HH3709SHN – Techniques and breeding lines for the genetic improvement of hardy nursery stock

ANNEX 1 – Tables

Table 1 Jasminum crosses 2005

Female / Male / No. of flowers pollinated / Fruit set
Ploidy / Incompatibility / Accession No. / Ploidy / Incompatibility / Accession no.
J. nudiflorum / 2x / P / 4825 / J. officinale / 2x / T / 4330 / 39 / No
J. officianle / 2x / T / 4330 / J. nudiflorum / 2s / P / 4825 / 91 / Yes
J. stephanese / 2x / T / 02/20 / J. nudiflorum / 2x / P / 4825 / 4 / No
J. stephanense / 2x / T / 02/20 / J. nudiflorum / 4x / P / 4375 / 9 / No


Table 2 10 May 2005 scoring of rhododenrons on South Park – summary list identifying notable seedlings and assessment of accessions

Planted 2000 Previously assessed 8 May 2002, first week June 2003:

Cross/selection no. / No. planted / Dead / á Chlorosis (1-5) / No. of plants / Notes / For propagation (label, location) / Plant
1995 crosses,
1996 seedlings
Labelled 96X4/1, etc.
R. yakushimanum ‘Exbury’ x R. ‘Cunningham’s White’ / 44 / 30 / 2 / 2* / Pink flowers, compact / /37 (R1 poss 16) / 1
1* / Flor., compact / /24 (R1 pos 35) / 2
3 / 2* / Flor, pale pink / /51 (R1 pos 40) / 3
R. ‘Cunningham’s White’ x Cilpinense / 3 / 2* / Early, flor. / (R1, pos 50, 53) / 4, 5
1996 crosses, 1997 seedlings
Labelled 97X3/1, etc.
X3 (R. decorum OP) / 18 / 5 / 4 to 5 / 2 BIF / Huge pink flowers / 97B3T16X3S4P4/7, …/12 (R2 pos 35,38) / 6,7
1* / Flor, pale pink
X7 (P. japonica ‘Mount Fire’ selfed) / 1 / 5
X8 (R. ‘Cunningham’s White’ x R. yakushimanum ‘Koichiro Wada’ / 29 / 1 / 2-3 / 2* / NF
1 BIF / Pale pink / 97B3T13X8S4P4/10 (R2 pos 67) / 8
1* / NF
X9 (R. yakushimanum ‘Koichiro Wada’ x R. luteum) / 8 / 3 / 2 / 1* / NF, very compact / 97B1T17X9SP4/5 (R3 pos 17) / 9
Leaves in bud / 1 BIF / Flor., pale yellow / 97B2T27X9S4P4/7 / 10
3 / 1 BIF / Pale yellow / 97B2T27X9S4P4/19 (R3 pos 24) / 11
X20 (R. augustinii ‘Electra’ selfed) / 4 / 2 / 1 BIF / Early / 97X20S4P4/2 (R3 pos 29) / 12
2-3 / 1 BIF / Flor., lilac / 97X20S4P4/4 (R3 pos 10) / 13
X37 (R. tatsienense OP) / 9 / 3 / 2-3 / 1* + 1 BIF / White, pale pink / 92X37S4P4/4 (R3 pos 47) / 14
3 / 1 BIF / Flor., pink, small / 97X37S4P4/10 (R3 pos 51) / 15
X46 (R. molle OP) / 5 / 2-3 / 1 BIF / Orange flowers / 97X46S4P4/13 (R3 pos 66) / 16
Planted 2002 Previously assessed first week June 2003:
Cross/selection no. / No. planted / Dead / á Chlorosis (1-5) / No. of plants / Notes / For propagation (label, location) / Plant
1997 crosses, 1998 seedlings
Labelled 98X12/6, etc.
X26 R. ferrugineum 3379 selfed / /17 (x3) / 2,5,5 / *NF, compact
/5 (x2) / 2,4 / *NF, compact
X27 R. ferrugineum 55/1 x R. hirsutum PA54/1 / /119 / 2 / *Late, flor. / R5 pos 30 / 17
X74 R. occidentale x R. decorum / /3 / 2 / *Late, attractive red/white buds, deciduous / R4 pos 14 / 18
X123 (P. ‘Debutante’ OP) / /2 / 3-4 / * Early/mid, red young leaves / R4 pos 2 / 19
X124 (P. ‘Debutante’ OP) / /9 / 2-3 / * Early / R4 pos 5 / 20
X142 R. micranthum / /14 / 3 / Late / R4 pos 25 / 21
X145 R. occidentale / /23 / 2-3 / Late, deciduous / R4 pos 28 / 22
/25 / 2 / Attractive flower buds, deciduous / R4 pos 43 / 23
/21 / 2 / Late, flor., compact, attractive flower buds, deciduous / R5 pos 9 / 24
X146 R. oreotrephes / /5 / 3 / Small lilac flowers / R4 pos 12 / 25
/14 / 2 / Small lilac flowers / R5 pos 4 / Dead
X148 R. rubinginosum / /4 / 2 / * Early / R4 pos 68 / 26


