25th JULY 2013



Members are invited to consider and comment on the contents of the report.


The purpose of this report is to outline, for those budget areas falling within the remit of the Regeneration Scrutiny Select Committee:-

-  2012/13 Outturn

-  2013-14 budget position to the end of May 2013.

-  Update on progress made in achieving approved savings in 2013/14

The Regeneration Scrutiny Select Committee covers areas from both the Environment and Communities service group and the Office of the Chief Executive. The relevant areas of the revenue and capital budgets have been extracted from the wider service group and included within this report.

(a)  Revenue Outturn 2012-13

The provisional 2012/13 outturn of the regeneration service area is an overspend of £1.790m. The majority of this relates to unallocated savings from the former Sustainable Regeneration directorate.

(b)  Revenue Budget monitoring 2013-14

The directorate net budget for 2013/14 is £33.447m. To the end of May 2013 there is an overspend of £0.587m. The forecast for the year is an underspend of £0.065m relating to staffing costs.

(c)Approved Savings

Approved savings within Regeneration total £2.449m. The savings are identified and risk rated within the report.


The overall approved capital programme for 2013/14 is £114.994m, of this £49.951m is held within the Office of the Chief Executive service group and £65.043m within the Environment and Communities Service Group. The individual schemes have been identified within the report. Expenditure to the end of May 2013 totals £9.675m.


·  SAP general ledger and BI reports

·  Various documents held by the accountancy team


Joanne Hardman – Principal Group Accountant tel 793 3156



Key risks to budgetary control are identified in this report.

SOURCE OF FUNDING: Sections in this report consider both the revenue budget and capital programme

LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: Not applicable to this report

FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: This report concerns key aspects of the Council’s revenue finances and has been produced by the Finance team for the directorate.

WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): None specifically in terms of the revenue budget. However, there are a number of large schemes within the capital programme linked to wards in Central Salford.

KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: 2012/13 and 2013/14 revenue budget and capital programme


1  Introduction

1.1  This report is set out in four main sections.

·  Section 2 sets out the provisional revenue outturn of the service area for 2012/13.

·  Section 3 sets out the current position of expenditure against the revenue budget and forecasts the year end position, highlighting any risks/sensitivities.

·  Section 4 provides an analysis of progress made towards agreed CSR savings targets.

·  Section 5 provides an update of the capital programme.

2012/13 Provisional Outturn

2.1  The provisional 2012/13 outturn for the Regeneration service area is an overspend of £1.790m. The table below analyses the variation across the service area.

Table A – 2012/13 Outturn

Summary of Variations 2012/13 / £000
Environment and Communities
Development control/Building control income / 182 / Adverse
Staff Car-parking income / 358 / Adverse
Off street parking income / 83 / Adverse
Traffic Regulation Orders / 10 / Adverse
Cost of public investigation / 70 / Adverse
Stott Lane Works / -15 / Favourable
Advertising income / 105 / Adverse
Computer upgrade / 16 / Adverse
Skip income not achievable / 30 / Adverse
Planning appeals eg Chat Moss/Green Lane / 200 / Adverse
Delayed implementation of highway permit scheme / 100 / Adverse
Staffing savings eg maternity leave / -108 / Favourable
Other / 4 / Adverse
Sub-total - Environment and Communities / 1,035 / Adverse
Unallocated Savings from former Sustainable Regeneration directorate / 1,132 / Adverse
Total - Environment and Communities / 2,167 / Adverse
Office of the Chief Executive
Media City UK / -333 / Favourable
Other - mainly staffing / -44 / Favourable
Total - Office of the Chief Executive / -377 / Favourable
Total Variation / 1,790 / Adverse

2.2  A significant amount of the adverse variation within the Environment and Communities service group relates to income targets that were not achieved. However, the largest element of the overspend relates to unallocated savings within the former Sustainable Regeneration directorate which were transferred across to the Environment and Communities service group. The Environment and Communities service group management team have worked with the Chief Financial Officer to try to manage the impact of these budget pressures in 2013/14 and future years.

2.3  The Office of the Chief Executive underspend mainly related to two issues within the MediaCityUk budget:-

o  Transport.

From September 2012, the Quayslink bus service was provided by a commercial operator and therefore required no further contribution from the City Council. This produced a part year saving in 2012/13 which will have a full year effect in 2013/14. Additionally, the Metrolink service exceeded expectations in terms of its revenue income which again reduced the demands on the MediaCityUK budget.

o  Property

Property related costs associated with the Landing were lower than anticipated particularly relating to facilities management and NNDR.

