Supervision of design and execution of the works for “Design, construction, fitting-out, maintenance and demolition/dismantling of the Romania Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015”

This section is an integral part of the tender documentation for the supervision services of the construction works for the Romania Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 and it represents the whole set of basic requirements based on which each tenderer elaborates the technical proposal.

The requirements imposed through this Tender Book shall be considered as minimal. If any of the tenderers fail to comply with one or more of the requirements, the respective tender shall be rejected as inadequate (irregular).

  • The tender documentation used for the awarding of the contract for the design, construction, fitting-out, maintenance and dismantling/demolition of the Romania Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 is available for the interested economic operators by the following means: (contract notice no. SEAP 155066/25.10.2014 – Romanian version), (contract notice no. 2014/S/208-367806), or (section “Romania at Expo Milano 2015 – Public procurement and contests”-English version).


The Company which conducts the supervision (hereinafter referred to as “Supervisor”) shall guarantee that its activities, as well as the activities for the design, construction, fitting-out, maintenance and dismantling/demolition of the Romania Pavilion performed by the construction company (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”), shall be carried out in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Italian legislation and of the specific regulations for Expo Milano 2015 containing, without limiting to those mentioned, at least:

  • Official Participations Guide SELF-BUILT EXHIBITION SPACES GUIDE
  • Technology Services Guide for Self Built
  • Guidelines Self Built Hygiene and safety for food area_2
  • Works Management Guidelines for SELF-BUILT EXHIBITION SPACES
  • Sustainable Solutions Guidelines and Green Procurement Guidelines
  • Guidelines LOGISTICS
  • General Regulation and Special Regulations (SR) 1-10 of Expo Milano 2015.

The Supervisor must have or be able to obtain without delay in the execution of the contract, all certifications/permits/authorisations/approvals necessary for its own activities or for the activities of the Contractor.

The Supervisor shall be appointed by the contracting authority (hereinafter referred to as “Employer”) to act for and on its behalf, in order to verify the correct execution of the works for the Romania Pavilion. The Supervisor ensures the communication between the Employer and the Contractor, as well as the communication between the Contractor and the relevant departments of the Organiser of Expo Milano 2015 (hereinafter referred to as “Organiser”).

Expected Results:A successful implementation of the project shall lead towards the execution of the Romania Pavilion, respecting the architectural solution provided by the Employer, as well as ensuring the quality, conformity and safety of works, in accordance with the general schedule of activities, respectively:

-The Pavilion shall be designed and constructed until 1st of March 2015, it shall be finished and fit-out until 15th of April 2015 and the tests for checking the Pavilion functionality shall be conducted until 30th of April 2015.

-The Pavilion shall be dismantled/ demolished, subsequent to closing of the Expo Milano 2015, and the assigned site shall be vacated and restored until 30th of April 2016.

Main Activities of the Supervisor are:

1.Verification and supervision of the drawing up of the preliminary and detail design of the Romania Pavilion, based on the Architectural Solution made available by the Employer and respecting the Foundation executed by the Organiser;

2.Providing support for submitting the applications and obtaining in time, of all necessary licenses, permits and authorizations for the construction of the Romania Pavilion. The supervision activity for the design determinant stage shall be considered completed once the Authorisation/Approval for Execution of the Construction is obtained from the Organiser;

