To All Team Managers andCoaches:
The San Carlos Youth Softball Association (SCYSA) Board of Directors would like to welcome you to SCYSA’s 2017 season. We appreciate that you are investing your valuable time to support our league by serving as a Manager or Coach this season. We are confident you will have a great time with the players and theirfamilies.
Enclosed you will find the rules, regulations, and other helpful information. Please read through this Handbook and keep it handy for easy reference during the season. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any Board member for assistance. If you have any suggestions for improvements to this handbook, please contact Terry Woodsome or Darren Waddell. We welcome yoursuggestions.
SCYSA is an organization run solely by volunteers. Without the support of our sponsors and the time contributed by you and others, our league would not exist. SCYSA is in constant search of new volunteers to help with the many tasks that need to be completed each year, as well as volunteers who would be interested in SCYSA board level positions. For more information, please visit our website or contact any SCYSA Boardmember.
Good luck and have a greatseason!
Terry WoodsomeDarren Waddell
Letter to ManagersandCoaches...... 2
SCYSA BoardofDirectors...... 4
RulesandProcedures...... 5-14
PurposeandGoals...... 6
LeagueComposition...... 7
Registration andTeamInformation...... 8
TeamManagement...... 9
UniformsandEquipment...... 10
Umpires...... 12
Safety...... 12
Conduct...... 13
ReplacementofPlayers...... 14
FinancialAid...... 14
SCYSADivision Rules...... 15-33
Summary of Division rules…………………………………………………………….16-20
Rookies...... 20
AA...... 21-23
AAA...... 24-26
Upper Divisions: 10U,12U,14U...... 27-30
SCYSA Rules ataGlance...... 31
Additional PYUA Rules………………………………………………………………..32
Incomplete andRescheduledGames...... 33
All-Stars...... 34-38
Overview of theAll-Starprogram...... 35-36
Nomination criteria forAll-StarPlayers...... 37
Nomination criteria for All-Star CoachandManager...... 38
Manager/CoachResponsibilities...... 39-41
ExpectedSkillsOutcomes...... 42-44
Practice andGameRequirements/Procedures...... 45-46
TeamJobDescriptions...... 47
Sample TeamParentLetter...... 48
SampleTeamRoster...... 49
Sample Team JobSign-UpForm...... 49
SummerLeague...... 49
SCYSA Website, Email,Hotline Information...... 49
Judy & PaulCarmonaScholarship...... 49
President / Michelle Sarrail /Vice-President / Open
Treasurer / Hillary Wiessinger /
Secretary / Amy Stephenson /
Player Agents / Terry Woodsome (Rookies)
Mario Flaviani (AA)
Stan Ramirez (AAA)
Darren Waddel (10U)
Jaymin Mehta (12U)
Head Coach / Darren Waddell /
Field Commissioner / Dennis Paul /
Head Manager / Terry Woodsome /
Summer Coordinator (Force) / Mario Flaviani /
At-LargeMember (scheduler) / Ben Spink /
At-Large Member (sponsorships) / Aspen Moulden /
At-LargeMember (uniforms) / Marija Cerelli /
At-LargeMember (equipment) / Stan Ramirez /
At-LargeMember / Bryan Palmer /
At-LargeMember / Jaymin Mehta /
At-Large Member (trophies/ yearbook/photos) / Mary Wilke-Hiland /
At-Large Member (Snack Shack) / Open
At-Large Member / Greg Agosti /
At-LargeMember / Anthony Riccardi /
Rules and Procedures
The purposes of the San Carlos Youth Softball Association (SCYSA, spring league) are to perpetuate itself, to educate, train and organize responsible volunteer adults, to offer girlsopportunities to develop and improve their capabilities and self-esteem utilizing a fast pitch softball program as the vehicle, and to enable participants to become better Americancitizens.
All material, assets, funds, equipment, field commitments, community good will, and confidential lists, rosters, and compilations acquired under the name of, by, or through SCYSA, a non profit California corporation, are irrevocably dedicated to the physical, mental, and social education, training, development and organization of young people and adult volunteers through their active participation in an organized, continuous and ongoing exercise of a fast pitch softball program as more specifically set forth in the ASA official book and the administrative and field playing rules therein and all addendum, directive andregulations.
The SCYSA spring league includes teams in six divisions: Rookies, AA, AAA, 10U, 12U, and14U.
A SCYSA summer league may be provided for girls under the age of18.
The Rookies division includes players whose Playing Age is at least5.
The AA division consists of players who have played at least one year of Rookies andfirst and second-year AA players with Playing Ages of 6-7.
The AAA division consists of players who have played at least twoyears of AA or “Play-ups” whose Playing Age is between 7 and8.
The 10U division consists of players whose Playing Age is 9 or 10.
The 12U division consists of players whose Playing Age is 11 or12.
- (12U participates in the Peninsula Softball League, which allows players up to the age of 13)
The 14U division consists of players whose Playing Age is 13 to 15.
- (14U participates in the Peninsula Softball League, which allows players up to the age of 15)
“Playing Age” is defined as the age of a player as of January 1 of the playing year. Established age groupings shall not restrict the SCYSA Board of Directors from periodically reassessing the league age structure and recommending revisions therein.
