Cole Needs Accommodations As Follows

Cole Needs Accommodations As Follows

Cole needs accommodations as follows:

Presented on 3-7-06 at Articulation meeting

  1. At least one week notice of upcoming test/quizzes;
  2. Flexible scheduling for test, quizzes, homework and projects to accommodate therapy appointments and episodes of fatigue Including allowing for taking test at home with tutor or on the weekend if need be;
  3. Clearly stated assignments with accommodations and modifications noted in the written assignment book;
  4. Work/assessments/assignments need to be timely programmed into his Mercury or other device and hard copy will also be sent home even if on the device.;
  5. Study guides and other guides need to be provided so that Cole will not have to re-read all material prior to a test or quiz. The preferred means is to have teacher outlines/notes provided and/or fill in the blank study guides provided in a timely way to allow Cole shorter intervals of studying [It is also very important that notes and other books or materials needed to study or finish an assignment go home with the study guide];
  6. Format of tests requiring longer writing will be modified to allow for alternative answers formats that are less physically taxing and will allow for test and other assessments to be finished in a relatively timely manner;
  7. He will not be penalized on his grade for not completing an assignment, test, quiz, other assessment or a project, as a result of fatigue, physical challenges, medical/therapy appointments;
  8. Second set of books;
  9. Reserving judgment on Cole’s action so that the first approach or opinion is not behavioral, but rather considered in terms of sensory integration, fatigue, medical issues, muscle cramps and other factors that are not behavioral in nature;
  10. Respectful and positive approach to Cole is critical;
  11. Timely communication from school to home regarding medical, academic or other issues is very important so that the parents can act on it. Family will respond timely and often daily with notes on Cole’s status regarding sleeping, eating, health, medication and any other issue which may effect his day in school;
  12. Sensory breaks provided and opportunities to get out of the chair. Data needs to be taken as to when during the day sensory breaks would be most beneficial. This year it has been at 10 am. Also there may be times when Cole will need a snack either as a reinforcement/reward or to provide energy prior to lunch. Often these consist of crunchy snacks (e.g. pretzels) or sweet snacks (e.g. brownies).
  13. For writing assignments Cole will need manual assistance at the elbow from the paraprofessional;
  14. Cole needs to avoid getting very overheated and he needs to be kept out of the hot weather for extended periods especially since he is wearing a brace;

Things that will be needed on the first day or prior to make the beginning of the year a success:

  1. Bus aide;
  2. Mercury programmed for the first weeks of curriculum;
  3. Stander and other PT/OT equipment on hand—slant boards;
  4. Hygiene routine reviewed and privacy provided for (e.g place for toilet and changing) with designated people teams of 2;
  5. Paraprofessional needs to have met Cole and his parents prior to school beginning to review use of wheelchair, spinal brace, AFOs, and personal style needs of Cole (see body of input statement) and feeding issues;
  6. Upcoming assignments need to be provided in time to plot out schedule;
  7. Case manager needs to be able to respond to reasonable questions in a timely manner (we certainly know that there are times that same day answers are not possible);
  8. PT and other staff need to monitor and communicate to family any concerns regarding the fit and postural appropriateness of his wheelchair;
  9. We would like for there to be a concerted effort to figure out more effective means to get Cole using the motorized feature of his chair to allow for greater independence;
  10. Health plan needs to be developed and seizures need to be monitored and reported to parents;
  11. Safety evacuation plan needs to be developed and shared with staff and family;
  12. Musical CDs to listen to in school for rewards;
  13. A social group during lunch and extra curricular activities and assistance in choosing activity (s) and aide support;
  14. FM Unit;
  15. Power point on his Mercury to follow along;
  16. Coordination between SHS nurse and Mrs. Frost, AJHS nurse;
  17. Designate the purpose of study halls to cut down on homework, and to relax if needed;
  18. Need modified school supply list so we are not buying unneeded and unused supplies. He usually needs dry erase marker and board and folders. Other supplies that other supplies need often go wasted with Cole;
  19. Mercury (AAC) screen flickers do we need a repair and what is the backup plan ?