Beyond this Dimension
Through Your Own Portal
It is common knowledge among scientists for centuries, and UFOlogists of modern days like Jacques Vallee, that there are no aliens from outer space coming from distant planets to invade earth--no “space brothers.” While there is evidence of alien colonization on planets near earth, like Mars, even on earth’s moon, still, the beings that are “alien” to us come from another dimension near us--from the dark kingdom of Lucifer/Satan. This is how they can appear in our dimension and we can see them at times, just as Yahuweh’s angels appear at times, and also Yahushua. In 2006, Yahushua appeared to the famous Sephardic Rabbi Kaduri and gave him His Hebrew Name, which is known to the religious Jews. Yahushua didn’t come from way beyond the universe in a space ship – but through a portal in time that is near us. We know from the translation of Eliyahu (Elijah) and the experiences of Ezekiel that Yahuweh’s angels do travel in space craft at times. But, still, they come from another dimension, not from way beyond the stars. The very real “UFOs” could be alien driven, or human driven.
But for sure, fallen ones of all ranks are entering the earth now, as per Ephesians 6:10-18, either returning, or coming for the first time. They enter earth’s dimension through “star gates,” portals, doorways, or “wormholes,” from their own dimension in the second heaven. They may use “saucers” of various shapes, but they don’t have to. The “saucer” technology that we call UFOs was given to man once again between around 1900 and the end of World War II, as before the Flood. These crafts of all shapes and sizes are increasingly manifesting openly, seen by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. I’ve seen many large crafts of different sizes, two very close up to me, and lots of orbs. The crafts were especially known, created, and used by the Germans before, during, and after World War II. That technology was also given to Russia and America.
I’ve lived in two UFO vortexes, one in America and one in Israel (Lake Kinneret). The reason for the incredible UFO phenomenon over Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee) is because the Golan Heights, on which the lake borders, was once home to tribes of Nephilim and Rephaim, like Og and Sihon. The Golan Heights, called in ancient times “Bashan,” and the Mount Hermon area where the Nephilim were worshipped as gods by the tribe of Dan, along with Gilgal Rephaim, the Stonehenge of Bashan, are like magnets to attract the returning Nephilim, and first-timer fallen angels of all ranks. (Genesis 6: 2, 4) I’ve seen some spectacular close-up UFOs over the Lake. One of my best Jewish friends from Tiberias told me it was “common” to see them over the Lake. Deuteronomy3 talks about the size of Og, King of Bashan. The Amonites fled west from the slaughter of the giants by Moses and Joshua. Evidence of this tribe is found all over western Europe, the UK, and especially all over America. Fritz Zimmerman in his book The Nephilim Chronicles documents the Amorite giants in America. L.A. Marzulli does the same in his two volumes of On the Trail of the Nephilim. Tom Horn, in his new book On the Path of the Immortals writes about the annihilation of the Anasazi Indians in the “Four Corners” area of southwest America, obviously by reptilian-type giants with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, as shown in their ancient pictographs.
The original hybrid beings, offspring of fallen angel and human women, originally known as the Titans, had lots of children. But, they killed themselves off within 500 years. However, they left technology with mankind to continue their experiments to create hybrid bodies of all types for fallen angel spirits to inhabit. I Chronicles 11 shares just some examples of giants in the days of David, as does I Samuel 17.
The technology for DNA mixing survived the Flood, and we see it reappearing as early as in Ham’s great grandson, Nimrod. Later we see the uprising of Nephilim tribes like the Anakim (Numbers 13-14), Og, Sihon, the Moabite mutates, and the Philistines, like Goliath. Rob Skiba’s Archon Invasion speaks about the “after-Flood” rise of the Nephilim. For more in-depth information, I encourage you to read Tom Horn’s books, Nephilim Stargates, Zenith 2016, and On the Path of the Immortals (released a few days ago). The astute research of these men have exposed the past, present, and future!
We’re in a war to the end! As His good soldiers, we must know the enemy and his methods in order to not be deceived! We must hear and obey our own Captain of the heavenly hosts—Yahushua. To fail in our education in these two critical areas, would result in our being dishonorably discharged from His army.
Because of my unplanned, uninitiated, education from age 4 into the supernatural world (the world of Satan and his forces), and into the eternal world of Yahuweh and Yahushua and Their forces, my education has taken me through experiences that are still mind-boggling still to me--education that in on-going. Recently, I’ve gotten more understand on the working of the dark kingdom from reading Michael Lake’s The Shinar Directive. The supernatural realm of Satan and the eternal realm of Yahuweh are all around us--close by in different dimensions! We as humans either receive input from one, or the other. Our will determines who we hear from, and who we respond to.
Most humans allow themselves to receive input from both dimensions, as well as the world, and man-created religion, which are an extension of the supernatural realm of Satan, causing them to be drawn into the supernatural realm. The realm of Satan appears entertaining to most people, so it is easy to lure humans into his trap.
Trying to live in both realms--that of Yahuweh’s and that of the world (Satan’s domain)--only opens a person up to be deceived. In today’s world truly “…Truth has fallen in the street, and right is unable to enter,” and “…they despise the one who speaks the truth.” (Isaiah 59:14; Amos 5:10) Yahuweh has the last word: II Thessalonians 2:8-12.
Satan can only seek to influence the mind and emotions (soul) of one who is truly born again by the Spirit of Yahuweh. The new birth perfects the spirit, creating a temple in the midst of our body for His entrance. Thus, Yahuweh only speaks to the re-born spirit. The soul is always in flux, and always vulnerable to the input of lies and deceptions.
The re-born spirit is the discerner of truth. It only receives truth from Yahuweh Himself.
The only way He can speak to the mind or emotions--the carnal (fleshly) self--is if a person is blameless before Him, so that their mind is submitted 100% to the mind of the re-born spirit—Messiah’s mind. (I Corinthians 2:9-17) Then, and only then, can He speak to us as a whole “spirit man,” the “man” that resides within our body.
The Revelation 12:7-12 war is raging between the Archangel Micha’el and his army and Satan and his army in the second heaven, what we know as the planet and star region of space. It is through time-portals that the kingdom of darkness moves in and out of our dimension. Micha’el and the hosts of Yahuweh are throwing the fallen ones out into our physical dimension on earth. Soon the “big guy,” Helel/Lucifer/Satan/”that old Dragon,” the Devil, will be thrown into the earth, too. He will lose His hiding place in space, and be exposed on the earth. His rage will be incredible.
CERN, with its largest machine in the world, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), was created to bring the fallen ones through the star gates into the earth. It is a renewed “tower of Babel.” As much research as I do, the comparing of CERN to the tower of Babel has only been a new learning experience for about 3 weeks. Abba led me to two articles that clearly showed this connection, and since then, I’m hearing it out of Tom Horn and Chris Putman on Skywatch TV interviews. (This is an excellent new website: that also utilizes YouTube –, the news reporting by Derek Gilbert is excellent – free of advertisements, lies, and deceptions!) L.A. Marzulli also has a new website:
Now I’m seeing information on it in many places. Yes, in all ways, it is an attempt to do what Nimrod started. It is funded by the wealth of the first world nations pouring money into it. For the Illuminati Elite are obsessed with returning the “sky gods,” the Nephilim, and destroying Yahuweh and His “bands” (Psalm 2). America was created to reincarnate Nimrod and bring back the rule of the ancient “gods” once again, as before the Flood. They are obsessed to get the ancient technology of the Nephilim, and become immortal gods themselves. This is the whole reason for Gulf War II – and America got the technology for the rebuilding of the tower of Babel, and the DNA for the reincarnation of Nimrod. That’s no fantasy!
In my recent update “Collapsing Inward” I reference some good articles about CERN.
Isaiah 14:12-17: “How you are fallen from heaven, O Helel, son of the morning! You have been cut down to the ground, you who laid low the nations. For you have said in your heart, `Let me go up to the heavens, let me raise my throne above the stars of El, and let me sit in the mount of meeting on the sides of the north, let me go up above the heights of the clouds, let me be like the Most High. But, you are brought down to the grave--to the sides of the Pit. Those who see you stare at you, and ponder over you, saying `Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities, who would not open the house of the prisoners?’ ”
Helel, “Lucifer” in Latin, was once the covering angel of the throne of Yahuweh. Read about this in Ezekiel 28. But, in his pride and jealousy, he led 1/3rd of Yahuweh’s angels in rebellion against Him. For His own purposes, Yahuweh allowed him to retain his power, authority, throne, and his anointing by which he has deceived mankind. We read in Revelation 13:1-2 about the coming incarnation of Hillel in the body of a cloned Nephilim hybrid named Apollyon. Yochanan (John) the Apostle sees him: “And I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having 7 heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads the names of blasphemy. And the beast I saw was like a leopard, and his feet like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the Dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority.” These symbols are also given in Daniel 7, speaking of four great empires of history who would be represented by this returning Nephillim, Nimrod. The “ten” refer to ten kings ruling over the ten economic regions of the earth, controlled by returned, reincarnated Nephilim in cloned bodies (iron), who work with human mind-slaves (clay). Refer to the “they” of Daniel 2:43.
But, rejoice in Daniel 2:44: “In the days of these kings, the Elah of the heavens shall set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor the Kingdom pass on to other people. It crushes and puts an end to all other kingdoms, and it shall stand forever!” Can someone shout “HalleluYah!”