“Play-ups” are players who have rated to play in a division higher than their Playing Age and may be called up to play in that higher division as needed.
The Board will review on an annual basis eligibility of players in grades K-8 who do not fall within the ASA age requirements for the division for which they register.
SCYSA spring league registration is on a first come, first served basis [according to priority guidelines]. Late registrants may be placed on a waiting list. If there are not enough managers and coaches, players will be placed on a waitinglist.
Target maximum roster size is 12, unless otherwise approved by theBoard.
Team selection for Rookies, AA and AAA is done by the Player-Agent. Team selection is done using a blind draw-draft for the 10U, and a draft for the 12U and 14U. Every effort is made to balance the teams through the draw / draft. For that reason all players, including pitchers and catchers, are rated before the start roster selection for the Spring season:
Pitching Pool
“Known pitchers” MUST be rated prior to the draw/draft at a player evaluation day. If a “known pitcher” is not rated, then she may NOT pitch during the season. A “known pitcher” is defined as a player who has pitched in at least 10 innings in the previous season. Any player interested in pitching should be rated in order to balance the teams fairly.
“Known catchers” MUST be rated prior to the draw/draft. If a “known catcher” is not rated, then she may NOT catch during the season. A “known catcher” is defined as a player who has caught in at least 10 innings in the previous season. Any player interested in catching should be rated in order to balance the teams fairly.
Girls may play up or down a division, with Board approval. When playing down, the player may NOT pitch or be selected for AllStars.
SCYSA will not solicit outside its boundaries, but it may accept players residing outside itsboundaries.
Teams are administered and supervised by a Coach and a Manager. The Coach and Manager may have an assisting staff of coaches and must have at least one femalechaperoneaged 21 or older in attendance at all events.
Team functions will not be permitted unless an adult female is present. An adult female must remain at games and practices until all players have been picked up or have permission to walk or ride their bikeshome. In the event the female Coach or female Manager cannot be present for a scheduled game, she must ask an appropriate adult female to substitute forher.
Managers and coaches may staff in more than one division at the same time, with prior Boardapproval.
Where appropriate, managers and coaches are paired by the Head Coach / Head Manager and the SCYSA Board of Directors approves all manager/coach combinations before the draw/draft. Additional assistant coaches may be added after the draw / draft, if appropriately certified and approved by the Head Coach / HeadManager. The Board reserves the right to reject certain Manager/Coachcombinations.
In 10U and above, Manager’s and Coach’s daughters will be added to their team via thedraw/draft.
Managers and/or coaches without a daughter may “adopt” a daughter from those registered prior to the draw/draft, with SCYSA Board approval, provided that the player wishes to be “adopted” and that division parity will be maintained if the “adoption” is permitted.
Graduates of the league program who are 18 years or older may be rostered as coaches, with Board approval. “Junior Coaches”, players 14 ½ or older with advanced softball skills, may also serve as assistants but must be under the supervision of adult, Board-approved coaches. If a Junior Coach serves as a base coach during a game, they are not required to wear a battinghelmet.
The league will supply a team shirt to eachplayer. Players wear black shorts or black softballpants (pants are required at AAA and above). Teams should agree upon a uniform sock style and furnish their own socks. Teams may also furnish their own visors if desired.
Players shall wear the same uniforms. An exception is when a player from another division is filling out the roster for anotherteam, that player should wear their regular team uniform so they can be easily identified as a “play up”. A pitcher shall be allowed to wear sleevesunder her uniform jersey so long as they are notyellow. All otherplayers may wear a solid color shirt under their uniform.
Sweatshirts or Jackets on Cold Days: Sweatshirts or jackets withor without numbers may be worn in the field and up at bat on colddays and nights. If numbers are not visible, the player’s number onher jersey must be shown to the opposing team, when requested.Colors of sweatshirts or jackets need not match.
Jewelry and Medical Alert: Jewelry shall not be worn during anofficial game. Medical alert bracelets and necklaces are not jewelryand may be worn but must be taped to the body in such fashion thatthe medical alert information is visible
The league will supply each team (except Rookie where we don’t have catchers) with the following catcher’s equipment: facemask, helmet, throat protector, shin guards, and body protector. Catchers must wear helmets with ear protection for both ears. This catcher’s equipment must be worn by the girl positioned as the catcher for her complete protection during every game as well as practices. It is required for any player warming up a pitcher to wear a facemask for her ownprotection.
Batting helmets with face guards are required for all divisions when any player for the batting team is on the field (e.g., when on-deck, batting or running the bases).
The league will supply each team with bats and balls. The league does not supply softball mitts/gloves or cleats. Plastic softball cleats are recommended. Metal cleats are not allowed.
All equipment must have thefollowing:
- All helmets and face guards must have the “NOCSAE” approvalstamp.
- All bats must have either “ASA 2000” or “ASA 2004” approvalstamp.
- All bats must have a minimum of 8 inches tape onhandle.
If the equipment used does not have the above requirements, it will not be allowed during the game. Game umpires will be checking theequipment.
Only league players may use leagueequipment.
Umpires in 10U, 12U and 14U shall be ASA certified. Umpires in AAA may be present or former SCYSA upper division players.
The umpire has the right, within ASA and SCYSA guidelines, to bench or dismiss any player, manager, coach, or other participant or spectator who harasses an umpire. Umpires may terminate a game if coaches, managers, players or spectators are out of control after a warning has beengiven.
If an umpire does not show up, the coaches from both teams can approve a substitute umpire to allow the game toproceed.
Managers must keep theirplayers’ medical release forms with them at ALL practices and games. The forms provide parent authorization information in case of an accident.
Medical forms can be found online at:
Managers should have first aid kits and ice available at all practices and games. The league provides kits in the green equipment box at each field. Extraice packs can be found in the storage lockers duringgames.
If you have any questions regarding safety issues, please feel free to call theHead Manager, Terry Woodsome, at or 415-637-4086.
In the unfortunate event that an accident does occur, provide a written descriptionof the incident to the Head manager at twoodsome.com. Provide the name of the injured player, the date that the injury occurred, a description of the incident, the resulting injury, and how the injury wasaddressed.
Pitching machines may ONLY BE OPERATED BY AN ADULT.
All adults on the field or in the audience, involved in any SCYSA activity, are expected to be the best example of Americancitizenship. Coaches and managers are responsible for the conduct of their teams’ spectators.
A Coach or Manager, for reasons of discipline, may recommend a temporary suspension of a player from play to the Player Agent. After review of the matter, the Player Agent will render adecision.
Foul language is not acceptable on the field of play. Any player or coach who uses foul language will be reprimanded. If a player’s conduct is not corrected, the player may be benched at the Manager’sdiscretion.
A parent “Code of Conduct” form must be reviewed and signed at registration. A coach/manager “Code of Conduct” must be reviewed and signed with the league before a team may beassigned. Violation of either Code can result in temporary or permanent suspension from SCYSA activities.
Managers must notify the Player Agent prior to the next game anytime a player drops from the team for any reason. A replacement player will be assigned from the league “waiting list”, if available. Assignments of a replacement player shall be of “like kind”, as decided by the Player Agent and in order of sign-ups in the corresponding division. The replacement player must attend at least two practices prior to being in a game. Managers must notify the Player Agent if a player misses three consecutive, unexcused practices or two consecutive,unexcused games.
A financial aid program is available to assure that no player is precluded from participating in the SCYSA spring league due to a lack of funds. Board approval is required. The number of registrants receiving financial aid shall not exceed five percent of the total number of SCYSA spring leagueregistrants.
**If a rule is not discussed herein, ASA rules for that age group apply**
A.Field Dimensions
/Distance to mound
/Distance between bases
/50 feet
/25 - 30 feet
/50 feet
/30 feet
/50 feet
/at least 125 feet
/35 feet
/60 feet
/at least 125 feet
/40 feet
/60 feet
/at least 140 feet
* Home team of the first game of the day will beresponsible for setting up the field, including dragging, chalking and installing bases. Home team of the last game is responsible for returning bases and other items to storage when the game has ended.
B.Roster Sizes
/Minimum number of players for game
/Number of players in field
/Suggested roster size
*Continuous batting required for all divisionsthrough10U. All players who are in attendance shall be listed in the line-up and take their turn batting. 12U should refer to Peninsula League rules. Order of batting staysthe same from inning to inning. Mid-inning defensive swaps allowed.
**Rookies and AA may choose to play their entire rosters in field (i.e., no one sits)
***If one team does not have the minimum number of players, subject to the approval of both coaches players may be shared between teams so that the girls can still play a game.
**** At AAA and above, if playing with fewer than appropriate number of players (e.g., 9 or less at 10U), a late arriving player that arrives prior to start of second inning will be inserted in last position in the batting order. Players arriving after the start of the second inning are not eligible to play unless both coaches have approved the late arrival prior to the start of the game.
***** At AAA and above, any player leaving a game early will have her subsequent turns at bat counted as an out unless leaving for (1) illness, (2) injury, (3) emergency, or (4) notification by one coach to the other prior to the start of the game regarding the absence.
C.Game Duration, Scoring, Innings
/Game duration
/Inning duration
/Last Inning
/45 min practice and 45 min game
/No score kept
/None – whole team bats each inning
/As time allows
/1.5 hrs
/3 runs max per inning
/3 outs, 3 runs or until entire side bats
/As time allows (typically 3 innings)
/1.5 hrs
/4 runs max per inning, continuation rule in effect, except after 4th inning may score additional runs up to 4 ahead; last inning home team may score until wins or ties
/3 outs or 4 runs
/If time expires mid-inning score reverts to prior full inning
/1.5 hrs
/4 runs max per inning unless behind by more than 4 (then can score until up by 1), continuation rule in effect, last inning home team may score until wins or ties
/3 outs or 4 runs
/6 innings or 1.5 hrs, whichever limit is reached first. A new inning shall begin if any amount of time is left on the official game clock.
/1.5 hrs
/See Peninsula League Rules
/See Peninsula League Rules
/See Peninsula League Rules
*Rookie and AA games may run shorter at Coaches’ discretion