Category / Laboratory equipment and parts supplies / REF: ILRI/ENG/12/EE/SERV/01B
Document Purchase Receipt No. / Date: / Serial No.

For further information, please contact:

Procurement Office-ILRI on Tel: +254-20-4223000... Email:


International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) (

ILRI has its head quarters in Nairobi working in agricultural research and development. ILRI purchases substantial quantities of Engineering goods and services on an annual basis. Prospective suppliers are invited to submit their proposal of expression of interest to the address below for pre-qualification.

The information you disclose will be handled in the strictest confidence by ILRI. The Supplier will also be held responsible for disclosing incorrect or misleading information.

Submissions should be in a sealed envelope (not disclosing the source) which should be dropped and registered at the ILRI-Mail Office – Procurement Tender Box.



ILRI-Mail Office – Procurement Tender Box

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Old Naivasha Road

P. O. Box 30709-00100




All submissions must be received by 4.00 pm on 10th May, 2012 to be deemed “received in time”.


This document is a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) for the provision of Electronic laboratory equipment and parts supplies and service as detailed below -

·  All the information contained in this RFP and in the Provider’s response will be handled with confidentiality by both the Provider and ILRI.

·  In issuing this RFP, there is no obligation on ILRI to select and procure all or some of the services offered.

·  Any information given by the Provider will form the basis of any contract that may be entered into between ILRI and the Provider.

·  ILRI shall not be liable for or required to pay any costs, expenses or losses that may be incurred by the Provider in the preparation of their Proposal.

·  All required information will be submitted on the documents specified in this RFP.

·  ILRI does not bind itself to accept the lowest bid of any Proposal and reserves the right to accept a portion of any Proposal.

·  The Provider is to submit a fully qualifying bid.

·  ILRI reserves the right to conduct unannounced site visits to the Provider premises.

·  ILRI may contact or arrange site visits to the referees stated in this proposal.


A copy of this Request for Proposal can be downloaded from the ILRI Website on:

The supplier’s proposal must be submitted in two copies, bound, typed and completely printed in one sealed envelope. One Soft copy in CD-ROM should also be included .The proposal MUST be submitted in the format below.

The proposal is made up of four different sections:

1.  Section 1 – Terms and Conditions of Service

2.  Section 2 – Service Proposal- All submissions must use the format provided.

3.  Annex A

4.  Appendix B

All above sections will form part of the evaluation criteria.


In order to be considered for pre-qualification, prospective suppliers must submit all the information in the format requested herein-Annex A:

Category / Laboratory equipment and parts supplies / REF: ILRI/ENG/12/EE/SERV/01B


1. Specify the Lab Equipment that you can supply (Centrifuges, Incubators, Lab Balances, Stirrers, Water baths, Thermo-cyclers, etc) / i)
2. Types of lab equipment parts you can supply (for particular machines or general spares) / i)
3. Provide information of installation and commissioning. / i)
4. Provide information on user training and how it will be carried out. / i).
5. Provide information on how you handle after sale support and preventative maintenance. Include information on service training.
6. State the terms of warranty for the equipment? State for each category of equipment separately, if different.
7.State clearly Terms & Conditions Contract preferred –
*Direct Manufacturer Sale
*Retail/Distributor/Agency Sale
8. State clearly with evidence if your company is under the following categories. –
*Joint Venture – Give details
*Partnership – Give details
*Local representation (Kenya) – Give details of principal company / i)
9. State the type of insurances you put in place while carrying out the contract
10. State the health and safety measures that you abide by during contract execution
11. State any engineering organization affiliation membership / Give full details – Name, Physical Address & electronic contacts
12. State whether your company is affiliated to any engineering firm. / Details/evidence
13. State any technological innovations or specific attributes which distinguish you from your competitors / Details/evidence
Note: / Give full details – Name, Physical Address & electronic contacts

The services provided will be exempt from VAT and excise duty under the terms of the ILRI’s Host Country Agreements with the Government of Kenya. However, a VAT exemption certificate will be given in lieu of the VAT payments.

The services will also be subjected to withholding tax (as applicable) as required by the Government of Kenya.