Dear believers, we are in the “days of these kings.” We are in the days of the uniting of the ancient seven empires under one world ruler--empires, who, in the past, ruled over His people. We now see the manifestation of the characteristics of these ancient seven--Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the revived Roman Empire. This revived, expanded, and united Roman Empire, coupled with end-time Babylon, form the powerful 8th Beast, out of which will come the “anti-messiah” and the false prophet. Since 2013, I’ve been writing specifically about the hidden world-ruling power of the Elite Illuminati Roman Caesars (the Jesuits of the Vatican, and their pope). Their hidden world control extends over world economy, commerce, intelligence organizations, over warfare, and even the U.N., NATO, and America. They’ve been at this since the time of the Counter Reformation. The Jesuits have successfully ruled the world from behind the scenes by their process of infiltration of governments, and all world institutions. The Jesuit Elite are worshippers of Lucifer. Now, for the first time in history, we have a Jesuit pope. Begin with my article on “The Deceptive Pope: Mister 13” and continue on with the shocking articles exposing the Jesuit Order and their goals.
Right now, it is all but a “done deal.” The United Nations is working with the 7th and 8th beast rulers of Revelation 17 to reach their “millennial goals,” which they stated in 2007 would be finished by the end of 2015. They plan by September to launch their world-encompassing Sustainable Development program, coupled with the pope’s backing, uniting the world around the “climate change” humanitarian deception.
The world has officially declared war on Yahuweh and Yahushua! Their express desires are to eliminate Yahuweh--His Word, His right to rule, and His very existence--as well as to destroy and/or mutate human-kind so there is no one left in His image, and to bring back the pre-Flood rule of the Nephilim. The Elite also seek immortality by becoming Nephilim, as Nimrod “became” a “gibbor” – a “mighty one,” a god.
And dear precious born again believer, there you sit there with your eternal spirit behind your belly button--an open portal to the dimension of Yahuweh and Yahushua—which is your own star gate, portal, “wormhole,” so I ask: what are you doing to make sure that portal stays open, so that you can live and fellowship with Yahuweh and Yahushua in Their Presence? I ask in all love: What are you doing to daily go through your portal, and to keep it open for His entrance?
Ephesians 2:4-6: “But Elohim, who is rich in compassion, because of His great love with which He has loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Messiah- -by favor you have been saved, and raised up together, and made to sit together in heavenly places in Messiah Yahushua.”
Colossians 3:1-4: “If, then, you were raised with Messiah, seek the things which are above, where Messiah is seated at the right hand of Yahuweh. Be concerned with the things that are above, not those things on this earth--for you have died, and your life has been hidden with Messiah in Yahuweh. When the Messiah, who is our life, shall appear, then you also shall appear with Him in esteem.”
Romans 6:2b-4: “How shall we, who died to sin, still live in it? Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized (immersed) into Messiah Yahushua were immersed unto His death? We were, therefore, buried with Him through immersion unto death, that as Messiah was raised from the dead by the esteem of the Father, so also we should walk in newness of life.” [Refer to: “Baptism: The Beginning Mikvah for Separation -- Dying to the old life, rising to the new”/December 2011 under the Mikvah of Baptism on my website,, and “Daily Flowing With His Perfect Timing”]
In the true new birth, which occurs after repentance and after acknowledging, by faith, Messiah’s death and resurrection, the Spirit of Yahuweh does 40 things instantly to transfer us from the kingdom of darkness, into the Kingdom of light – with a whole new nature (I Corinthians 5:17-21). [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/November 29, 2011 ]
Without this transformation, that can only be done by the Spirit of Yahuweh, our spirit remains in darkness along with our soul (mind, emotions, will).
Many “convert” to Christianity, Judaism, or the Messianic movement, by intellectual persuasion, but are never truly born of the Spirit. Thus their spirit-man that lives within human beings remains dead to the eternal realm, and still alive to the world, fleshly lusts, and the deceptions of the Devil. If one remains in the dark kingdom, and has never been “translated into the Kingdom of His Dear Son,” they may learn about the Kingdom of light, but they will never experiencing it. (Colossians 1:12-13; I Peter 2:9) In the true new birth, we are removed from the power of the kingdom of darkness and literally translated into the Kingdom of Light, with authority over the kingdom of darkness (i.e. Luke 10:19) As much as I believe in astutely guarding the Torah of Yahuweh (the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of Elohim for right standing before Him), it was never meant to save anyone. After the sin of the “golden calf” in Exodus 32, the system of blood sacrifice was added, so that sins of ignorance could be atoned for. The whole Tenach (Hebrew Scriptures) point to the coming “Suffering Servant,” Messiah Yahushua, who would be the final Lamb of Elohim through Whom He would bring salvation to mankind. There is no salvation without the “blood of the Lamb.” That’s revealed in Leviticus 17:11 and Hebrews 9:14, 22. There is no salvation without first repentance, either. To receive Messiah’s salvation, we have to let go of the kingdom of darkness and allow the Spirit of Yahuweh to transfer us into His Kingdom by His power and might. We cannot do anything to save ourselves by good deeds!