Teacher: Wendy Kempe
/Semester: I
Subject/Grade: GT/Pre-AP & On-level ELA
/Week of: Sept. 26—30, 2011
Weekly Lesson Plans
Daily Plans and Activities for Monday
1. Students will be tested over reading skills learned this six weeks.
2. Review for WW test tomorrow / On-level ELA
1. Students will be tested over reading skills learned this six weeks.
2. Review for WW test tomorrow
Copy plans
DEAR—10 minutes—will be after test today
Copy plans for the week in planner
1. Unit 1 Reading Test—students will be tested over all the skills we’ve had so far this six weeks with a multiple choice test:
· Setting
· Characters
· Plot
· Sequential order of story
· Conflict
· Inference
· Comprehension
AND a Plot Diagram—students will fill in a Plot diagram
2. When finished with test, students will read SSR book and work on story boards
3. Students will review WW 6.1—6.4 w/partners (test tomorrow—NO WORD BANK / DEAR—will be after test today
Turn in homework—Verb Poem
1. Unit 1 Reading Test—students will be tested over all the skills we’ve had so far this six weeks with a multiple choice test:
· Setting
· Characters
· Plot
· Sequential order of story
· Conflict
· Inference
· Comprehension
AND a Plot Diagram—students will fill in a Plot Diagram
2. When finished with test, students will read SSR book and work on ONE PAGERS
3. Students will review WW 6.1—6.4 w/partners (test tomorrow will have WORD BANK
Reading Test=major grade / Reading Test=major grade
Daily Plans and Activities for Tuesday
1. Students will be tested over Greek/Latin stems
2. Students will distinguish between action, linking, and helping verbs
3. Students will write a paragraph using all three kinds of verbs correctly / 1. Students will be tested over Greek/Latin stems
2. Students will distinguish between action, linking, and helping verbs
Writer’s Notebook:
1. WW Stem Test—6.1—6.4—stems only
2. Verb Worksheet & paragraph—Last week students learned about the different kinds of verbs and wrote a verb poem using all action verbs. Today students will distinguish between the different kinds of verbs by labeling and then will write a paragraph about the first six weeks of school using all three different kinds of verbs correctly. / Writer’s Notebook:
1. WW Stem Test—6.1—6.4—stems only
2. Verb Review—use power point to review
3. Worksheet—Last week students learned about the different kinds of verbs and wrote a verb poem using all action verbs. Today students will distinguish between the different kinds of verbs by labeling them.
Stem Test=major grade
Verb wksht=daily grade / Stem Test=major grade
Verb wksht=daily grade
Daily Plans and Activities for Wednesday
1. Students will learn to distinguish adjectives, see their effectiveness, and use them correctly in writing
2. Students will work on Story Boards for a technology piece / 1. Students will learn to distinguish adjectives, see their effectiveness, and use them correctly in writing
2. Students will work on their One-Pagers
DEAR—10 minutes/will do during the second part of block1. Adjectives—
· Students will discuss, take notes, and learn about the different types of adjectives (pwpt)
· Classifying adjectives—Students will be given an adjective and will be asked to categorize it. (which one, what kind, etc. on posters situated around the room)
· The Blond Guitar—students will be given a descriptive piece in which they will color code the different adjectives. We will look at the same piece w/o the adjectives and make a comparison.
· Group Activity—students will be given a scenario and will create a poster using adjectives.
2. Students will work on their storyboards and read their SSR books / 1. Adjectives—
· Students will discuss, take notes, and learn about the different types of adjectives (pwpt)
· Classifying adjectives—Students will be given an adjective and will be asked to categorize it. (which one, what kind, etc. on posters situated around the room)
· Group Activity—students will be given a scenario and will create a poster using adjectives.
2. Students will work on their One-Pagers.
Adjectives=informal assessement / Adjectives=informal assessment
Daily Plans and Activities for Thursday
1. Students will read a dramatic play
2. Students will identify conflict in a drama / 1. Students will read a dramatic play
2. Students will identify conflict in a drama
3. Students will recall events in the play
Writer’s Notebook:
1. “The Prince and the Pauper”—pg. 152
· Big Question: “Who would you BE if you could?”
· Literary Analysis: Conflict in drama
· Reading Strategy: How to read a play
· Students will take on characters and help read the play
2. Students will see how the plot unfolds by documenting on a chart the conflicts in each scene. / 1. “The Prince and the Pauper”—pg. 152
· Big Question: “Who would you BE if you could?”
· Literary Analysis: Conflict in drama
· Reading Strategy: How to read a play
· Students will take on characters and help read the play
2. As we read the play, students will discuss main conflicts.
3. Reading check Resource Manager pg. 212—answer 5 discussion questions about play
Conflict chart=daily grade / Reading Check=daily grade
Daily Plans and Activities for Friday
1. Students will show knowledge of the parts of speech we’ve studied this six weeks
2. Students will use stage directions and act out several parts of the play, “The Prince and the Pauper” / 1. Students will show knowledge of the parts of speech we’ve studied this six weeks
2. Students will use stage directions and act out several parts of the play, “The Prince and the Pauper”
DEAR—10 minutes
1. Students will be given a grammar worksheet and they will show me that they can identify all the parts of speech we’ve learned so far this six weeks.
2. Students will discuss their favorite parts of the play, “The Prince and the Pauper”. After we determine some of our favorite scenes (conflicts), we will act them out. / DEAR—10 minutes
1. The Blond Guitar—students will be given a descriptive piece in which they will color code the different adjectives. We will look at the same piece w/o the adjectives and make a comparison
2. Students will discuss their favorite parts of the play, “The Prince and the Pauper”. After we determine some of our favorite scenes (conflicts), we will act them out
Grammar wksht=informal assessement (if anyone scores low, I will know to give them extra practice/tutorials) / Blond Guitar=informal assessment