* = watch/possibly worth propagating

BIF = best in family; however, this was not possible to assess for 1998 seedlings due to randomised planting

NF = no flowers or buds

Flor. = floriferous


Table 3 2004 crosses: Syringa 104-18 (vulgaris 'Vestale' x pinnatifiolia) - tetraploid clones x 3

Pollen donor
pinnatifolia / 104-18
2Bc1 / 1-4-18
2Bc6 / 104-18
1Bb2 / 104-18
2x / vulgaris
Recipient / Pinnatifolia
More fls available / 77 / 42
2Bc1 / 89 / 70
2Bc6 / 100 / 65
1Bb2 / 84 / >43 / 200
2x / 52 / 100
'Vestale' / 50 / 36 (3) / 50 (18) / 49 (19) / 29

Number of flowers pollinated (bold = no. seed obtained)

'Best' clones (flower size): 2BC1 and 1Bb2


Table 4 2005: Syringa crosses using tetraploid clones of line 104-18

Donor (pollen) clone
Tetraploid clones / parent species
1Bb2* / 1Ca1 / 1Cb2 / 1Da5 / 2Bb1 / 2Bb2 / 2Bc1* / 2Bc6* / 2Ca1 / 2Cc2 / vestale / pinnatifolia
Recipient clone / Tetraploid clones / 1Bb2 / 30 (none) / 22 (none) / B' 44 (none)
1Ca1 / 70 (14) 10:
3s 7f / A' 60 (none) / 55 (none)
1Cb2 / 40 (8) 10:
2s 8f
2Bb1 / 15 (none) / 94 (missing) / 70 (2) 1f / A' 50 (5) 4f
2Bb2 / 54 (4) 7:
6s 1f / A' 70 (30) 48: 1s 47f / 44 (35) 66: 12s 54f
2Bc1 / 37 (none) / 23 (none) / 35 (2) 2f / B' 60 (none) / 44 (27) 34: 4s 30f
2Ca1 / 50 (none) / 30 (none) / 38 (none) / A' 42 (none) 'B' 60 (none)
2Cc2 / 40 (6) 9:
3s 6f / A' 55 (11)
Diploid controls / 104-18 2x / A' 33 (none)
104-25 2x / A' 37 (none)

Shaded boxes indicate crosses resulting in seed pods. Figures in boxes refer to : Number of flowers pollinated (number of seed pods developed) number of seed: (s- seed that sank in water and therefore more likely to be viable; f= seed that floated and not likely to germinate)


Donor (pollen) clone
plant / 2Ea1 / 3Db2 / 3Dc1(1) / 3Fa4 / 3Fa5 / 2x / 104-18 2Bb1
Recipient clone / 2Ea1 / 1 / 59 / 77 / 45 / 54 / 70
3Db2 / 1 / 60 55 / 67 / 47 18 / 64 32 / 80 46
3Dc1 / 1 / 62 / 74 / 22 / 30
2 / 58 5 / 87 1 / 47 31
3Fa4 / 1 / 44 72 / 70 115 / 52 / 44 6 / 51
3Fa5 / 1 / 67 / 88 6 / 39 / 53 19
2x / 1 / 66 / 55 / 58 / 39

Table 5 2006: Syringa crosses using tetraploid clones of line 104-1

Shaded boxes indicate crosses resulting in seed

Figures in boxes refer to: No. of flowers pollinated and number of seed (bold)

Table 6 2006: Syringa pollinations - self pollinations with tetraploid clones of line 104-18

Plant / Flowers pollinated / Number of pods and seed
'self' / % / OP
Clones self pollinated / 104-18
2Bc1 / 1 / 340 / 1 1 / 1.2 / Y 3
2 / 3 3 / 3 3
1Ca1 / 1 / 145 / 2 2 / 1.4 / no
1Cb2 / no
2Bb2 / 1 / 254 / 15 15 / 5.9 / 1 1
2Bb1 / ** / 665 / 5 1 / 0.8
1Da1 / 1 / 471 / 3 2 / 0.6 / 8 13 3
03-3 / 1 / 388 / 7 8 1 / 5.4 / Y
2 / 13 22 2

