York College Technology Fee Budget
Project Listing
Fiscal Year2015/2016
Below is the York College Technology Fee project listingfor fiscal year 2015/2016.
Projected FY 2014/2015 revenue for budget purposes: $1,600,000
CUNY Enterprise Technology Initiatives: $160,000
CUNY Strategic Technology Initiatives: $160,000
York Library Allocation$240,000
The York Library is allocated approximately 15% of the Technology Fee collections to provide the York College Library a continuous ability to maintain updated research and curricular subscription services to the students and faculty, as well as financial resources for in-year hardware and supplies needs.
Temporary Services$551,024
The Technology Fee Temporary Services allocation is used to employ part-time College Assistants, IT Support Assistants and Adjuncts to assist Students and Faculty with technology needs in teaching and drop-inlabs on campus. There is also an allocation for faculty participating in the Hybrid Course Development Initiative training and mentoring.
College Assistants (Drop-in & Teaching Lab Support)$146,737
Classroom Multimedia Support $ 83,995
TV Studio Support & Lab Support$ 84,205
IT Assistant (Service Desk)$ 12,190
Educational Technology Blackboard Administration$ 49,247
Educational Technology Support/ Development (Bb/WordPress)$ 12,189
Faculty Training and Mentoring (Hybrid Course Initiative)$ 14,000
Nursing Program (Hospital) $ 20,967
Project Related Overtime (Skilled Trades, IT Staff)$ 25,000
Fringe Benefits$102,494
York Enterprise Initiatives$137,976
Shared Data Center Services: $75,000
This allocationwill support data center and network hardware, software, and services related to student technology services. Examples are: Service Desk software, VPN services, network communication links infrastructure hardware, Disk Storage, Servers, security products, Student Directory Services, output management software, and backup services.
Software Licenses and ASP Services: $30,000
There are a number of software licenses and ASP service agreements in use by students and faculty that require annual maintenance payments which are paid through this budget item such as: SPSS, Eviews (Business),Blackboard Add-on products, WebCheckout classroom technologymanagement software, NACE Career Services ASP agreement, Athletics website services, SONA human subject pool management ASP agreement (Social Sciences), and Faculty requested classroom software and multimedia products.
Contingency Allotment: $32,976
Each year Committee proposals or newly identified technology needs arise that require immediate response. This allocation will be held in reserve as a means of addressing unplanned requirements during the FY 2016 school year.
Student ADA Workstation Compliance Project (Phase 1):$108,000
This is the first phase of a planned two phase project to install ADA Compliant Hardware and software throughout the campus. This phase will place one ADA compliant workstation in all of the College’s drop-in labs and teaching spaces. The College library will brought up to full compliance with this allocation as well. Phase two will occur next year adding additional workstations to the Labs and classrooms to meet the 5% ADA seating standard.
Smart Classroom Project$144,000
We are continuing our effortto provide multimedia, network attached classroom technology throughout the campus.These classrooms will also be outfitted with electronic door locks and we cabling to enable the possibility of installing cameras for lecture capture, distance learning, and off-hour security surveillance. Installation services will be provided by a combination of York skilled trades personnel and vendor services. We are planning to install 6 rooms with this allocation.
Hybrid Course Development Initiative$ 24,000
This allocation will be used to providenotebooks to faculty participants of this initiative for workshops, course material development, and class instruction.
Electrical and Cabling Materials:$20,000
This allocation provides for the electrical and cabling materials to support the projects listed in this budget as well as moves and changes to existing technology spaces.This amount is budgeted based on prior years’ materials use.
Supplies, Maintenance, and Miscellaneous Parts$55,000
This allocation funds the maintenance costs for Library copiers and scanners. It also addresses the ongoing need to provide miscellaneous items and supplies in support of the technology programs supported by the Tech Fee. Typical purchases in this category are paper, toner, desktop cables and connectors, extension cords, replacement keyboards, mice, and training workshop materials.
Total FY 2015/2016 Spending Plan $1,600,000