3  Revenue budget

3.1 The current position and year end forecast is set out in Table B below. Agreed savings (discussed in section 4) have been built into the budget figures. The overall budget for the Office of the Chief Executive service group covers:-

·  On-going budgets for teams

·  On-going project budgets

·  Short term projects which are typically wholly externally funded

·  Central recharges for Service Level Agreements and Capital charges.

3.2 The budget for the Environment and Communities service group covers the functions of Planning, Transport and Housing which transferred from the former Sustainable Regeneration directorate.

3.3 To the end of May, there is an adverse variation of £587k relating to services within the Environment and Communities service group as detailed below. As it is still early in the financial year, it is difficult to accurately forecast the year end budgetary position, however, a small underspend is forecast relating to staffing costs.

Table B: Revenue budget to May 2013

Budget to May 2013 / Actual to May 2013 / Variance / Fav/Adv / Annual Budget / Forecast Outturn / Forecast Variance / Risk Assessment
£'000 / £'000 / £'000 / £'000 / £'000 / £'000
Office of the Chief Executive -Teams / 511 / 501 / - 10 / Fav / 1,058 / 1,058 / - / GREEN
Office of the Chief Executive - Projects / 736 / 736 / - / Fav / 7,082 / 7,082 / - / GREEN
Office of the Chief Executive - Short Term budgets / - 28 / - 28 / - / Fav / 100 / 100 / - / GREEN
Environment and communities - Planning, Transport & Housing / 116,721 / 117,318 / 597 / Adv / 19,648 / 19,583 / - 65 / GREEN
Sub-total / 117,940 / 118,527 / 587 / - / 27,888 / 27,823 / - 65 / GREEN
Central SLA and Capital recharges / 401 / 401 / - / Adv / 5,559 / 5,559 / - / GREEN
Total / 118,341 / 118,928 / 587 / - / 33,447 / 33,382 / - 65 / GREEN

4  Savings

4.1 The savings agreed during the budget process, and progress made in achieving them, are set out in table C below.

4.2 Table C Savings summary

Savings Target 2013/14 / Risk Assessment / Savings Target / Progress to Date / Forecast shortfall
£000 / £000 / £000
Reduction in MediaCityUK budget / Green / 300 / 75 / 0
Team merger and rationalisation / Amber / 150 / 0 / 0
Sub-total – Office of the Chief Executive / 450 / 75 / 0
Landlord and Selective licensing / Green / 315 / 177 / 0
Renegotiate gas monitoring SLA with Salix and Citywest / Green / 30 / 0 / 0
Implement 4% casual vacancy factor for SR / Green / 89 / 89 / 0
Highways Services / Amber / 465 / 0 / 0
Urban Vision Management Fee / Amber / 1,000 / 0 / 0
Carbon Management saving / Red / 100 / 0 / 0
Sub-total – Environment and Communities / 1,999 / 266
Total - Regeneration / 2,449 / 341 / 0

Note: The Carbon Management saving is to be transferred to the Customer and Support Service group as part of the property function.

4.3 Whist a proportion of agreed savings targets for 2013/14 have been achieved to the end of May, it is anticipated that the full savings target will be achieved by year end. Where there is a significant risk that savings will not be achieved, an amber risk rating has been given to highlight the risk and close monitoring will be undertaken for the remainder of the year.

5. Capital

2012/13 Capital Outturn

5.1 This section of the report outlines the 2012/13 outturn capital programme for the Regeneration area. The capital programme was monitored and reported as part of the overall budget monitoring process across all service groups. Due to the nature of large, complex capital projects, reviews of spend assumptions are undertaken through the year and resources re-profiled as required.

5.2 Table D 2012/13 Capital Outturn

Scheme / Programme / Outturn / Variance against Programme Profile
Under / (Over)
£m / £m / £m
Office of the Chief Executive
Irwell River Park & Spinningfields Bridge / 1.007 / 0.572 / -0.435
Salford West / Liverpool Rd Greening / Empty Shops funding / 2.227 / 1.604 / -0.623
Port Salford / 5.932 / 5.932 / -
Chapel Street Acquisition fund / 1.693 / 1.571 / -0.122
Central Salford & Media City / 6.689 / 6.263 / -0.426
Charlestown Riverside / 0.198 / 0.256 / 0.058
Section 106 funded projects / 0.133 / 0.089 / -0.044
Other projects – Hancocks, Cranes relocation and NDC / 0.88 / 0.944 / 0.064
Manchester Ship Canal- Aeration / 0.256 / 0.256 / -
Office of the Chief Executive Programme / 19.015 / 17.487 / -1.528
Environment and Communities
Housing Public Sector / 32.304 / 29.938 / -2.366
Housing Private sector / 5.023 / 4.968 / -0.055
Highways / 21.073 / 15.496 / -5.577
Environment and Communities Programme / 58.400 / 50.402 / -7.998
Total / 77.415 / 67.889 / -9.526

2013/14 Capital Programme

5.3 The capital programme, profile and spend to the end of May 2013. is included in table E below. Each scheme will continue to be closely monitored throughout the year to ensure any potential spend pressures are identified at the earliest opportunity.