OP=open pollinated, likely to be with another 104-18 or 104-25

Pods: bold font is number of seed harvested

1 one large seed, the rest small

2 one larger flat seed

3 great variability in pod size and subsequent seed size; 6 large seed, the rest very.small

Table 7 Syringa vulgaris x pinnatifolia tetraploid clones - summary of seed pod formation

Line / Ploidy / Clone / Pods 2005 / Pods 2006 / Pods on sandbed plants 2007
104-18 / 2x
4x / 1Bb2 / no / yy
4x / 1Ca1 / y / y - self plant 1
4x / 1Cb2 / y / no
4x / 1Da5
4x / 2Bb1 / no / y - self plant 3
4x / 2Bb2 / y / y - self and op plant 1
4x / 2Bc1 / no / y - self and op plants 1 and 2 / yy
4x / 2Bc6
4x / 2Ca1 / no
4x / 2Cc2 / y
104-1 / 2x
4x / 2Ea1 / no
4x / 3Bb4
4x / 3Db2 / y- plant 1 / y
4x / 3Dc1 / y - plant 2 (differs from 1 and 3)
4x / 3Ea1
4x / 3Eb2 / y
4x / 3Eb6
4x / 3Fa4 / y - plant 1,2 and 4 keep '1'
4x / 3Fa5 / y - plant 1
4x / 3Fb2
104-25 / 2x
4x / 03-3 / y - self and op plants 1 and 2 / yyy
4x / 1Da1 / y - self and op plant 1 / yyy

Table 8 Comparison of diploid clone and one tetraploid clone (‘10’) of Lonicera ‘Graham Thomas’

(a)  Flower measurements

Clone / Flower measurements (mm)
Length / Depth / Width at tip / Width at widest part / Width at base / Width of freshly opened flower
Mean / Mean / Mean / Mean / Mean / Mean
Diploid / 50.60 / 6.41 / 5.260 / 5.240 / 2.860 / 15.02
Tetraploid clone 10 / 53.56 / 6.91 / 6.400 / 6.189 / 3.433 / 17.22
F-prob / 0.019 / 0.302 / <.001 / 0.005 / 0.014 / 0.011
SED / 1.012 / 0.451 / 0.1576 / 0.2473 / 0.1823 / 0.662
Df / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8
LSD(p=0.05) / 2.333 / 1.039 / 0.3634 / 0.5702 / 0.4203 / 1.526

Note: Generally the variability between plants was less than that between flower clusters within plants so the flower cluster was used as the experimental unit for making clonal comparisons

(b)  Vegetative measurements

Clone / Measurements of flowering shoots (2007 growth)
Total length of shoot (cm) / Total number of nodes / Length per node (cm)
Mean / Mean / Mean
Diploid / 45.9 / 7.69 / 6.28
Tetraploid clone 10 / 18.6 / 5.36 / 3.67
F-prob / 0.022 / 0.025 / 0.110
SED / 9.87 / 0.869 / 1.474
Df / 9 / 9 / 9
LSD(p=0.05) / 22.33 / 1.966 / 3.335

Note: There is too much variability for the difference in mean length per node to show as being statistically significant

Table 9 Clematis hybrids – summary of genetic background and micropropagation protocols

