Y1 Curriculum Information – Summer Term 2


What we are going to cover in our topic on the Seaside

  • To use atlases and maps to locate places within the British Isles.
  • To look at the characteristics of coastal towns and areas.
  • To discuss safety at the seaside
  • To learn about the water cycle
  • To compare our local area with other environments.


  • To read a range of stories based on the theme of ‘The Seaside’
  • To look at the settings of books and stories
  • To investigate different types of text eg postcards, letters
  • To write imaginative stories
  • To read non-fiction texts to gather information about our topics “At the Seaside”, “Underwater adventure”
  • To compose our own rhyming/non-rhyming poetry related to our theme
  • To evaluate and respond to texts, relating events to children’s own experiences.
  • Guided Writing sessions will focus upon sentence structure and punctuation (capital letter, full-stop) and encouraging children to spell independently
  • Phonics Work: Revision of all phonemes taught so far


  • To count in steps of 2, 5 and 10
  • To know pairs of numbers that total 10 and 20 and 100
  • To recall doubles of numbers to at least 10
  • To practise addition and subtraction and solve word problems
  • To measure length using metres and capacity using measuring cylinders
  • To use coins to pay and work out change from 10p and 20p and £!

Other Areas

  • History: To look at seaside holidays in the past
  • Art & Design: To look at the portrayal of water in art
  • ICT (including the computing curriculum): to look at 2D and 3D animation. To participate in forums. E-safety – fact or fiction.
  • PE: To practise team game skills
  • RE: To look at the importance of pilgrimages across different religions.
  • Music: Continue to develop pitch and rhythm skills and use them to create an “underwater composition”.

What you can do to help: To stimulate your child’s interest in this term’s topic visits to an aquarium or a seaside resort would be valuable, as well as discussions with older family members about seaside holidays they enjoyed as children and looking at photos of family holidays. Please continue to support your child at home by logging onto the e-school to use the variety of resources and forums available and to log on to Bug club and Abacus. Maths games are available in the Y2 corridor. Any parents/family members and friends with special interests in this topic, please come in and arrange a time to talk with the children.