
Hi Ladies,

I hope you had a relaxing winter break! We are glad to have you back on campus and have many events in store this semester. Please look forward to our weekly emails in order to participate in community service, outreach, and corporate events. Even if you haven't participated before, now is the time to start! Let me know if you have any questions.

Alexa Jones

Vice President

Hello SWE Ladies,

I hope you all had a great winter break! The topic of today’s meeting is SWEsters Study Abroad!We will be having some of our members present about their experiences of taking classes and living in other countries. Study Abroad programs from Germany, Denmark, Spain, Costa Rica, and Turkey will be talked about. Study Abroad is great college experience and hopefully this meeting will make you consider participating in one of MSU’s programs during your college career.

Linzy Pedersen


Welcome Back SWEsters!

I hope you all had a wonderful I Christmas break! I want to remind you to consider becoming a national member! It opens up so many doors to great opportunities and connections! 

Laura Gumpper


We are currently working on ordering the engineering t-shirts. And if anyone wants to get more involved we could always use help with food pick-up and clean up at meetings.

Caroline Kerbelis Halle Doering

Community Service

Welcome Back SWEsters! We are excited for this semester and for some fun community service events! There is training at the Capital Area Humane Society on Saturday January 18 from 11-1PM. If you are interested in attending please sign up TODAY! We have to reserve spots so be sure to talk to one of us! Looking ahead we will be making dinner at Ronald McDonald House in February. Lastly, mark your calendars for March 28 for Relay for Life! Sign up online to join our team and start fundraising!

Morgan Hoxsie Lucia DelVillano


Hi guys my name is Abigael Onchiri and I am one of the outreach co chairs . We don't have a date set up yet for going to volunteer at lansing stem but we will be sending out an email with a google doc that will have different times and we will go on the day most people are available to go so just look out for the email !

If you have any questions shoot me or Elizabeth Florain an Email ! my email is .

Happy new Semester !

Elizabeth Florian Abigael Onchiri


Hey friends!

I am so excited to be returning to MSU as your Social Chair. During Fall 2013, I did a co-op for Marathon in Detroit, MI. It was an incredible experience and if you ever want to talk about co-oping, I can chat! For social events in January, we have ice skating coming up on January 31st at Munn Ice Arena from 9:30-11:00 pm. We also have the Valentine’s Day Dnner February 13th, details TBA. If you ever have any questions, or need to reach out please contact me! Remember to make time for fun and get social with your SWE-sters! :)

Erica Allen

Member Relations

Welcome Back Ladies,

I hope everyone of you had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. As we begin the new semester, our point system starts over; hence, the more events each one of you attend, the more points you gain as a SWE member. In April, we will be giving away prizes to those members who accumulated the most points over the semester. Last semester, we gave away some very stylish MSU Camelbak water bottles, MSU scarves, T-shirts, and MSU tumblers.

If you are interested in becoming more involved in SWE, Erica Allen (our social chair) is looking to create a subcommittee. If you are interested, please email Erica or myself at .

Lastly, E-Week is February 16th -22nd. As an engineering club, SWE shall participate in Impression 5 on Sunday February 16th. Katelyn Dunaski will take over for me and lead this project. As a group, we will be creating SLIME with the children and families. If you are interested, please email Katelyn at .

Have a wonderful three day weekend!

Jennifer Jones

Corporate Relations

Hey! With the career fairs and Banquet coming up make sure to get a resume around, hope everyone has had a good start to the new year.

Coryn Frye


The Society of Women Engineers is once again hosting the Evening with Industry Banquet. This banquet is a dinner and awards ceremony held every year to honor engineers that exceed in academic and co-curricular activities.Over 300 people attend, and it is one of the highlights of our year in SWE. Volunteers are needed PLEASE! Make sure to reserve your spot at the dinner and pay the refundable $10 at the Center! Also note that the scholarship essays are due towards the end of this month.

Amanda Sliney Mariana Madrigal

Day With SWE

Welcome back SWEsters! We hope you all had a great break and are ready for the fun events we have this semester! Day with SWE will be April 4th and 5th and we will need all the help we can get! If you live in a dorm and are willing to host a high school senior girl for the night, please email us. We are hoping we can get all of the girls in the dorm but if not, apartments/houses will work too. If you are interested in helping plan or volunteer for those days please let us know as well. We look forward to working with you and having a great semester!

Casey O’Donohue Laura Bartow-Goudie

SWE website:
Ayona Van Horn-Lee

Professional Counselor

Emily Khouphongsy

SWE Advisors
Judy Cordes Colleen Mcdonough

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.”

~ Mark Twain