Description of Laoshan Group, LLC real property and mineral locations in Owyhee
County, ID USA covering approximately 174.82 acres of land on WarEagleMountain.
Parcel No. 1
“The Poorman Lode Claim” (Patent dated October 2, 1880) situated in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho , designated by the Surveyor General as Lot No. 37, recorded in Book 5 of Patents, at page 13, in the Office of the Owyhee County Recorder, to wit;
An undivided Twenty-Nine Decimal Point One Hundred Sixty-Six percent (29.166%) ownership interest as tenants in common in real property located in Owyhee County, ID, more particularly described as follows:
With magnetic variation at 18 degrees 45 minutes East, beginning at Corner No. 1, a granite stone 24 x 10 x 9 inches in size, marked “37" from which a stone in mound of stones, marked with 5 notches on the South side and 4 notches on the East side at the corner common to Sections 4, 5, 8 and 9 in Township 5 South of Range 3 West, Boise Meridian bears North 68 degrees 33 minutes East at the distance of 405 feet; Thence, from said Corner No. 1, South 5 degrees West, 858 feet to a point, from which a shaft bears West at the distance of 10 feet, 1,500 feet to Corner No. 2, a granite stone 24 x 9 x 7 inches in size, marked “37," from which the Empire Hoisting Works bears North 58 degrees East at the distance of 615 feet, and Idlewild House bears South 80 degrees East at the distance of 1,000 feet; Thence from said Corner No. 2, South 85 degrees West, 100 feet to Corner No. 3, a granite stone 20 x 9 x 7 inches in size marked “37;" Thence North 5 degrees East, 1,170 feet to a point, from which a shaft bears East at the distance of 19 feet, 1500 feet to Corner No. 4, a granite stone 34 x 8 x 6 inches in size marked “37;" Thence, South 85 degrees East, 100 feet to the place of beginning, containing 3.44 acres of land, more or less, and embracing 1,500 line feet of said Poorman Lode.
Parcel No. 2
“The London Lode Claim (Patent dated March 12, 1889) situated in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho, designated as Lot 44 in Mineral Survey No. 714, Instrument No. 219161, Records of Owyhee County, Idaho, to wit:
An undivided Twenty-Nine Decimal Point One Hundred Sixty-Six percent (29.166%) ownership interest as tenants in common in real property located in Owyhee County, ID, more particularly described as follows:
With magnetic variation 18 degrees and 45 minutes East beginning at corner No. 1, a fir post 7 inches in diameter marked “Sur. 714, Cor. 1" in mound of stones from which the quarter corner between sections 4 and 5 in Township 5 South of Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, bears North 54 degrees and 49 minutes East 1,043 feet distant; a “†” on granite rock in place 3 x 3 x 3 feet, marked “Sur. 714 Cor. 1 B.O.” bearing North 49 degrees and 45 minutes West 52.5 feet distant and a “†” on granite rock in place 3 x 4 x 4 feet, marked “Sur. 714 Cor. 1 B.O.” bears North 75 degrees and 30 minutes East 60 feet distant; Thence, first course, South 5 degrees East 1,272 feet to corner No. 2; Thence, second course, South 85 degrees West 300 feet to discovery, 600 feet to corner No. 3; Thence, third course, North 5 degrees West 1,272 feet to corner No. 4; Thence, fourth course, North 85 degrees East 600 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning; said Lot No. 44 extending 1,272 feet in length along said London vein or lode, and containing 17.52 acres of land, more or less.
Parcel No. 3
“The North Empire Lode Claim (Patent dated March 12, 1889) situated in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho, designated as Lot No. 42 in Mineral Survey No. 695, Instrument No. 219158, Records of Owyhee County, Idaho, to wit:
An undivided Twenty-Nine Decimal Point One Hundred Sixty-Six percent (29.166%) ownership interest as tenants in common in real property located in Owyhee County, ID, more particularly described as follows:
With magnetic variation 18 degrees and 45 minutes East beginning at corner No. 1, a fir post 4 inches square, marked “1/695" in mound of stones, from which the corner common to sections 8, 9, 16 and 17 in Township 5 South of Range 3 West, Boise Meridian bears South 10 degrees and 4 minutes East 3,837 feet distant; a granite rock in place 4 x 6 x 4 feet above ground marked “† 1/695 B.O.” bears North 1 degree and 23 minutes East 145.4 feet distant, a granite rock in place, 3 x 5 x 3 feet above ground marked “† 1/695 B.O.” bears North 32 degrees 11 minutes East 156 feet distant, and a shaft bears North 39 degrees and 18 minutes West 177 feet distant; Thence, first course, South 66 degrees 13 minutes West 50 feet to discovery post, 100 feet to corner No. 2; Thence, second course, North 23 degrees and 47 minutes West 359 feet, intersect line 1-2 of Lot No. 37, the Poorman Lode claim, 450 feet to corner No. 3; Thence, third course, North 66 degrees and 13 minutes East 50 feet intersect line 1 - 2 of said Lot No. 37, 100 feet to corner No. 4; Thence, fourth course, South 23 degrees and 47 minutes East 450 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Expressly excepting and excluding from these presents all that portion of the ground herein before described embraced in said mining claim or Lot No. 37, and also all that portion of said North Empire vein or lode and of all veins, lodes and ledges throughout their entire depth, the tops or apexes of which lie inside of such excluded ground said Lot No. 42 extending 450 feet in length along said North Empire vein or lode, the granted premises in said lot containing 0.98 acres of land, more or less.
Parcel No. 4
“The Illinois Central Lode Claim (Patent dated June 20, 1889) situated in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho, designated as Lot 49 in Mineral Survey No. 747, Instrument No. 219159, Records of Owyhee County, Idaho, to wit:
An undivided Twenty-Nine Decimal Point One Hundred Sixty-Six percent (29.166%) ownership interest as tenants in common in real property located in Owyhee County, ID, more particularly described as follows:
With magnetic variation at 18 degrees 45 minutes East, beginning at Corner No. 1, a fir post 5 inches in diameter marked “Sur. 747, Cor. 1", in mound of stones, the same being the Northeast Corner of the South Central lode claim, unsurveyed, from which “†” on granite rock in place 10 x 10 x 10 feet, marked “Sur. 747 Cor. 1 B.O.” bears South 30 degrees and 48 minutes West 23.5 feet distant, and “†” on the West face of a granite rock in place 5 feet high marked “Sur. 747 Cor. 1 B.O.” bears South 62 degrees and 57 minutes East 1,500 feet distant; Thence, first course, North 31 degrees and 22 minutes West 1,387 feet to corner No. 2, a fir post 6 inches in diameter marked “Sur. 747, Cor. 2" in mound of stones, situated on line 1 - 2 of Survey No. 715, the Oso Lode claim, from which corner No. 1 of Lot No. 37, the Poorman Lode claim, bears North 21 degrees and 30 minutes West 100.3 feet distant; corner No. 4 of survey No. 695, the North Empire lode claim bears South 14 degrees and 18 minutes West 276.9 feet distant; corner No. 1 of Survey No. 744, the General Hancock lode claim bears South 10 degrees and 18 minutes West 484.8 feet distant; the corner common to sections 4, 5, 8 and 9 in Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, bears North 47 degrees and 56 minutes East 1,106 feet distant; Thence, second course, South 85 degrees West 45 minutes 46 feet, intersect line 1 - 2 of said Lot No. 37, fifty feet to a post at discovery, 100 feet to corner No. 3 from which the mouth of a tunnel bears South 38 degrees and 22 minutes East 255 feet distant, and the mouth of a tunnel bears South 39 degrees and 22 minutes East 104 feet distant; Thence, third course, South 31 degrees and 22 minutes East 90.55 feet intersect line 1 - 2 of said Lot No. 37, 1,387 feet to corner No. 4; Thence, fourth course, North 85 degrees East 100 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Expressly excepting and excluding from these presents all that portion of the presents, hereinbefore described, embrace in said mining claim or Lot No. 37, and also all that portion of said Illinois Central vein or lode, and of all veins lodes and ledges throughout their entire depth the tops or apexes of which lie inside of such excluded ground; said lot No. 49 extending 1,387 feet in length along said Illinois Central vein or lode; the granted premises in said lot containing 2.08 acres of land, more or less.
