Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Vice Chair: Don Gerardot, Secretary Therese Brown, Nelson Peters, Jason Arp, Larry Brown

Also Present: Tony Burrus: Director, District Attorney: William Fishering

Call to Order

Don Gerardot: Called the meeting to order at 10:33 a.m.

Therese Brown: Approval of January Meeting Minutes

Jason Arp: 2nd

Motion passed: 5/0/0

Survey Report: The results of the survey about the recycling trailers were presented. The survey was approved by this board. It shows that many who do live in the municipal areas do use the trailers. Millennials like to go there on a weekly basis. The results validate some of the things we’ve said. We will continue to make the trailers user friendly and use opportunities to promote the trailers. Those who did not know of the trailers noticed them while driving; thus the aesthetic changes we’ve facilitated recently have had good results

Larry Brown: Inquired of the number of respondents used in the survey.

Tony Burrus: 208

Director’s Report:

Tony Burrus: We are all but done with submissions of our reports: Financial, SB131, 100R and the SWD Recycling reports. Next month I’ll be seeking an additional appropriation for the purchase of compost equipment. We have solid pricing from a consortium where we didn’t have to do the bidding; the bidding is done through the consortium. We have been able to use the submitted bids when seeking bids through the GSA – Government Services Agency.

Review of Claims:

Therese Brown: Motion to approve Claims

Larry Brown: 2nd

Nelson Peters: abstained

Motion passed: 4/0/1

Public Comments:

Matt Gratz, City Solid Waste Mgr., Suggested an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Fort Wayne for the grinding. He had reviewed the budget numbers for the ACSWMD and believed it would be less expensive than current operations.

Nelson Peters: Of course the ACSWMD board would be interested in entertaining a proposal that might provide greater efficiencies in a cost effective manner.

Therese Brown: Requested any documentation to help with the thought process. She suggested it be done in a very quick order.

Matt Gratz: Suggested he sit down with Tony to hash out details that might be helpful.

Nelson Peters: Yes, we would be interested in a quicker, less expensive method detailed empirically to determine the feasibility of an agreement. (over)

Matt Gratz: I have nothing in writing at this point; I wanted to determine this board’s interest. I have looked at the numbers and will submit a proposal.

Don Gerardot: Meeting adjourned 10:52 a.m.