CIPHI – NL Branch

Executive Meeting


Minutes – Nov 19, 2007

Attendance:Darryl Johnson , Cal Morgan, Pat Murray, Gwen Elliott, Paul Noseworthy Brian Moores,

Regrets:, Douglas Howse, Rosalie Lydiate

Call to Order: DJ called the meeting to order at 9:05 am.

1.0Approval of Agenda

The agenda approved with the addition of new business item; Membership Dues Increase.


Minutes of May 8, 2006 meeting were reviewed. Brian moved that the minutes be accepted, seconded by Gwen. Motion carried

3.0New Business

3.1Membership Drive: There were 21 members from this province to date. DJ sent out e-mails to all EHOs to encourage membership. Regional representatives have been contacting new EHO about joining the branch. Membership forms will be made available at the GSC in-service during week of Nov 26.

3.2National Conference, 2008: Planning for the CIPHI national conference is proceeding well. All committees are inplace and meeting regularly.

3.3Core Competencies: Darryl reported that the NEC plan to amendment to the CIPHI constitution to include mandatory membership has been delayed. NEC has contracted a lawyer to evaluate and provide recommendation in order to ensure due diligence. The PHAC is continuing to develop a set of core competencies for public health professions and recently provided $100,000 to CIPHI to establish a database to tract professional development activities.

3.4Memorial Award

Darryl reported the Memorial Award is established but no nomination has yet to be received. Will promote the award at AGM for members to give consideration to possible nominees.

  1. New Business

4.1NL Branch AGM

Pat sent out Nominations Forms for the executive positions and has only received one response. Members will still have an opportunity for nomination at the AGM.

Will seek nomination for standing committees; membership, nomination, ways and means and education.

Agenda for the AGM will include under Business Arising; Presidents report, Treasurer’s report, Membership report, BOC report, and Website report and for New Business; membership Dues, Committee structure, and Election of Officers.

Will need to appoint an auditor for the Financial report. Darryl moved, pending her availability, that Karen Randell be approached to audit the 2007 report, seconded by Pat. Motion carried.

Brian will arrange for some food and refreshments for the meeting. Darryl moved that food and refreshments be provided to a max value of $200, seconded by Cal. Motion carried.

4.2Membership Dues Increase

Darryl reported that NEC approved a $30 increase to the national dues at 2007 conference. As a result national dues will be $105. Most of the other provincial branches have instituted increases to their dues to cover the national dues. Members discussed impact of increase to dues. Darryl moved that the NL Branch increase its portion of the dues from $25 to $40 to bring the total dues for NL Branch members to $145, seconded by Pat. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 am.