Parcel No. 5
“The South Poorman Lode Claim (Patent dated June 20, 1889) situated in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho, designated as Lot 48 in Mineral Survey No. 746, Instrument No. 219157, Records of Owyhee County, Idaho, to wit:
An undivided Twenty-Nine Decimal Point One Hundred Sixty-Six percent (29.166%) ownership interest as tenants in common in real property located in Owyhee County, ID, more particularly described as follows:
With magnetic variation 18 degrees, 45 minutes East beginning at corner No. 1, a fir post 4 inches square marked “Sur. 746, Cor 1" in mound of stones, from which the corner common to sections 8, 9, 16 and 17 in Township 5 South of Range 3 West, Boise Meridian bears South 24 degrees and 9 minutes East 1,777 feed distant, and a shaft bears North 8 degrees and 30 minutes West 458 feet distant; Thence first course, North 30 minutes West 1,500 feet to Corner No. 2; Thence second course, North 85 degrees West 300 feet, discovery post, 355 feet intersect line 4 - 1 of Lot No. 43, the Jackson Lode claim, at North 5 degrees East 665 feet from corner No. 1, 600 feet to corner No. 3; Thence third course, South 30 minutes East, 698.8 feet intersect line 1 - 2 of said Lot No. 43, at South 85 degrees West 194.1 feet from corner No. 1, 1,500 feet to corner No. 4; Thence, fourth course, South 85 degrees East 600 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Expressly excepting and excluding from these presents all that portion of the ground hereinbefore described embraced in said mining claim on Lot No. 43, and also all that portion of said South Poorman vein or lode, and of all veins, lodes, and ledges, throughout their entire depth, the tops or apexes of which be inside of such excluded ground; said Lot No. 48 extending 1,500 feet in length along said South Poorman vein or lode, the premises in said lot containing 17.06 acres of land, more or less.
Parcel No. 6
“The Jackson Lode Claim (Patent dated April 5, 1889) situated in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho, designated as Lot 43 in Mineral Survey No. 698, Instrument No. 219162, Records of Owyhee County, Idaho, to wit:
An undivided Twenty-Nine Decimal Point One Hundred Sixty-Six percent (29.166%) ownership interest as tenants in common in real property located in Owyhee County, ID, more particularly bounded, platted and described as follows:
With magnetic variation 18 degrees, 45 minutes East, beginning at the discovery, thence South 5 degrees West 260 feet to a point on the South end line of the claim; thence North 85 degrees East 216 feet to corner No. 1, a fir post, 4 x 6 inches, marked “Sur. 698 Cor. 1,” with mound of stone, being also the Northeast corner of the Silver Cord lode claim, unsurveyed, from which “†” on a granite rock in place 4 x 6 feet marked “Sur. 698 Cor. 1 B.O.” bears South 56 degrees and 35 minutes West 99 feet distance; “†” on a granite rock in place 4 x 8 feet, marked “Sur. 698 Cor. 1 B.O.” bears North 5 degrees and 5 minutes East 36.5 feet distant, and the corner common to Sections 8, 9, 16 and 17 in Township 5 South of Range 3 West, Boise, Meridian bears South 24 degrees and 44 minutes East 2,741 feet distant; Thence, first course, South 85 degrees West 381 feet to corner No. 2; Thence, second course, North 5 degrees East 1,200 feet to corner No. 3; Thence, third course, North 85 degrees East 381 feet to corner No. 4; Thence, fourth course, South 5 degrees West 1,200 feet to corner No.1, the place of beginning survey of exterior boundaries; said Lot No. 43 extending 1,200 feet in length along said Jackson vein or lode and containing 10.33 acres of land, more or less.
Parcel No. 7
“The Oso Lode Claim (Patent dated May 15, 1889) situated in Sections 5 and 8, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho, designated as Lot 45 in Mineral Survey No. 715, Instrument No. 219160, Records of Owyhee County, Idaho, to wit:
An undivided Twenty-Nine Decimal Point One Hundred Sixty-Six percent (29.166%) ownership interest as tenants in common in real property located in Owyhee County, ID, more particularly bounded, platted and described as follows:
With magnetic variation at 18 degrees 45 minutes East, beginning at Corner No. 1, a fir post 5 inches in diameter marked “Sur. 715, Cor. 1", in mound of stones, from which the corners common to sections 4, 5, 8 and 9 of Township 5 South of Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, bears North 37 degrees and 35 minutes East 905.3 feet distant; a”†“ on a granite rock in place 3 x 4 x 2 feet marked “Sur. 715 Cor. 1, B.O.” bears South 20 degrees and 30 minutes East 105.5 feet distant, and a “†” on a granite rock in place 2 x 3 x 3 feet marked “Sur. 715 Cor. 1 B.O.” bears North 40 degrees and 14 minutes East 30 feet distant; Thence, first course, South 85 degrees West 300 feet to a point from which a point at discovery bears North 5 degrees West 203 feet distant; 315.46 feet, intersect East side line of Lot No. 37, the Poorman Lode claim, from which the Northeast corner of said lot bears North 5 degrees East 97.67 feet distant; 417 feet intersect, West side line of Lot No. 37, from which the Northwest corner of said lot bears North 5 degrees East 115.3 feet distant, 600 feet to corner No. 2; Thence, second course, North 5 degrees West 1,500 feet to Corner No. 3; Thence, third course, North 85 degrees East 600 feet to corner No. 4; Thence, fourth course, South 5 degrees East 1,500 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Expressly excepting and excluding from these presents all that portion of the ground, hereinbefore described, embraced in said mining claim as Lot No. 37, and also that portion of said Oso vein or lode and of all veins, lodes and ledges throughout their entire depth, the tops or apexes of which lie inside of such excluded ground; said Lot No. 45 extending 1,500 feet in length along said Oso vein or lode; the granted premises in said lot containing 20.41 acres of land, more or less.