Table E – Capital Programme 2013/14

Scheme / Programme / 2013/14 Expected Spend to date / Actual Spend to date / Variance to date
£m / £m / £m / £m
Irwell River Park & Spinningfields Bridge / 1.869 / 0.093 / 0.005 / -0.088
Salford West / Liverpool Rd Greening / Empty Shops funding / 4.722 / 0.236 / 0.050 / -0.186
Port Salford / 24.068 / 2.576 / 2.576 / 0.000
Chapel Street Acquisition fund / 12.572 / 3.844 / 3.844 / 0.000
Central Salford & Media City / 2.772 / 0.139 / 0.080 / -0.059
Charlestown Riverside / 1.321 / 0.050 / -0.050
Manchester Bury Bolton Canal / 0.352 / 0.018 / -0.018
Other projects / 1.275 / 0.064 / 0.092 / 0.028
Local Authority Mortgage Scheme / 1.000 / 0.050 / -0.050
Office of the Chief Executive programme / 49.951 / 7.070 / 6.647 / -0.423
Housing Public Sector / 29.250 / 2.023 / 2.023 / 0.000
Housing Private Sector / 9.623 / 0.481 / 0.074 / -0.407
Highways / 26.170 / 1.309 / 0.931 / -0.378
65.043 / 3.813 / 3.028 / -0.785
Environment and Communities programme
Total Programme / 114.994 / 10.883 / 9.675 / -1.208

Full details of the programme and funding sources are included in appendix 1.


Appendix 1

Unsupported Borrowing
Programme / Actual spend to 31st May / Invest to Save / General Support / Grant / Other / Total Resources
£m / £m / £m / £m / £m / £m / £m
Development Team / 0.687 / 0.687 / 0.687
City Wide Pre-Implementation / 0.250 / 0.002 / 0.250 / 0.250
Strategic Connections - Infra / 0.180 / 0.180 / 0.180
Bridgewater Canal / 0.619 / 0.250 / 0.369 / 0.619
Creating a new Pendleton / 0.500 / 0.500 / 0.500
Eccles Town Centre / 0.720 / 0.700 / 0.020 / 0.720
Liverpool Road Building Fronts Ph5 / 0.300 / 0.300 / 0.300
Lower Irlam St Scene Improvements / 0.350 / 0.350 / 0.350
Chapel St Public Realm Imp / 0.075 / 0.075 / 0.075
Greengate - Public Realm Phase 2 / 0.150 / 0.150 / 0.150
Swinton / 0.120 / 0.120 / 0.120
Irwell River Park / 1.869 / 0.005 / 1.295 / 0.416 / 0.158 / 1.869
West Podium Stair and Bijou Club / 0.250 / 0.250 / 0.250
Chapel Street Acquisition Fund / 12.572 / 3.844 / 12.572 / 12.572
Local Authority Mortgage Scheme / 1.000 / 1.000 / 1.000
Crescent / 0.050 / 0.050 / 0.050
Manchester Bury Bolton Canal / 0.352 / 0.352 / 0.352
Charlestown/Kersal / 1.321 / 1.301 / 0.020 / 1.321
Kersal Way / 0.154 / 0.154 / 0.154
Salford West Action Plan / 2.113 / 0.050 / 1.244 / 0.125 / 0.744 / 2.113
Port Salford / 24.068 / 2.576 / 15.000 / 9.068 / 24.068
Central Salford / Media City / 0.976 / 0.078 / 0.549 / 0.073 / 0.354 / 0.976
Hancocks Legacy Site / 1.182 / 0.090 / 0.591 / 0.591 / 1.182
Salford Quays Cranes / 0.093 / 0.002 / 0.093 / 0.093
TOTAL – OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE / 49.951 / 6.647 / 28.572 / 8.885 / 9.732 / 2.762 / 49.951
Unsupported Borrowing
Programme / Actual spend to 31st May 2013 / Invest to Save / General Support / Grant / Other / Total Resources
£m / £m / £m / £m / £m / £m / £m
Decent Homes
Commitments from 2012/13 / 3.207 / 1.683