  1. Certification of the revised Schedule of Works, correlated with a revised Schedule of Payments, submitted by the Contractor at the finalisation of the design phase;
  2. The Supervisor shall check the measures regarding the quality, health and work safety, environmental protection and fire prevention applied by the Contractor, in order to certify that they are in accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation; prepares verification manuals and perform verification checks in accordance with them;
  3. Verification and supervising of the quality, conformity and safety of construction works, in accordance with the construction drawings, the contractual provisions, the Italian legislation and the specific regulations for Expo Milano 2015;
  4. The Supervisor shall ensure that the tests were conducted in order to check the quality of materials and equipments installed in the construction works, in accordance with the contract conditions and standards and procedures of the Italian construction legislation;
  5. The Supervisor has the obligation to prohibit the use of unauthorized workers (for qualifications which have legal provisions to this effect), as well as to prohibit the use of non-compliant methods of work;
  6. Close monitoring of progress of work, and on-time notification of the Contractor and Employer regarding the occurrence of problems that may lead to delays in achieving the object of the contract;
  7. Supervisor checks and certifies the works statements (including for concealed works/embedded construction), attends the acceptance procedures, provides the secretariat for the acceptance meetings and participates in drafting documents/reports of acceptance. In case that objections are raised by the Acceptance Commission of the Employer regarding the works, the Supervisor shall verify the solutions and the execution of the required remedial works;
  8. The Supervisor initiates and conducts weekly and monthly meetings on the construction site, prepares "meetings minutes”, and ensures that all issues presented in the meetings are solved on time;
  9. The Supervisor prepares monthly Progress Reports of works, both in Italian and in English. These progress reports shall be transmitted for information to the Employer in due time and shall be properly archived. The report of the progress of works shall contain at least the following:
  10. Physical progress of works, assessed accordingly with the contractually agreed schedule of construction works;
  11. The documents that prove the quality of the works, analyzed in comparison with contractual requirements and applicable legal provisions;
  12. Materials brought to the site, approved/rejected by the Supervisor, the number of workers and equipment used by Contractor, according with the Log of Daily Activities;
  13. Minutes of meetings on site, as well as photographs taken;
  14. Any problems that may lead to delays, regarding possible extensions of the execution time or cost increases.
  15. The Supervisor checks and certifies the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the Pavilion and the Technical Book of the Construction, prepared by the Contractor, until the completion of the works for the execution of the Pavilion;

13.The Supervisor must ensure an effective and functional mechanism for communication and reporting between Employer and Contractor, as well as between the Contractor and the Organiser. The supervision activity for the construction determinant stages shall be considered completed once the Approval for Use of the Pavilion is obtained from the Organiser;

14.The Supervisor shall ensure the verification and supervision of the demolition/dismantling works of the Pavilion. The supervision activity for the demolition/dismantling stage shall be considered completed once theRestoration Certificate of Allocated Spaceis obtained from the Organiser.

The key personnel to be provided by the Supervisor are:

1. Technical Supervisor (PTS)

  • The Technical Supervisor (PTS) shall be responsible for the supervision over quality, safety, function, programme and costs associated with the approved design, construction and fitting-out of the pavilion, as well as dismantling/demolition;
  • The PTS shall take full responsibility for compliance, with Italian legislation and specific regulations for Expo Milano 2015, of all construction and dismantling/demolition activities and the timely technical co-ordination with the Expo On-site Manager (EOM);
  • The PTS is the main point of contact with the Organiser for the duration of the pre-construction, construction and dismantling/demolition periods, and is responsible for all necessary communications with the Organiser regarding site management and requirements, including via the Expo Milano 2015 Ethernet PDMS;
  • The PTS is to attend site meetings as required, collate and review the overall DL team weekly report and also the monthly report which will be transmitted to the Employer;
  • The PTS shall oversee both base build construction and exhibition fitting-out periods, as well as the dismantling/demolition period;

2. Responsabile dei Lavori (RdL)

  • The Responsabile dei Lavori (RdL) is responsible to perform the tasks assigned by D.LGS 81/2008, throughout the works, from final design to completion and throughout dismantling/demolition;
  • The RdL is responsible to appoint, manage and co-ordinate the Health and Safety (H&S) Officer (PCSE) during construction stages and during dismantling/demolition;
  • The RdL is responsible for verifying compliance of the obligations of the H&S Officer (PCSE) to draw up the H&S Coordination Plan (PSC) and verifying the application of the H&S plan during the construction stages and during dismantling/demolition;
  • The RdL is to attend site meetings as required and provide a weekly progress report.

