Dr Peter Enright MBBS Hons, BA Hons

Australian and New Zealand citizen – English native speaker


Professional Translator (French to English) under National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, Australia (NAATI). Also an accredited translator with the Australian Consulate of France.


Acting as part-time freelance translator since 2004 mainly in general translation, but including medical translation and localisation, short-film subtitling, and arts and philosophy translation. I have also performed marketing and arts-related proofreading, localisation and voiceover work, and have had ten years experience drafting and editing medical reports.

Details of specific clients and projects available on request.


Medicine, general, arts and literature, healthcare, history, pharmaceutical


Medical Employment:

Practising medical doctor, working most recently in Melbourne in psychiatry and general practice/family medicine. I have worked in both Australia and New Zealand.

2007-1009 General Practice

Posts in Emergency Medicine and Palliative Care

1996-2007 Adult General Acute Psychiatry (rural and urban)

Adult General Rehabilitation Psychiatry (rural and urban, community and inpatient)

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Forensic Acute and Rehabilitation Psychiatry


Veterans’ Psychiatry

Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry

1994-1995 Posts in Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, Medical Specialties, Surgical Specialties

Other Employment:

2003: Lecturer’s Assistant, for Course Paris: Capital of the Nineteenth Century (University of Melbourne in association with the Centre international des études pédagogiques, Paris (International Centre for Teaching Studies))

1991-1992 Part-time Researcher for Chief Medical Officer (Otago Area Health Board, Dunedin, NZ)

1986-1988 Part-time Librarian’s Assistant (Auckland City Council Libraries, NZ)



2000-2004 Bachelor of Arts with Honours (First-class)

University of Melbourne

Major: French Studies (language and literature)

1988-1993 Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery with Honours (Second-Class Division I)

The University of Otago, New Zealand

Awards: 2004 Professor A.R. Chisholm Award for Final-Year French Thesis

2002 Dean’s Honours List for Second Year Arts

1993 Runner-up Final-year Prize in Psychiatry

1988 Finalist Daniel O’Sullivan Trust Scholarship

1988 University of Otago Travel Bursary


2008-2009 Registrar Training, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of General Practitioners

1997-1999 Registrar Training, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (deferred)

Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre, Melbourne

1997-1999 Masters Psychological Medicine (deferred in favour of Arts study)

The University of Melbourne


2006 Speech Production

Victorian College of The Arts, Melbourne


2006 Authorised translation of Jean-Luc Nancy, ‘Icône de l’acharnement: Trouble Every Day de Claire Denis’ (‘Icon of Ferocity: Trouble Every Day by Claire Denis’) in Cinematic Thinking: Philosophical; Approaches to the New Cinema, ed. James Phillipps, Stanford University Press (2008)

2003 Lecture, La médecine à Paris pendant le XIXe (Nineteenth-Century Medicine in Paris), December, Paris, University of Melbourne / Centre international des études pédagogiques, Paris (International Centre for Teaching Studies).


My very wide range of personal interests includes: psychology and psychoanalysis, nineteenth-century French and English literature and social history, film, classical and jazz music, visual arts, cooking, gardening, ceramics, architecture, environmental protection, hiking, swimming, travel including extensive travel in France, French culture (especially its literature, film, music, visual arts, cuisine, wine).


Can be provided on request