Spring 2018
Dr. Gary G. Berg
106 Sam Wilson Hall
Homepage: Https://BERGG.ETSU.EDU /

Time: 8:15-9:35(001) on TR

Room: Sam Wilson 228

Office Hours: TR 11:30-12:30 - Others as arranged

Note: This is a tentative syllabus and subject to revision as deemed necessary by the instructor (exam dates included). These revisions, if necessary, will be announced in class. Absent students bear the responsibility for determining if revisions have been made and are responsible for incorporating these revisions in the class material.


Required freshman Math courses as defined by the student’s major

Required Text:

a.  Horngren’s Finacial & Managerial Accounting, Second Custom Edition for ETSU, (Pearson), by Nobles, Mattison & Matsumura

b.  OPTIONAL: Study Guide to accompany text

2.  Access to spreadsheet application EXCEL

Student responsibilities:

You are preparing for a career as a business professional. You need to develop, now, the habits that will benefit you in your future career as a business professional. These habits include:

1.  Taking responsibility for your learning.

a.  Come to class prepared (do assigned readings and exercises prior to class).

b.  Turn assignments in on time (late assignments will not be accepted).

c.  Ask questions if you do not understand

d.  The only way to learn accounting is to keep up with the assignments; the only way to keep up is to attend class. Do NOT get behind; "cramming" does not work in accounting.

2.  Taking responsibility for your professional development.

a.  Become involved in professional organizations such as the IMA and Tennessee Society of CPA's, APICS, AMA, etc.

  1. Become involved in student organizations (BETA ALPHA PSI, Delta Sigma Pi).

c.  Read professional journals and business publications

3.  Conduct yourself in a professional manner.


1.  To increase your understanding of the basic financial statements

a.  income statement,

b.  balance sheet,

c.  statement of cash flows, and

d.  Statement of Retained earnings

2.  To provide an understanding of the accounting cycle and how accounting data is processed

3.  To understand the difference between cash basis accounting and accrual accounting

4.  Develop basic spreadsheet skills and to demonstrate the use of spreadsheet applications as a business tool


(Subject to Revision during the term)

Short exercises, / (E)&(P)
Regular exercises and A problems / SUBJECTS
1 / Jan 16-19 / CH 1 / E:17, 18, 19, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33, 38 / Accounting and the business environments
2 / 22-26 / CH 2 / E:10, 12, 17, 22, 26, 28 / Recording business transactions
3 / 29 - Feb 2 / Exercises & Problems
4 / 5 -9 / Test??
CH 3 / E:20, 25, 26 27, 30 / The adjusting process
5 / 12-16 / Test??
CH 4 / E:16, 17, 18 / Completion of the Accounting Cycle
6 / 19-23 / CH 5 / Exercises & Problems / E:18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 33 / Merchandising Operations
7 / 26 – Mar. -2 / Test??
8 / 5-9 / Spring Break – No Class
9 / 12-16 / CH 6 / E:14, 22, 23, 25, 26 / Merchandise Inventories
Pages 368-369, 379-395
10 / 19-23 / CH 7 / E: 20 , 21 / Internal Control and Cash
11 / 26-30 / Exercises & Problems
12 / Apr.2-6 / Test??
CH 8 / E: 14, 18, 20, 26 / Receivables
13 / 9-13 / CH 9 / E: 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25
P: 30A part 1 / Plant Assets, Natural Resources & Intangibles
14 / 16-20 / CH 11 / E:14, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24 / Current Liabilities & Payroll
15 / 23-27 / Exercises & Problems
16 / MAY 1 / 1:20-3:20


1: Classroom basics

·  Attendance: Keep in mind that Students that attend on a regular basis and stay on top of work will perform better than those that do not. If you are not willing to make the commitment to your academic success, have the good manners to take responsibility for your actions.

·  Class Arrival/departure: If you cannot arrive to class on time, or if you need to leave early, you have an obligation to minimize classroom disruption. If the room has two entry points, please enter and depart from entrance at the back of the room, and sit in the back of the room. This will minimize disruption of the class.

·  Cell Phones: Turn them off and put them away in your pocket/purse. There is to be no social networking, texting, etc., during class. Cell phone usage during class is a distraction to your colleagues that are serious about their development as a future accounting professional and will not be tolerated. Anyone using their cell phone during class will be asked to leave.

·  Tobacco: There is to be no tobacco product usage in this class. Anyone caught using tobacco products during class will be asked to leave.

2  Grading Basis (subject to change)

a.  Exams

Exam #1

Exam #2 85%

Exam #3

Exam #4 (may be a Comprehensive Final (?)

·  Exams are designed to test your understanding of the material, not what you have memorized. Not all exam problems will be a mirror image of homework problems. In some cases exam problems will be similar to, but not exactly like homework problems.

·  There will be NO individual make-up exam. In the event of an excused absence from an exam, the grade achieved on a comprehensive final will be substituted. Unexcused absences will receive an exam grade of zero. Work is not a valid excuse

·  Failure to contact me personally prior to exam will be considered an unexcused absence. Voice mail and email are not acceptable contacts.

·  Any student athlete or student who will miss an exam for University purposes must let me know prior to the exam and provide appropriate documentation. Failure to do so will be considered an unexcused absence.

·  Cell phones are to be put away during exams. Anyone caught with cell phone out during exam will receive an automatic zero on that exam

b.  Computer Assignments ( ? )

c.  Case ( ? ) 15%

d.  Quizzes ( ? )

e.  Other

Grade Scale

A >=93
A- >=90 <93 / B+ >=87 <90
B >=83 <87
B- >=80 <83 / C+ >=77 <80
C >=73 <77
C- >=70 <73 / D+ >=67 <70
D >=60 <67
F <60

NOTE: You will receive the grade you earn. There is no extra credit in the business world and there is no extra credit in this class.

3. Resources

a)  Power point lecture notes (on class web site)

b)  My Accounting Lab

1)  I do not incorporate in the grading scale. It is strictly available as a resource tool

2)  If you wish to access this resource, instructions are included on the last page of this syllabus.

4. Computer and other assignments will be assigned periodically during the term. ON most assignments, the student will be required to download and complete the assignment that is on my web site. Failure to use file provided on the web site will result in a grade of 0.

a)  These assignments are not group projects. Students should work independently. Copying/plagiarism will result in a grade of 0 for all parties involved.

b)  On most occasions, the student will be required to submit completed solutions to me electronically.

1)  I will use the D2L electronic drop box for all electronic submissions

i.  Assignment instructions will indicate specifically how the file is to be submitted.

ii.  Failure to follow the submission requirements will result in a grade of 0

2)  All assignments will have a submission deadline(date and time)

i.  Assignments must be turned in by the submission deadline.

1.  Time clock for submission deadline is the clock of the D2L server, not your computer

ii.  Late assignments will not be accepted.

iii.  Any assignment that misses the deadline will receive a grade of zero.

3)  Files submitted to the wrong drop box will receive a grade of zero

4)  It is your responsibility to verify that your file uploaded correctly.

c)  File format for electronic submission of spreadsheet files

1)  Solutions must be in Excel format.

i.  Failure to send file in the required format will result in a grade of 0.

d)  Make sure your files for electronic submission are Virus free.

1)  Any file received with a virus will receive a grade of 0.

2)  If you are not sure how to use virus scanning software on campus lab machines, ask. I will be happy to show you to scan a file or disk.

e)  Late assignments will not be accepted

5 Quizzes (in class unannounced or take home) will be given or homework problems may be collected (unannounced) and counted as a quiz during the term. It is the student's responsibility to come to class with the prepared solutions to all homework. Late assignments will not be accepted.

6 Several cases requiring a write-up may be given during the semester. These cases will be graded on both the quality of the analysis and the quality of the write-up. Case write-ups must be typed. Hand written write-ups will not be accepted.

7. Email Communication

a.  Texting lingo is not acceptable content for email communication to me. If you want an answer to your email, you will communicate in complete sentences. Email done in or containing text lingo will not be answered.

b.  Any email greeting that does not spell my last name correctly will not be answered

8. Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. Any incident of academic misconduct will be dealt with in accordance with Departmental, College, and University Regulations.

9. Important dates to remember:

Last day to drop a class Tuesday March 6

Last day to withdraw Tuesday April 24

To register for Berg ACCT 2010 Spring 2018:

1.  Go to www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com.

2.  Under Register, select Student.

3.  Confirm you have the information needed, then select OK! Register now.

4.  Enter your instructor’s course ID: berg32284, and Continue.

5.  Enter your existing Pearson account username and password to Sign In.

You have an account if you have ever used a Pearson MyLab & Mastering product, such as MyMathLab, MyITLab, MySpanishLab, MasteringBiology or MasteringPhysics.

If you don’t have an account, select Create and complete the required fields.

6.  Select an access option.

Enter the access code that came with your textbook or was purchased separately

from the bookstore.

Buy access using a credit card or PayPal account.

If available, get temporary access by selecting the link near the bottom of the


7.  From the You're Done! page, select Go To My Courses.

8.  On the My Courses page, select the course name Berg ACCT 2010 Spring 2018 to start your work.

To sign in later:

1.  Go to www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com.

2.  Select Sign In.

3.  Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In.

4.  Select the course name Berg ACCT 2010 Spring 2018 to start your work.

To upgrade temporary access to full access:

1.  Go to www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com.

2.  Select Sign In.

3.  Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In.

4.  Select Upgrade access for Berg ACCT 2010 Spring 2018.

5.  Enter an access code or buy access with a credit card or PayPal account.

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