Project: 293207: 82633 - .SRT and Accessibility Scripts
Accessibility Script for LYS_External.mp4
Duration: 05:48 minutes
[Music: Bluegrass]
[Video footage]
Montage of Louisiana landmarks: Louisiana State Capitol building in Baton Rouge,Mississippi River lettering carved into bankside, wide view of Crescent City Connection across the Mississippi River, the gothic Old State Capitol building, a Brutalist building with modern sculpture in foreground.
[JO PEASE] ”I founded LYS 46 years ago.”
[Graphic]: LYS Louisiana Youth Seminars logo
[JO PEASE] “The mission in LYS is to take the leadership skills that are inside each of us and help us recognize our strengths.”
[Video footage]
Wide pan of students seated on a wooden floor in a square inside a large hall as they listen to LYS staffer.Close up of Spencer Messick and two other students, followed by a close up of a row of female students.
[Interview: Jo Pease, Founder, Louisiana Youth Seminar (LYS)]
And then help us to also recognizethat you, and others,have different strengths…
[JO PEASE]:”…And we all need one another.”
[Video footage]
A group of students stand in a close-knit circular conga type formation. Spencer is seen at its centre. The students move backwards in formation.
[Interview:Barry Klein, General Manager, Shell Deer Park]
When you think about the worldthat we operate inand every aspect of the world, whether it's politics, business…
[BARRY KLEIN]”…charity or organisationsin the community...... you name it,it depends on leaders.Leaders matter.They make a difference.”
[Video footage]
A female student wearing a pink t-shirt works with a male student wearing a baseball cap. Pan along a row of students who are standing in close physical proximity to the front of the row where one student is holding hands with two other students. Student form a close-knit circle formation with their arms stretched out into the middle.
[Interview: Barry Klein]
They help people succeedin what they're trying to accomplish.
[Video footage]
Montage of Louisiana State University: signage in front of a group of trees as a car drives past in the foreground, LSU Tiger Stadium signage with large yellow LSU lettering on a blue background, Louisiana State University Memorial Tower is seen behind an open grass area and trees.
[JO PEASE]“LYS was foundedand born on a college campus.We want young people in high schoolto have a college experiencewhile still in high school.”
[Video footage]
Smaller LSU Student Union signage as a student walks by in background. Pan round exterior of campus building. Around the perimeter of the hall, students are seated on the wooden floor.
[Interview Jo Pease]
It helps them feel that, 'It's OK. I can leave home....I can make it in this great bigworld…
[JO PEASE]”…and I've already proven it.'”
[Video footage]
Close up of female student wearing yellow t-shirt sitting cross-legged on floor.
[Interview: Kendrick Grant, Counselor, LYS]
They are about to embark onwhat we considerthe independent stage of lifewhen they're getting ready foreither college, trade school…
[KENDRICK GRANT]”…or whatever they may choose to doupon graduation.They're willing to find out 'What are the things that I can do to better prepare myself formy own life, my own individuality?'”
[Video footage]
Melanie Frederic sits cross-legged writing on a piece of paper. The student seen earlier wearing the yellow t-shirt talks while the group she is with sit with their backs against the wall, listening.
In a large hall, all the students are standing and moving around to music
[Interview: Kendrick Grant]
Like, 'How do I separate myself from, not just my parents, but from people who I associatedmyself with in the past?'
[Video footage]
Two female students sit on the floor. Three male students are seen in close up. A female student speaks and gestures.
[BARRY KLEIN]”To me, what makesan effective leader,first off is someone who truly hasself-awareness,really appreciates the impactthey have on othersand understands that.”
[Video footage]
Close up of a row of students sitting listening. Spencer Messick speaks in his group. A group of three students sit in discussion. A student wearing a yellow polo shirt stands to speak. A student wearing a red t-shirt and a baseball cap sits listening. A group lines up and is guided into formation by a group member.
[Interview: Barry Klein]
Someone who actually is interestedin other people succeeding.So really interested in helping them[understand their goalsand how to achieve those goals.
[BARRY KLEIN] “Someone who understands whatit takes to get things doneand is willing to roll uptheir sleeves and do that.”
[Video footage]
Christy Jones climbs into the centre of a formation supported by the group members’ joined hands. Another group with joined hands twist under each other’s arms.
[Interview: Barry Klein]
And lastly,someone who actually cares.
[Video footage]
Close up of a group in the tight conga formationwith Spencer Messick at its centre.
[SPENCER MESSICK]“I've learned that leadership comesin many different forms…”
[Interview: Spencer Messick, Pasadena ISD Career & Technical High School, Pasadena, TX]
…not just someone taking charge.It's also someone helping one anotheror jumping in whensomething is needed.
[MELANIE FREDERIC]”You don't just tell your people…”
[Video footage]
Close up of Melanie Frederic holding a piece of paper and talking.
[Interview: Melanie Frederic, Lutcher High School, Lutcher, LA]
…what to do; you lead by example.So instead of saying 'Go',you say 'Let's go.'
[MELANIE FREDERIC] “Everybody has a say,and we all put in our part.”
[Video footage]
Melanie sits in a circle with three other female students. They talk and smile. Close up of Melanie talking.
[Interview: Melanie Frederic]
And we've been having so much fun,it's so worth it.
[JACOB CHEATWOOD] “I like people looking up to mebecause it makes me...”
[Video footage]
Jacob Cheat wood stands and presents to seated audience members
[Interview: Jacob Cheatwood, St Amant High School, St Amant, LA]'ll make me feel important,but it makes me feel like, alright,these people look up to me,I have a purpose.I'm going to lead them.It makes me accountable.I like being accountable fora bigger purpose than myself.
