Best Published Paper (Early Career)$5,000
The RAH Research Committee has been appointed as the selection panel for the 2017 Simpson Prize for Cancer Research. The award recognises outstanding research undertaken on the RAH Campus, and will be presented for the best published paper by a RAH / SA Pathology early career researcher.
The applicant must have published a paper as first author in a peer reviewed journal within the past two years (July 2014-June 2016).Online publications, and articles accepted for publication within the date range are eligible for consideration. Proof of acceptance will be required.
The applicant must have less than 8 years postdoctoral experience.
The published paper must reflect work performed within the Royal Adelaide Hospital, SA Pathology, the Hanson Institute Building, or academic departments operating within, or associated with, the RAH campus.
Applicants who have published more than one paper can submit one application per paper.
Conditions of Award
- A once off payment of $5,000 will be made to the successful applicant, who is a CALHN employee. The award may be considered to be taxable income by the Australian Taxation Office and it is recommended that awardees seek professional advice in this regard. The prize winner will be required to complete the relevant finance forms.
- A brief lay-summary of the paper must be provided to the RAH Research Committee for reporting and promotional purposes.
Applications will be assessed by the Scholarships/Fellowships Sub-committee of the RAH Research Committee. Awards will be made by the Health Services Charitable Gifts Board.
The selection panel will take into consideration; journal impact, number of authors, clinical relevance and scientific merit. Papers identifying the Royal Adelaide Hospital in the author’s affiliation will be considered favourably.
The completed application should be provided in the following format:
- Name and address of applicant, and department/laboratory in which you will be located
- Title of the article
- Authors (as listed as per the publication)
- Journaltitle
- Date of publication/acceptance
- 200 word statement on the impact of this paper in the field
- Impact factor of the Journal
- Brief lay summary (for RAH Research Committee reporting/promo purposes)
- Copy of the published paper (including abstract)as an attachment
Applications that exceed specified limits will be discarded.
Please submit your application by email as a searchable pdf to the closing date below.
Please do not send hard copies.
APPLICATIONS CLOSE 5.00 pm Friday 21stOctober 2016
Phone: (08) 8222 3839
Revised: 15/09/2016