3. Direttore dei Lavori (DL)

  • The Direttore dei Lavori (DL) is the professional charged with overseeing implementation of the works, monitoring and reporting progress, in accordance with the provisions of Article no. 1662 of the Italian Civil Code. The DL shall oversee all works periods: base build construction, exhibition fitting-out and dismantling/demolition;
  • The DL chairs site meetings and provide the necessary progress reports;
  • The DL provides to the Employer the required properly qualified technical representatives in order to oversee and manage the Contractor’s design activity, and ensure that the design respects the Architectural Solution made available by the Employer and the Foundation executed by the Organiser;
  • The DL is to provide the Employer with the required properly qualified technical representatives on site in order to oversee and manage the Contractor’s construction activity and ensure that the design intent, quality and specifications are effectively implemented in the built project – Outline roles as follows:
  • Supervision and guarantee a correct execution of the approved detail design;
  • Supervision of the quality of the works;
  • Co-ordination and management of the base build Contractor and subcontractors, including monitoring progress, determining, raising and resolving any co-ordination issues, ensuring that the Schedule of Works is respected, re-programming works as necessary to achieve Schedule of Works;
  • Guarantee the functional operation of the completed building.
  • DL is the direct interface with the PTS as regards of design and construction stages, being responsible to oversee and manage the Contractor’s activity, through the DL team. Administrative work:
  • Supervise and guarantee conformity to legal standards and prepare commissioning documentation;
  • Supervise and guarantee the administrative process during design and works periods;
  • Oversee the building site administrative control, ensures the proper logistic management and ensures proper environmental protection management;
  • Collect and submit materials and machineries certifications;
  • Coordinate, check and review the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the Pavilion and the Technical Book of the Construction,prepared by the Contractor, until the completion of the works for the execution of the pavilion.
  • DL is responsible, during the dismantling/demolition stage, for similar activities with those described for the construction period;
  • The DL team should be sized and tailored according to the requirements of the Romania Pavilion project and should include at least the following non-key personnel categories:

3.1. Ispettore di Cantiere- Site Inspector (IC):

  • In charge of the day-to-day site activities:
  • Inspection of works;
  • Inspection of Health & Safety.

3.2 Site Supervision by DL Team:

  • ensuring that the works are carried out according with the approved detail design and the technical specifications of the Employer;
  • ensuring all the relevant detailed drawings and written instructions are implemented on site, checking and using them as a reference when inspecting works;
  • carrying out visual inspections;
  • ensuring that the regulatory and legal requirements are met by the works;
  • checking samples on site to make sure that the works and the materials meet the technical specifications and quality standards;
  • liaising with the PCSE and the Contractor’s H&S coordinator;
  • liaising with the Contractor’s environmental protection coordinator;
  • liaising with the Contractor’s logistic coordinator;
  • On site Employer’s representative in conjunction with PTS.

4. Coordinatore per la Sicurezza in fase di Progettazione – Participant Design Safety Officer (PCSP) and Coordinatore per la Sicurezza in fase di Esecuzione – Participant Site Safety Officer (PCSE)

  • PCSP produce the Piano Di Sicurezza e Coordinamento (PSC) or H&S Plan, in accordance with the Organiser’s Piano di Sicurezza e Coordinamento (EPSC);
  • PCSE to ensure project compliance with the D.LGS 81/2008 “Testo Unico sulla salute I sicurezza sul lavoro” and any special Organizer’s requirements;
  • PCSE verifies the Piano Di Sicurezza e Coordinamento (PSC) or H&S Plan prepared in accordance with the detailed design and, if necessary, applies any changes through the construction period;
  • PCSE is responsible for ensuring compliance with all Organiser’s site safety procedures during the works period, ensuring that each worker is following safety rules and regulations;
  • PCSE produces a comprehensive report of each inspection, covering both base build and fitting-out, as well as dismantling/demolition;
  • The PCSE is to attend site meetings and provide a weekly progress report;

5. Collaudatore

  • To be independent consultants from the design/supervision/contractor teams, and the DL, but co-ordinated by the DL team. Minimal requirements as follows:
  • certificato di collaudo architettonico- certificate signed by a qualified technician, attesting the conformity of the works to the project specification submitted;
  • certificato di collaudo strutture– certificate signed by a qualified technician, according with D.P.R 380/2001;
  • dichiarazioni di conformita – declarations of compliance of technical systems with Italian Codes and Law (according with D.M. 37/2008) for electrical systems including lighting, HVAC, fire fighting systems, security & safety system (smoke detection, EVAC etc.).
  • Completion of all necessary Compliance/sign off forms that are part of the Technical Supervisor’s report to obtain Use Permit of the Pavilion;
  • Completion of all necessary Compliance/sign off forms that are part of the Technical Supervisor’s report to obtain Restoration Certificate of Allocated Space.

Working place of the Supervisor

The Contractor shall ensure, in the construction site, a place of work for the Supervisor, in order to facilitate the performance its activities, as assigned by the Employer. The place of work shall be connected to utilities, including internet connection and shall be properly furnished.

The Supervisor and his team shall be responsible for the endowment of the place of work with the proper equipments, software and supplies, as well as for the secretarial and communication costs.