ARA tAIOHI youth week 2018 Grant application form
Applicant InformationYour name:
Your role: / Your organisation (if applicable)
Street address:
Town/City: / Postcode:
Email: / Phone:
Eligibility (delete as appropriate): Ara Taiohi member / School
If you would like help with your application or ideas please feel free to contact Shannan at
event Overview
Name of your Youth Week event:
Date of event:
Provide a brief overview of your event including goals, objectives and activities:
How does your event fit with the 2018 Youth Week theme ‘Be who you want to be!’? Please see for further information.
How will you use a positive youth development approach to design, develop, deliver and evaluate the Youth Week event?
How will you positively promote young people by showcasing their talents, achievements and contributions to the community?
youth participation
How will young people express their ideas, have their voices heard and learn new skills through this Youth Week event?
List the key roles or activities young people will undertake to enable the successful design, development and delivery of your Youth Week event?
Which groups of young people will you engage in your project and how?
What youth development opportunities will be available for your participants?
Will you work with or get support from any other organisations or services? Y / N
If so, describe the role that each of these partners play:
Individual applicants will need to identify a legal entity (umbrella organisation) to manage funds
Contact person:
Email: / Phone:
Total cost of the Youth Week event:
Total amount you are applying to Ara Taiohi for (between $500-$2000):
In the table below, please outline all the costs of your event and specify how you plan to fund them.
If you are gaining funding or sponsorship from other sources, please list below.
(If additional space is required, submit a separate budget with your application)
Item / Cost / How it’s funded
Total budget / $
- Your event must happen during Youth Week 2018 (19 - 27 May 2018)
- Complete a Payment and Agreement form with details about who will receive the funds.
- Share photos and details of event on our website and social media.
- Complete Form 2 which outlines how your Youth Week event went by the due date.
- Distribute the MYD participant survey to young people engaged in your event.
I agree to all of the above terms and to fulfil all relevant conditions (please tick)
Your name / Date
Grant applications close 5pm, 1 March 2018.
Please return applications to (electronic copies preferred) email: or send to: Ara Taiohi, PO Box 6886, Marion Square, Wellington 6141