Command versus Leadership Role Perceptions


Identify your role and answer the questions by ticking the box (C) command or (L) leader or (B) both where you see the decision making responsibility sits to resolve.

My role (state commander or leader): ………………………………………………………..

Ser / Subject Area / C / L / B
1. / Taking calculated risks beyond normal expectations, noting that without accepting this level of risk, many more lives may be lost.
2. / Non-uniformed civilian staff is not familiar with the response command and control structures.
3. / Significant numbers of emergency personnel do not have appropriate photographic identification cards which are required to enable them access to the restricted zone.
4. / Lack of formal plans, combined with the absence from the Region of key personnel iscontributing to the delay in setting up formal emergency management structures.
5. / The central business district (CBD) could be split into sectors and this would assist reducing the span of control and providing a greater level of leadership for the staff operating on the various sites.
6. / Establish a call-out system for the area to provide a seamless structure that will provide the optimum level of support for the emergency.
7. / Incident Management Training for large scale emergencies should be programmed and completed on a regular basis. This training should be completed on a comprehensive basis including operational staff at all levels, with personnel and support staff who are identified as having skills that may be used during a large scale emergency.
8. / We need to maximise opportunities to mix the skills and resources of various response teams.
9. / Templates for reporting internally and externally and for requests for resources should be maintained consistency across shifts.
10. / Region Operations Rooms should be exercised regularly and audited to ensure the national standard is maintained.
11. / Early attempts to record details of items purchased on a spreadsheet proved difficult, due to system access or availability, and that a manual order book could work better.
12. / A motor vehicle log is developed in order to place some controls around the pool of rental motor vehicles made available, but this is not used.
13. / Responders are required to comply with policies and procedures. This will eliminate the perception that someone else is paying for the costs of the incident and avoid an “open cheque book” mentally that some staff believe exists.
14. / In an organisation undertaking any activity outside their normal scope, would it be necessary to obtain some form of authority to carry out the task if it was easily achievable from within available resources.
15. / All personnel involved with the incident should contribute to the debriefing process.