(Please provide the details required in the following order)

1. The Proposal Submission

1.1. Covering letter on firms headed paper giving complete details as requested below including email addresses and Telephone contacts.

1.2. Submit Prequalification documents based on Section 1-Prequalifications format

2. Corporate details -

2.1.2 When was the firm established and your experience in this area of services. Provide copies of the following –

Documents required / Check - if attached to proposal
1. / Certificate of incorporation
2. / Copy of VAT Registration Certificate/exemption
3. / Valid Tax compliance certificates
4. / Copy of PIN certificate
5. / Copies of relevant Purchase/Service orders (3 copies of your highest value)
6. / Copies of tender payment receipt
7. / Copies of Current Trade Licence
8. / Comprehensive Company Profile (including organization chart)

2.1.3 Financial Statements

Please submit your audited accounts for 2008, 2009 and 2010 accompanied by the auditor’s opinion.

2.2. Directors and Partners

List below the names, nationalities and addresses of all the Directors and/or Partners (executive and non executive) of your company:

Name / Nationality / Complete Address / Executive (Yes/No)

2.3. Other companies

List below other firms, holding firms, or other organizations, and their addresses, holding major interest in your company

Company Name Location (Country) Status (interest)

2.4  Account Management

List below the names of the persons assigned to supervise the Clients account by your firm explain the roles clearly.

Name Position

2.5.  Bank Reference

List below bank (s) which your company has account (s)

Name of Bank Location Branch

3  Business References - List 4 major clients whom you have provided similar goods and services to in the last three financial years that you would recommend for Reference - must be relevant to the items or services you have expressed interest to supply. Pease break them down into the following categories:

a)  Non-Profit/Donor Funded Organizations:

Name of Firm Location/Physical Address Contact Person Business Ksh. a.n.

b)  Commercial Organizations:

Name of Firm Location/Physical Address/Tel. Contact Person Business Ksh. a.n

4  Sub-Contractors -

Does your company intend to sub-contract any of the proposed services to another firm?

If yes,

To who?

What portion and why?

5 Business Principles -

Conflict of Interest

5.1. ILRI insists on honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of the business relationship with your company. Direct or indirect offer, payment, soliciting and acceptance of bribes in any form are unacceptable practices.

Please confirm your agreement to the above. Y / N

5.2.  To avoid conflict of interest between their private financial activities and their part in the conduct of company business, ILRI employees or member of their immediate family or relatives should not acquire financial interest in any company or organization with which ILRI has commercial relationship.

Is a member of your immediate family or relative an ILRI employee? Y /N

If yes, please provide details.

6. Declaration requirement to be completed in Appendix B attached.

7. Continuous improvement and Performance Measurements –

The supplier will be required to participate positively in the client’s performance measurement systems, which will include the following:

a)  Ensuring the most efficient service delivery turnaround time

b)  Maintenance of quality standards of all items supplied by random checks

c)  Supplier expected to inform clients of new products or new innovations to create market awareness and trends.

d)  Contract compliance.

8. Credit Facilities –

Upon delivery of invoice, what would be the expected maximum credit period offered by your firm?

a)  Where prices have been offered in Annex A - they must be net discounted prices and VAT exclusive.

b)  Indicate terms and conditions of delivery and installation.

c)  Indicate the extended warranty period for items where applicable.

9. What are your standard procedures for handling customer queries?

10.  Please provide a Customer Care, Policy and Standard Manual (if available).

11. ILRI observes green procurement regulations therefore suppliers and manufacturers should ensure that goods and services are compliant with emerging Environmental Management Standards.


ILRI reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without assigning any reasons thereof.


Declaration – Appendix B

I declare that to the best of my knowledge that the answers submitted in this prequalification proposal (and any supporting documentation) are correct. I understand that any misrepresentation will render my organization ineligible to participate in any future business activities with ILRI.
Position (Job Title):
Telephone Number(s):
Email address:
Position (Job Title):
Email address:
Document Purchase Receipt No. / Date: / Serial No.


Confidential- Electronic laboratory equipment and parts supplies and service - ILRI/Eng/12/EE/SERV/01B