Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 12th July 2016
At 7pm at St. Peter’s Church, South Somercotes
Present: Chairman Cllr Mrs C Duma
Vice-ChairmanCllr Mrs D Day
Cllr Mr I Duma
Cllr Mrs R Benton
Cllr Mrs D Sharp
Cllr Mr D Poulter
Also present: ClerkMrs N Fenner
County CouncillorMr D McNally (Left at 7.20pm)
Members of Public Adrian & Julia Matthews (Left at 7.15pm)
Item 0716/51 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman opened and welcomed Councillors and Mr & Mrs Matthews to the Parish Council bi-monthly meeting.
Public Forum
Mr & Mrs Matthews had asked to attend a Parish Council Meeting upon advice of their planning consultant to inform the Parish Council of their intentions at their property known as Fairacres. Mr & Mrs Matthews provided the Parish Council with a document detailing the information of their plans.
Mr Matthews explained that they would be looking at erecting a maximum of 8 glamping pods. No planning is required for the actual glamping pods but a change of use will be required. Mr Matthews said that they were looking at placing a trial pod onto the land this year and then 3 or 4 in the middle of march next year. Sanitation options are being looked into along with car parking and how to layout the land. Mr & Mrs Matthews are looking to provide Reki/Yoga Retreats.
The Chairman thanked Mr & Mrs Matthews for their attendance and the information provided.
The Public Forum Closed at 7.15pm.
Item 0716/52 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence
Item 0716/53 Police Matters
No police representatives were in attendance and no update had been received. No matters were raised. The Chairman, Cllr Mrs C Duma advised that there was a meeting at Alvingham Village Hall this coming Monday 18th July 2016 to discuss the recent thefts that have been in the area. There will e other villagers attending the meeting and the Police will also be there. Other villages have taken matters into their own hands and are patrolling their villages. Residents are asked to remain vigilant, call 101 if unsure and the call will be reported and an incident number given.
Item 0716/54 District & County Councillor Updates
In the absence of District Cllr Mr R Palmer, District and County Cllr Mr D McNally reported on the ELDC Local Plan, which is out for consultation. Cllr Mr McNally had also fixed the broken road signpost located on Hallholme Bridge near to the East Row junction on the way to this meeting.
Item 0716/55Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011
Item 0716/56 To Resolve as Minutes the record of meeting held on 3rd May 2016
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs D Sharp, seconded by Cllr Mrs R Benton and resolved that the record of the meeting held on the 3rd May 2016 were a true record of the meeting. They were duly signed and passed as Minutes by the Chairman.
Item 0716/57 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the Annual General Meeting held on the 3rd May 2016
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs D Sharp, seconded by Cllr Mrs R Benton and resolved that the record of the Annual General Meeting held on the 3rd May 2016 were a true record of the meeting. They were duly signed and passed as Minutes by the Chairman.
Item 0716/58 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the extra-ordinary meeting held on the 17th May 2016
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs D Sharp, seconded by Cllr Mrs R Benton and resolved that the record of the extra ordinary meeting held on the 17th May 2016 were a true record of the meeting. They were duly signed and passed as Minutes by the Chairman.
Item 0716/59 To note the content of the draft Minutes produced from the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 3rd May 2016.
The content of the draft Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting were noted and no amendments were needed at this time. The Minutes will be approved at the next Annual Parish Meeting to be held in May 2017.
Item 0716/60 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman, Cllr Mrs C Duma reported that the Bookstall was continuing to do well and another £21.00 had been raised in 2 months, this was passed onto the Clerk to bank. The gazebo at the local auction after looking at it was found not to be suitable.
The Chairman reported on the Operation Aardwolf which has been purposefully set up to tackle the increase in Rural Crime. Any resident spotting any suspicious activities in the village should report them on 101 and quote Operation Aardwolf.
Item 0716/61 Clerks Report
The Clerk summarised the correspondence received during May, June & up to 12th July 2016. The correspondence received was placed in the correspondence file for circulation as follows:
1)ELDC Town and Parish e-News 10.05.16, 16.05.16, 27.05.16, 10.06.16, 27.06.16 & 08.07.16
2)Community Lincs News & Updates May 2016 & June 2016
3)Clerks & Councils Direct – July 2016 Issue 106
4)LCR – Summer 2016
5)Lincolnshire Alert Messages
6)Devolution Information From Cllr Mr D McNally
7)Email Re: LCC Services Cuts From Cllr Mr D McNally
8)LCC – Lincolnshire Central Heating Fund
9)LCC – Notification of Adoption of the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Core Strategy and Development Management Policies
10)LALC News No. 158 2/2016
11)LCC – Travel & Transport Briefing Summer Edition 2016 Issue: 33
12)The Local Government Boundary Commission Consultation Update
Item 0716/62 Parish Councillor Reports
Item 0716/63 Financial Matters
The Clerk provided a financial statement to Cllrs. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs D Sharp, seconded by the Vice-Chairman, Cllr Mrs D Day to pay the July 2016 expenditure: MKB Environmental Services – Grass-Cutting Services £417.60, Community Lincs – Annual Insurance Renewal 2016/17 £150.78, Grant Thornton – External Audit Fee (original cheque mislaid) £120.00.
Item 0716/64 Planning Matters
Item 0716/65 ELDC Local Plan Consultation
South Somercotes has now been categorised as a Hamlet/Open Countryside. The Parish Council had no comments to make on this consultation.
Item 0716/66 Highway Matters
Item 0716/67 Jubilee Field
The picnic tables on the Jubilee Field were checked following comments that the area under the tables was not being cut. Upon a site visit after the last meeting, it was noted that the grass had been cut under the tables and no further action was required.
Item 0716/68 St. Peter’s Church Tree Maintenance
Following a further complaint that the trees are still causing problems to the BT line, details of prospective firms to carry out the work were noted and suitable quotes will be obtained. It was agreed that the logs would be asked to be taken away.
Item 0716/69 Reports From Outside Bodies
The Land Registry advised that if there were a boundary dispute then legal advice would need to be taken, as they would not get involved. It had been reported that the remains of a bus that is sited on the square is causing an issue for the neighbouring property would be unable to carry out repairs to the boundary wall due to the bus. A site visit will take place and will be reported back to the Parish Council.
Item 0716/70 To Resolve the Date of the Next Bi-Monthly Parish Council Meeting
It was resolved to hold the next bi-monthly Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 6th September 2016 commencing at 7pm at St. Peter’s Church, South Somercotes.
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.10pm.