University of Tsukuba
1. Full name(as it appears on your passport, write your surname in all capital letters):
Full name in Chinese character if applicable:
Gender (M/F):
Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy):
Nationality (as shown on your passport):
2. Names of the prospective supervisors (you can write up to 3 names):
3. Correspondence address:
4. Contact details
5. Current position and affiliation:
6. Education history since undergraduate(You may add the lines)
Enrollment period,including year and month of expected completion / Education / Name of institute/university, including the names of faculty and department / Type of degree awarded
(e.g. Bachelor of ○○)
year / month
- year / month / Master’s
(Postgraduate level)
year / month
- year / month / Bachelor’s
(Undergraduate level)
7. Employment history(if applicable. you may add the lines)
Employment period / year / month - year / monthName of the company you have worked in
Job title/position / Full time / Part time
Your primary responsibilities
8. History of research activities(if applicable. you may add the lines)
Duration / year / month - year / monthName and address of the institute, (including the names of faculty or department)
Title/Status given for the activity
9. Current research theme and the abstract
Research Theme:
Abstract (should be about 100 words):
10. Achievement list
(1) Scientific papers:
(2) Verbal presentations:
(3) Proceedings:
(4) Others, such as patents and awards:
11. Names and affiliation of at least two references, including the email address:
(We may directly contact the references. Applicant must waive the right of access.)
12.Your future career plan after obtaining a Master’s degree
(this question is only for Master’s course applicant)
☐Doctoral course(University of Tsukuba)
☐Doctoral course (other university in Japan)
☐Doctoral course (other university outside Japan)
☐Finding employment ☐Other ( )
13. Do you apply for the “Financial Support Grant” for travel to NIMS?
☐Yes, I do ☐Not necessary
Those who check [Yes], shall answer the following question,
in case your application for the travel support would fail,
☐Youwill not attend the interviewtest in NIMS
☐ You can afford a travel expenses on your own budget
14. How did you know this program? (☒to the best answer)
☐Website of / ☐NIMS ☐University ☐Professor ☐Others
☐ Recruit Seminar by NIMS researcher
☐ Presentation @Conference by prospective supervisor
☐By professors in your university
☐ By Acquaintances
I declare that the details provided in this entire application are true and correct, and contain no research frauds in any particular.(Signature)
(Full name in print)
(Date mm/dd/yy)
Only for Doctoral course applicant
Research Accomplishments (within a half page)
Future Plans (within a half page)