Announcement : re Irish Society of Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Medicine [formerly Irish Society of Orthopaedic Medicine] Part ‘A’ Course….Jan,2016

Part A is the first of a 3-part series of courses dealing with presentation,

diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue lesions presenting to primary care therapists,with added content of radiological and rheumatologically- relevant aspects. This series of Courses,together with successful completion of an Examination for Diploma in Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Medicine,is part of a pathway which can be taken towards a M.M.Sc in NUIGalway.

Part ‘A’ deals with diagnosis and treatment of lesions at the cervical spine,shoulder,elbow and wrist/hand together with basic principles underlying the Cyriax approach to examination and diagnosis,and the general principles of pain/referred pain theory,connective tissue injury and repair.

It is a particularly ‘hands-on’ course with participants expected to both examine ,and be examined, and sham-treated, by fellow participants.

Amongst the treatments taught are Mobilisation,Friction Massage,and Injection,using both local anaesthetic and Steroid.At the heart of this course,however,is the teaching of an approach to examination and interpretation of the everyday presenting features of soft tissue lesions of the neck and upper limb,with direction on the treatment pathways most appropriate to the common conditions met in primary care.The need and appropriateness of the different Radiological investigations will be presented by a Consultant in Musculoskeletal Radiology. A Consultant in Rheumatology will highlight rheumatological presentations masquerading as musculoskeletal injury,in the general context of the differing inflammatory processes.

Part ‘A’ will take place in The Centre for Learning and Development at Tallaght Hospital,between 7-10 January 2016 [Thursday,Friday,half-day Saturday]

Part ‘B’ is scheduled for April 7-9, and Part C in Sept 8-10th,2016 with examination for Diploma in early October 2016.There is no obligation to take the examination, but participants intending to take the exam are required to submit prescribed intermodular work.

Application is via Application form ,available from