This is how the Student Government Association would like each constitution structured. We expect each club to design their constitution to this structure, with their own creativity added in. Any constitution that does not follow this format will not be accepted by the Rules and Regulations Committee. Please make every effort to make your constitution like the sample while adding in your own changes. We encourage you to make your constitution your own and deviate as much as you like, as long as you are maintaining the same formatting. Please do not be vague. We would like specifics for each category listed. Any questions, please call the Student Government Association at x5429. Thank you for your cooperation and good luck!
Sample Constitution
(Name of Club instead of “Sample”)
Article I
Section 1:This organization shall be known as the ______Club.
Article II
Section 1:Detail the reasons of why the club was created, what the club will do, and who the club will work for (i.e. students, community).
Article III
Section 1:Membership shall be open to all full-time and part-time undergraduate students of Westfield State University who have paid their student activities fee for the current academic semester. This must read exactly as it reads above.
Section 2:Members are considered to be active if they attend and participate in ______(i.e. fifty percent (50%) of club meetings and activities). This is to determine who is an active member of the club and how the club will evaluate participation.
Article IV
The following sections should detail the club’s ideas for each section.
Section 1:The officers of the club. (This should be in paragraph form).
Section 2:Duties of the officers.
Section 3:When the officers will be selected.
Section 4:Who is eligible to hold office.
Section 5:The term of office for each officer.
Article V
Section 1:How will the advisor(s) be selected.
Section 2:What are the duties of the advisor.
Article VI
Section 1:Who can nominate people for office and how they will be nominated.
Section 2:How will the votes be cast and who will tally them.
Section 3:No election may be held if there is not a quorum of fifty percent (50%) of the club members plus one (1) present at the meeting. This section must be written word for word in your constitution.
Section 4:How will a tie be broken.
Article VII
Section 1:This section should contain how often the club will meet. Please format as “The club will meet no less than ______.”
Section 2:This section should include that officers may hold separate meetings with only the officers or meetings without the advisors.
Section 3:This section should detail who may call special meetings, if they are needed.
Article VIII
Section 1:This section should detail how the club will fill the vacancies if an officer resigns or an advisors leaves.
Article IX
Amending Procedure:
Section 1:This constitution may be amended by a (number of people required to be amended {i.e. two-thirds}) majority vote of the voting members of the club and if approved by the Rules and Regulations committee of the Student Government Association. This section must read word for word.
Article X
Removal from office:
Section 1:This section must detail how the club will remove an officer if they are not performing their duties.
Section 2:This section must detail how the club will remove an advisor if they are not performing their duties.
Commonly Made Formatting Mistakes
- Numbers need to be both written out and indicated numerically. For example “One (1)”.
- Another is to be inconsistent with the name of your club throughout the constitution. The name used in Article I is the name that needs to be used throughout the constitution.
- All sections must be written out in full sentences.
- Most of all, proofread! It’s easy to do and it helps everyone in the long run.