may not be disposed – these must be recycled – Recycling facilities based in Gauteng & KZN – can these be line items be amended in the BoQ to reflect legislative compliance? / Make a submission as to how are going to dispose off Fluorescent tubes / globes