Parcel No. 8
Lode Mineral Location located in Owyhee County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: 100 % ownership interest.
“Cape Horn No. 1,” a lode mineral location situated in Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho recorded in the Records of Owyhee County, Idaho as Instrument No. 218594, and the Idaho State Office of the Bureau of Land Management as Idaho Mining Claim No. 177507, and described as commencing at the monument upon which the location notice is posted, which is the Northeast corner of the claim and monument No. 1; thence in a South direction 1,500 feet to corner monument No. 2, the Southeast corner of the claim; thence in a West direction 600 feet to corner monument No. 3, the Southwest corner of the claim; thence in a North direction 1,500 feet to corner monument No. 4, the Northwest corner monument of the claim; thence in an East direction 600 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning. 20.60 acres of land.
The said corner monument No. 1, upon which the location notice is posted, is situated about 2,180 feet in a South 75 degrees, 4 minutes East direction from the West ¼ corner of Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, lying in the Northwest ¼ of Section 4, T5S, R3W, B.M.
Parcel No. 9
Lode Mineral Location located in Owyhee County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: 100 % ownership interest.
“Great Western No. 1,” a lode mineral location situated in the NW¼ of Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho recorded in the Records of Owyhee County, Idaho as Instrument No. 218590, and the Idaho State Office of the Bureau of Land Management as Idaho Mining Claim No. 177508, and described as commencing at the monument upon which the notice of location is posted at the Southwest corner of the claim, said monument being corner No. 1, thence North direction 1,500 feet to corner monument No. 2, the Northwest corner of the claim; thence in an Easterly direction 600 feet to corner monument No. 3, the Northeast corner of the claim; thence in a South direction 1,500 feet to corner monument No. 4, the Southeast corner monument of the claim; thence in a Westerly direction 600 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning. 20.60 acres of land.
Corner Monument No. 1 is situated 2,175 feet in a North 63 degrees 38 minutes East direction from the West ¼ corner of Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, lying in the Northwest ¼ of said Section 4, T 5 S, R 3 W, B.M.
Parcel No. 10
Lode Mineral Location located in Owyhee County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: 100 % ownership interest.
“Great Western No. 2,” a lode mineral location situated in Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho recorded in the Records of Owyhee County, Idaho as Instrument No. 218591, and the Idaho State Office of the Bureau of Land Management as Idaho Mining Claim No. 177509, and described as commencing at the monument upon which the location notice is posted, which is the Southeast corner of the claim and monument No. 1; thence in a West direction 600 feet to corner monument No. 2, the Southwest corner of the claim; thence in a North direction 1,500 feet to corner monument No. 3, the Northwest corner of the claim; thence in a East direction 600 feet to corner monument No. 4, the Northeast corner monument of the claim; thence in an South direction 1,500 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning. 20.60 acres of land.
The said corner monument No. 1, upon which the location notice is posted, is situated about 2,175 feet in a North 63 degrees 38 minutes direction from the West ¼ corner of Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, lying in the Northwest ¼ of Section 4, T5S, R3W, B.M.
Parcel No. 11
Lode Mineral Location located in Owyhee County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: 100 % ownership interest.
“Great Western No. 3,” a lode mineral location situated in Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, in Owyhee County, Idaho recorded in the Records of Owyhee County, Idaho as Instrument No. 218592, and the Idaho State Office of the Bureau of Land Management as Idaho Mining Claim No. 177510, and described as commencing at the monument upon which the location notice is posted, which is the Northeast corner of the claim and monument No. 1; thence in a South direction 1,500 feet to corner monument No. 2, the Southeast corner of the claim; thence in a West direction 600 feet to corner monument No. 3, the Southwest corner of the claim; thence in a North direction 1,500 feet to corner monument No. 4, the Northwest corner monument of the claim; thence in an East direction 600 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning. 20.60 acres of land.
The said corner monument No. 1, upon which the location notice is posted, is situated about 2,175 feet in a North 63 degrees 38 minutes direction from the West ¼ corner of Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, lying in the Northwest ¼ and the Southwest ¼ of Section 4, T5S, R3W, B.M.