Universidad contraparte
The UNIVERSITY OF MALAGA (UMA), SPAIN, legally represented by its Rector, Prof. Adelaida de la Calle Martín,
The [UNIVERSITY NAME, COUNTRY], legally represented by its [Rector/President], [Title] [Name] [Last name(s)].
Both parties acknowledge each other’s legal capacity to formalize and sign this
As both institutions share the aim of promoting and developing scientific cooperation among their research groups, and the common interest of promoting the mobility of doctoral students of their respective institutions, and having signed on [date] the Thesis Joint-supervision Framework Agreement between both institutions, hereby
To formalize this doctoral thesis joint-supervision agreement for the PhD thesis of
[Mr./Miss] [Name] [Last name(s)],
[Thesis title]
in accordance with the following academic and administrative requirements.
1. Research work will be carried out under the joint guidance of two thesis supervisors, one from each University.
From the University of Malaga (UMA): [Prof. / Dr.] [Name] [Last name(s)].
Center/Institution: [Center/Institution]
Department: [Department]
Address: [Postal Address]
Tel: [Telephone]E-mail: [Email]
From the [University name] (acronym):[Prof. / Dr.] [Name] [Last name(s)].
Center/Institution: [Center/Institution]
Department: [Department]
Address: [Postal Address]
Tel: [Telephone]E-mail: [Email]
Both supervisors agree to supervise the thesis in a balanced, coordinated and joint manner.
2. The PhD committee for the dissertation defense will be agreed upon by the two universities and appointed in accordance with the regulations of the university where the dissertation defense takes place. In any case, the corresponding requirements established by the Spanish Royal Decree RD 99/2011 must always be ensured.
3.The student must fulfill all requirements for enrolling in the PhD programmes of both universities. Students who have already completed or partially pursued doctoral studies at a foreign university can join the doctoral programme provided that they meet the corresponding academic access and admission requirements. The Academic Committeeof the PhD programme will decide whether or not to recognise these studies. It may also request the student to carry out additional training courses if required.
4.The Ph.D. dissertation shall be defended at [university name]. The defense will be carried out in [language], with a summary provided in [language].
5. Once the committee has approvedthe PhD thesis, and in thecase the corresponding university regulations allow it, both universities are committed to issuingthe corresponding PhD Diplomas, stating in each one of them the following sentence: "In joint-supervision with [university name]".
6.The Ph.D. student shall respect all current regulations in both countries and institutions in regard to the registration, copyright and reproduction of the doctoral thesis.
1. The doctoral student shall enroll in both PhD programmes, one at the University of Malaga and one at [university name]. The doctoral student will pay tuition fees only in [university name], where the doctoral thesis will be defended, being exempt from paying at [university name].
2.The student must spend alternate periods of time in both universities, ensuring that he/she accumulates at least nine months in eachof them. The doctoral research work must be carried out in no less than two years and no more than four.
3.The defense of the doctoral thesisshall be financed in accordance with the regulations of the university where the thesis defense takes place.
Signed in Málaga, on [date]
University of Malaga (UMA) [University name] (acronym)
Adelaida de la Calle Martín[Name] [Last name(s)]
Pabellón de Gobierno. Campus El Ejido. 29071 – Málaga, SPAIN. Tel: +34.952.131370 Fax: +34.952.131106 E-mail: