Promote Electronic Payments during Older Americans Month
As Americans focus on their finances, a new nationwide survey sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Treasury reveals approximately nine out of 10 Americans believe direct deposit gives them more control over their money. Yet, millions of senior citizens and their caregivers still rely on paper checks for Social Security and other federal benefit payments, leaving their money vulnerable to delays and financial crimes.
In recognition of Older Americans Month in May, organizations across the country are encouraging Americans who get federal benefit checks for themselves or a loved one to switch to a safer, easier alternative – direct deposit or the Direct Express® Debit MasterCard® card.
Partner's of the Treasury's campaign to promote electronic payments are distributing materials and including information in their activities throughout the month. Several highlights include:
- The Human Services Department of San Joaquin Valley will distribute Go Direct® and Direct Express® card information at the Senior Fraud Fighters Fest scheduled for the end of May. The senior awareness event is expected to draw between 3,000 and 4,000 participants.
- The New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services requested Go Direct and Direct Express card materials for a series of 14 workshops taking place during April, May and June. The workshops are part of a new We Can Work campaign, which promotes the efforts of New Yorkers with psychiatric disabilities to pursue their employment goals.
- The Social Security Administration of Raleigh, N.C. distributed Go Direct materials at the 13th Annual Golden Jubilee Baby Boomer & Senior Expo on May 13, with an anticipated attendance of more than 5,000 seniors.
- Chicago Department of Family & Support Services hosted its 2009 Citywide Senior Citizens Conference called "Living Smart" on May 8. The Go Direct campaign paired up with the City Treasurer’s Office to distribute Go Direct materials and Direct Express card information during its resource fair and presentation on basic banking.
- Ethos – a private non-profit eldercare organization in Boston – will be distributing Go Direct and Direct Express card materials at its annual SeniorPalooza on May 15 and listing the campaign as an event supporter in all SeniorPalooza materials.
If you are hosting upcoming events geared toward senior citizens or caregivers, Treasury encourages you to include information about direct deposit and the Direct Express card. The campaign offers an Older Americans Month tool kit, which contains all the information you’ll need to promote electronic payments during May.
To learn more about opportunities to help the people you serve, contact a campaign representative at (952) 346-6055 or visit and