[CHRISTY JONES]“It makes me want to be…”
[Video footage]
Close up of Christy wearing pink t-shirt.
[Interview: Christy Jones, Saraland High School, Saraland, AL]
…more of a leader instead of a follower.The program really means a lotto me.
[CHRISTY JONES]”I learned to be more open-mindedas far as thinking of new ideas…”
[Video footage]
Christy is shown as part of the conga huddle formation, followed by a close up of Christy in profile, laughing.
[Christy Jones interview]
…and just being a better person.
[Video footage]
Wide pan across of hall of students standing in their groups. On the left is the group doing the conga huddle formation.
[JO PEASE]”The students come in and there'sabout 20-24 of them put into a group.They don't know each other.”
[Video footage]
A group gets into formation. Spencer’s group stand with joined hands.
[Interview: Jo Pease]
And so they actually go throughthe storming, forming, normingof group dynamicsbecause as they're going through their skill building sessions…
[JO PEASE]”…they're also then having toaccomplish tasks.And to accomplish these tasks theycompete against the other 14 groups.And watching these groups, in a few short days…”
[Video footage]
Spencer’s group does the conga huddle formation. Another group does the entwined arms activity. A third group stands in a line with joined hands. Students sit in groups talking.
[Interview: Jo Pease]
…take off those masks, those veneersand become who they really are…
[JO PEASE]”…and come together in the waywhere they can push beyondbarriers and limitations…”
[Video footage]
A group stands in a circle with each arm around their neighbours. Close up of students in the circle as the move slowly.
[Interview Jo Pease]
…and do things they never thoughtwere possible.It's just fascinating to watch.
[Music: gentle string and piano Shell theme]
[Video footage]
Close up profile of female student sitting listening followed by a close up of a student wearing a sweatshirt and baseball cap.Close up of a male student sitting in a group.
[JO PEASE] “It is important for LYS that we havea rich, diverse group of studentsand therefore corporate sponsorshipsare very important.For some students...”
[Video footage]
Close up of a standing female student. Wide view of seated group. Close up of seated female student wearing red shirt. Close up of line of male students. Four female students sit on the floor in front of some railings. A group of seated adults watches the students, smiling.
[Interview: Jo Pease]
…they would not be able to comeunless they were sponsoredby a corporation.
[JO PEASE]“For those who do pay, the tuitiondoes not cover the costand so having corporate donationsis very critical.”
[Video footage]
Students sit on floor round perimeter of hall listening to a staffer.Jacob Cheatwood is seen listening to a speaker.
[Interview: Jo Pease]
They will say, 'I owe it to Shell. 'Shell made the differencein my life.'
BARRY KLEIN: “Probably one of the big reasons for supportingLouisiana Youth Seminar, quite honestly…”
[Video footage]
Melanie Frederic stands and speaks in front of group. As she sits back down, they applaud. Spencer Messick then stands and speaks.
[Interview: Barry Klein]
…this is a place where they're reallyfocusing in on how do we developleaders from the get-go.Learning about the impact you have on a community…
[BARRY KLEIN]”…servant leadership andwhy that's important,what it means to go out andhelp people succeedand teaching peoplethe value of teamwork.I mean, that's what we doin the world today.”
[Video footage]
A female student stands and speaks. Jacob Cheatwood is seen speaking, followed by a male student, then another female student.
[Interview: Barry Klein]
There's not too many organisationsthat work out therethat don't requireall of those things.
[SPENCER MESSICK] “The sponsorship, to me…
[Video footage]
Spencer Messick poses while a photo is taken, followed by a close up of Spencer and a speaker.
[Interview: Spencer Messick]
…meant actually coming herebecause without that scholarship,I probably would have never comein the first place.
[MELANIE FREDERIC]“I cannot thank Shell enough for this.Oh my gosh,I don't know how to put into wordshow much this has changed my lifealready.”
[Video footage]
Head and shoulders of Melanie as she stands speaking. Melanie walks along corridor arm-in-arm with three female students. While Spencer chats in the background, a woman raises her phone to take a photo. Melanie poses for a group photo.
[Interview: Melanie Frederic]
Thank you Shell, this is such a good experience.I can't even...I just love it.
[JACOB CHEATWOOD]“The Shell sponsorship,it was really important.”
[Video footage]
Jacob chats and laughs in the corridor.
[Interview: Jacob Cheatwood]
I'd heard of LYS before, butit was too expensive to come to.
[JACOB CHEATWOOD] ”So if it wasn't for that,then I wouldn't be able to meetthe people, have the seminars.”
[Video footage]
Jacob poses for a group picture while several people take photos. The group is seen in line as they pose.
[Interview: Jacob Cheatwood]
All the important lessons that I'velearned here wouldn't be possible.
[JO PEASE]“I grew up extremely poor...”
[Video footage]
In the hall, Jo Pease walks past the activities, smiling.
[Interview: Jo Pease]
...and I was given an opportunity.And then I believe that that makesall the difference in my my whole life.
[JO PEASE]So my ability to give back tothe worldI can directly attribute to beinggiven an opportunityas a high school student.The motto of LYS is 'No manis an island, no man stands alone.'We need one another.And if everyone could just livethat...”
[Video footage]
Jo Pease is seen supervising the activities in the ballroom. Close up of female students. Close up of a different female student as she wipes away a tear. Close up of students as they stand in group with arms round each other. Wide pan round hall of all the student groups standing with their arms around each other.
[Interview: Jo Pease]
...the world would besuch a better place.
[Graphic]LYS Louisiana Youth Seminar logo
[Music] Shell theme ends followed by Shell outro sting
[Graphic]Shell Pecten