
RulesandRegulationsforthe smoothrunningof the shul

Procedures involvingkriashaTorah:

1. Who shall be considereda chiyuvforthe purposeof analiyahon Shabbat?

Response:Theorder shall be aYahrzeitforaparent,afathernaming a baby,a father on theshabbbatbeforehis baby’sbritmilah, abar-mitzvah, an aufrufand achosson.

2. What shall bethe rule astoprecedencefor maftir?

Response: A bar-mitzvah or an aufrufshall havepreference (based on earlierreservation).

3. What shall bethe guidelines in regards tohosafotboth on a regularShabbat and on aShabbat when there is asimcha(orseveralchiyuvim)?

Response:Hosafotshould bekeptto a minimum, usinglogic and common


4. Arethere anyrequirements in regard to selectingbaaleikriyah, other than knowinghow to layenthe parsha?

Response:Yes, thereis. The baalkorehmust haveadecent voice,can be heard clearly,and must haveapresenceon the bima.

5.Is itappropriateto allowayoungstertolayenthespecial parshiotof Zachor


Response:Yes, with onequalification:Hemusthave reached theage when hehas begun to shave.

6. What rules should the shulbeguided byin regards tomisheberachsfor an olehleTorah, in particular as to number?

Response: Onlyone misheberachshould berecited besides the usual one forthe olehhimself. At asimchaonlyonelong, inclusive misheberachshould be recited, not followingseveralolim.

7. Should therebe anyrules regardingshenadars?

Response: Thegabbai should pause foramoment to allow forthe

shenadorthen moveon.

Procedures involving thebaaleitefilla:

1. Who should haveprecedenceto davenat theomud, ayahrzeit orsomeonein


Response: Theyahrzeitshall have firstrights in this situation.

2. Who has precedencetodavenmaarivSaturdaynight, anavelorsomeonewith


Response: The avelhas clear precedencein this situation.

3. Should weset anyrules as to when ayoungstershould bepermitted todavenat the amud?

Response: A competentyoungman maydavenat theamudat anytime except, possibly, Shabbatchazon.

4. Ifsomeone hasyahrzeit forsomeoneotherthanaparent, does hetake precedenceoveranavel?

Response:Hedoes not.In fact, someonewho hasyahrzeit for anyone otherthan aparent has no rights of precedence for any‘honor’ in thedaveningor layening.

5. To what extent doeschazakahapplyin regard to someonewho haddaveneda particulartefilla(Tal, bircashachodesh,yiskor, neilo, forexample) threeor more times in a row?

Response: It is suggested that thosewho have alreadyestablisheda

chazakahbeentitled to continue thatchazakah(grandfathering).

6. Shallweset new policyin regards tochazakahin the future?

Response: Anyone approachingachazakahsituation should beinformed that chazakah willnot apply.

7. Shallstandards besetas to who maydavenat theomudbased on thequalityof hisdavening?

Response: Some sort of control should bedeveloped in this regard. The gabbai will haveto use all his diplomatic abilities in this situation.

8. Shallweset standardsofdress forthosewhodavenat theamudor receive an

alyahon shabbatand on aweekday?

Response: On Shabbat anyonereceiving analyahordaveningat the omudmustwear ajacket andcannot wear sandals without socks. On aweekdayajacket is preferable but atalisis acceptable.

9. Shallan avel, observingayahrzeit, havethe right to monopolizethedavenen

orbelimited to either shacharitormussaf?

Response: Heshould not. Anovelshould be encouraged to bereasonable and sharethedaveningwith others.

General shulminhagim(Theshul generally follows the EzrasTorahcalendarinthis regard)


When abritmilahorachossonis present at a minyan, tachanunwillnot be said

atthatminyanand anyearlier minyan.It will be said at anysubsequentminyan.

No tachanuinwillbesaid on MosheRabbeinu’syahrzeit(zayin Adar), but will be said duringminchathe daybefore.

No tachanunis said duringtheentiremonth of Nisson.

Lest therebeanymistake, wedo saykorbanosat thestart of shacharit.

In therepetition oftheshmonehesreithechazzan,in the kedusha, should recite aloud thephraseskadoshkadosh,uvedivreiand yimloch.


AvHorachamimwillbesaid on the shabbatoton whichyou bench Rosh Chodesh

Iyar and Sivan.Itwillnot be said on Shabbat Rosh Chodesh during sefira.

The first and lastpesukimofasecond haftarah, such as on Shabbat shekalim/macharchodesh is notsaid.

It is the practiceof theshul to recite (sing)yedidnefeshbeforekabbalat

Shabbat. (updated 2-12-2015)

Requiringeveryoneto stand for theentire aliyahwhich contains theaserethadibrotor anyother section for which standingisthe common practice, is, presently, too difficult to enforce.

At maarivon Fridaynight, the chazzan should saymagenavosaloud.

As to animzemirosand theyom,theyaresaid aftershacharitat themainminyan

andat the end ofthe daveningat the earlyminyan.

Kaddishis notrecited after an-imzemiros,norafter theyomwhen additional

tefilosfollow. Kaddishisreserved fortheconclusion ofthe last of these tefilos.

On thesecond dayof roshchodesh Elulthe orderof tefilosat the end of shacharis

shall bethe yom, borchinafshi, shofar,then ledovidfollowed bykaddish.

An avelwithin the 12 monthscannot davenon theyahrzeitofaparentshould it occuron ashabbator yom tov.

Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah

An avelis notpermittedto davenanytefilaon Rosh Chodesh or Chanukah.


Thetefilaofkahkeliis notsaid on yiskordays nor on shabbatnor on the seventh dayof pesach.

No piyyutimat all aresaid on the shaloshregalim.

No tachanunis said onisruchagbut will be said on thedays following. Thereshall beduchanenon Shabbat/yomtov.


Forthose who wish,hallelwillbesaid after the regularmaarivminyanon the first two nights of Pesach with an appropriate pause toallow the firstminyantoleave.

Kahkeiliis notsaid on thefirst dayof Pesach (whenTalis said) noron the last dayof Pesach(Yiskor).

Tachanun(ortzidkasechatzedek)is notsaid duringminchathedaybeforeLag



Hakafotwillbeheld on thenight of ShminiAtzeres forthosewhochooseto have them, afteran appropriatepause to allow thefirstminyanto leave.

AtoHoraisowillbesaid onlyonce atmaarivandshacharison Simchas Torah. On Simchat Torah the duchenanwilltakeplaceduringshacharit atthemain

minyanand duringmussafat thehashkamaminyan.

Rosh Hashanah

Therewillbenotekiotduringthe silentshmonehesrei.

No unmarried individualwillbepermitted to beshliachtzibburforthe yamimnoraim.


Thepesukimthatcontainphrases that arerepeated(such asv-ishlo omadlifneihem)mustberepeated in theirentirety. So, too, thepasukcontaining zeicher-zecherin parshatzachor.

Krovetzis said on Purim.

YomHaatzmaut, YomYerushalayim

Whole hallelwillbesaidon Yom HaatzmautandYom Yerushalayim, but

without a beracha. Tachanunwillnot be said, notin themorningnoratmincha.Itwillbe said, however, duringminchathe daybefore.

When Yom Haatzmaut orYomYerushalayimoccurs on Friday,hallelwillbe said on Thursday, the daythe observances takeplaceinIsrael.


It is recommended thatanavelbeinstructed on the halachotand the shul’s

minhagimwhen daveningat theamid.

Someoneobservinga yahrzeitshould bediscouragedfromdaveningeverytefila

(shacharit, mussaf, etc.)ofthe day.

It is highlyrecommended that no chazakahsshould henceforth be established.