Cultivar / Group / Genetic background / Meristems
initiated 2005 / Survival of meristems / Optimum
medium for micro-propagation / Comments /
Jackmanii / J / C. lanuginosa x C. viticella / 4 / x / NA
Mrs Cholmondeley / J / ‘Fortunei’ x ‘Jackmanii’ (C. lanuginosa, C. eriostemon ‘Hendersonii’, C. viticella ‘Atrorubens’) / 5 / MS B0.1 GA0.1 +STS / Further optimisation needed. Shoot cultures improved with STS. No proper basal medium comparison. No obvious difference +/- GA 0.1. Ltd. observations suggest K (1 and 0.1) and 2-iP 0.1 deterimental. Need low cytokinin for shoot extension.
Niobe / J / 6 / DKW B0.1 +STS / Further optimisation needed. No basal medium or GR comparison performed. Needs reduced BAP for elongation. GA 1 detrimental. More elongation and improved leaf quality on STS.
Gipsy Queen / J or P / C. patens x ‘Jackmanii’ / 2 / x / NA
Princess Diana / T / ‘Bee’s Jubilee x C. texensis / 4 / DKW or MS B0.5 / Proliferation and shoot quality best on MS or DKW cf. WPM. Proliferates well on B0.5.
Pagoda / V / ‘Etoile Rose [C. scottii x C. texensis] x C. viticella / 3 / WPM B0.1 +Mg / For shoot proliferation low cytokinin is necessary. Sig. increased multiplication on B0.1 cf. K0.1, also more cf. 2-iP 0.1. Shoot cultures are significantly better on WPM and WPM 2xMg than DKW or MS.
Mme Julia Correvon / V / 3 / DKW 2-iP 1 / Shoot cultures on MS significantly poorer than WPM or DKW. Shoots on 2-iP 1 elongating, leaves green + expanding. Shoots on BAP stunted, tip and leaf yellowing and browning. No obvious difference +/- GA 0.1.
Venosa Violaceae / V / C. viticella x C. florida (possibly) / 15 / x / NA
Henryi / L / C. lanuginosa x ‘Fortunei’ / 4 / DKW B0.5 +STS / Further optimisation needed. MS may be as good as DKW. WPM not tried. Decreased BAP did not improve shoot elongation. GA 1 detrimental. No proper GR comparison. Shoot quality improved on STS. Problem with leaf browning.
Mrs George Jackman / L / C. lanuginosa ‘Candida’ x ‘Fortunei’ Classed by Hillier as ‘P’ / 9 / x / NA
The President / P / ‘Jackmanii’ (C. lanuginosa, C. eriostemon ‘Hendersonii’, C. viticella ‘Atrorubens’) x C. patens / 2 / MS 2-iP 2 +STS / There was no significant difference in proliferation or shoot quality between MS and DKW. WPM was not tried. Improved proliferation on 2-iP 2 cf. 2-iP 1. Good proliferation also on B0.1. Sig. increased proliferation and shoot quality on 2-iP 2 +STS but not B0.1 +STS
Nelly Moser / 2 / x / NA


x – meristems did not survive initial culture

Groups: Flower on previous year’s wood – Florida (F), Lanuginosa (L), Patens (P); Flower on current year’s shoots - Jackmanii (J), Texensis (T), Viticella (V)

Table 10 C. flammula – shoot proliferation, comparison of basal media

Treatment / Number of new axillary shoots / Actively growing shoot tips / Number of new explants
Mean / Mean / Mean
MS / 1.00 / 1.45 / 1.85
DKW / 1.30 / 1.55 / 2.20
WPM / 1.90 / 1.00 / 1.40
F-prob / 0.161 / 0.317 / 0.081
SED / 0.408 / 0.350 / 0.286
d.f. / 6 / 6 / 6
LSD(p=0.05) / 0.999 / 0.875 / 0.699

Note: Shoot proliferation and shoot quality was greatest on DKW but only reached standard significance for multiplication (number of new explants) on DKW compared to WPM (p<0.05). The axillary shoots produced on WPM were very stunted.

NB: Growth regulator is B0.5


Basal media: MS – Murashige & Skoog; DKW – Driver & Kuniyuki Walnut medium; WPM – McCown Woody Plant Medium

Table 11 Madame Julia Correvon – shoot proliferation, comparison of basal media

Treatment / % Explants
with no growth or dead / Transferable tips / Number of nodal pieces / Useable leaves
Mean / Back-transformed mean (%) / Mean / Mean / Mean
MS / 17.7 / 9.25 / 0.917 / 0.017 / 0.40
DKW / 0.00 / 0.00 / 1.10 / 0.050 / 1.00
WPM / 0.00 / 0.00 / 1.00 / 0.050 / 0.60
F-prob / 0.039 / 0.210 / 0.851 / 0.208
SED / 5.60 / 0.882 / 0.0667 / 0.292
d.f. / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5
LSD(p=0.05) / 14.40 / 0.2267 / 0.1714 / 0.751

Note: For % explants dead or ‘no growth’, angular transformation has been used to improve variance homogeneity. Back-transformed means on the percentage scale are given alongside for information.

Multiplication: there was no significant difference between basal media

Shoot quality is significantly poorer on MS than DKW or WPM (% no growth/dead p=0.039)

NB: growth regulator is 2-iP 1


Basal media: MS – Murashige & Skoog; DKW – Driver & Kuniyuki Walnut medium; WPM – McCown Woody Plant Medium