Scholarship Authorisation Form (SAF)

Academic Year 2015-16



1.Student Surname:
2.Student Forename(s):
3. Student ID Number:
4.School Name:

Scholarship Payment Details 2015-16

5.Start month of scholarship:
6. Last monthofscholarship:
7.Scholarship total per annum (exclusive of fees): / €
8.Monthly instalment: / €
9. Funding body:
10. Funding cost centre: Percentage:[2 decimal places]
(i) Cost centre 1. / - 20104 / %
(ii) Cost centre 2. / - 20104 / %
(iii) Cost centre 3. / - 20104 / %

Research Fees 2015-16

11. Insert the correct EU or non-EU fee appropriate to thestudent’s year of study (or else CardFee or Examination Fee) – see table on page 4:
12.Fees cost centre: / - 30318
or if fees are to be invoiced to an external body, e.g. County Council, specify name:

supervisor declaration

13. Supervisor Declaration: I hereby declare

  • that the student has been made aware of the duration and amount of this research scholarship and is aware that payment of same for the period defined is conditional upon making satisfactory progress as defined by the terms and conditions of the scholarship as outlined by the School/ funding body

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Scholarship Authorisation Form (SAF)

Academic Year 2015-16

  • that this payment to the student is in compliance with any other scholarship that is held by the student
  • the student is a full-time registered student and in my opinion is entitled to avail of the income tax exemption of scholarship income under section 193 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997
Additional information
Additional documentation required if student is in receipt of a scholarship for the 1st time:
  • Bank Details Form [ ]:
  • Scholarship Exemption Declaration [ :


15.Project Manager / Supervisor: / Date: / [dd/mm/yyyy]
16.Head of School / Unit: / Date: / [dd/mm/yyyy]
17.Approved by Finance: / Date: / [dd/mm/yyyy]


  • Computing and Engineering: Irene McEvoy, Room L108, Ext. 6857, Email:
  • DCU Business School: Margaret Galuszynska, Room Q101, Ext. 5734, Email:
  • Humanities and Social Sciences: Michelle Brennan, Room C237, Ext. 7415, Email:
  • NICB: Mairéad Callan, Room JG03, Ext. 5702, Email:
  • Science and Health: Gerta Nestorowicz, Room HG04, Ext. 5542, Email:

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Scholarship Authorisation Form (SAF)

Academic Year 2015-16


4. School Name: enter the name of the school to which the student is affiliated, e.g. “DCU Business School.”Where students are part of a research centre, please include the school to which the research centre or supervisor is affiliated and not the research centre name. The exception to this is the NICB.

5. Startmonth of scholarship: enter the month that scholarship payments will start. Students can only be paid from the month of their initial registration and must have registered by the 13th of the month in order to be paid for that month.

6. Last month of scholarship: enter the month in the current academic year that the scholarship ends.

7.Scholarship total per annum (exclusive of fees): enter the total amount per annum that the student is to receive in the current academic year.Payments must be spread evenly over the academic year or period of scholarship if less than 12 months.

8.Monthly instalment: this is the amount of money the student is to receive each month when the total has been divided over the academic year/period of scholarship.

9.Funding body: enter the nameof the funding body, e.g. “IRC”.

10.Funding cost centre: enter the cost centre(s) to which the payment is being charged.

Percentage: enter the percentage of the monthly payment that is being charged to the particular cost centre(s).

11.Research Fees 2015-16: See page 4 for the fees table, which can be foundin full at the following link:

Please note that for many funded students the Bench Fee does not apply as project costs are covered through another mechanism.

Card Fee:The Card Fee will run again in 2015-16and is to remain at €150. An Examination Fee (also €150) is appropriate where the student has submitted their soft bound thesis by the end of the 2014-15academic year. Details on the Card Fee Scheme for 2015-16 are available at the following link:

12. Fees cost centre: this indicates which DCU cost centre(s) research fees are to be charged to. Alternatively please provide the name of the County Council or other External Body that is to be invoiced for the fees.

14. Notes: include any other information relevant to the scholarship payment.

17. Approved by Finance: The Graduate Studies Office will arrange for Finance to authorise the payment details on this SAF - there is no obligation toget Finance sign-off on this form before submission to the Graduate Studies Office.

[NB: a PPS number is required from all students (Irish & non-Irish) receiving a scholarship payment]

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Postgraduate Research Student Fees 2015/16

Research Masters and PhD Fees / EU Tuition Fees / Non Eu Tuition Fees / Bench Fee*( EU& NON EU)
Full time / Part time / Full time / Part time / Full time / Part time
4,905 / 2,942 / 10,000 / 6,000 / DCU Business School / 3,000 / 2,000
DCU Business School
Faculty of Engineering & Computing / 5,505 / 3,302 / 10,000 / 6,000 / Computer Applications / 3,000 / 2,000
Electronic Engineering / 5,000 / 3,300
Mechanical & Manuf. Engineering / 6,000 / 4,000
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences / 4,905 / 2,942 / 10,000 / 6,000 / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / 3,000 / 2,000
Faculty of Science & Health / 5,505 / 3,302 / 10,000 / 6,000 / Physical Sciences / 5,000 / 3,300
Chemical Sciences / 5,000 / 3,300
Biological Science / 10,000 / 6,600
Non-lab sciences / 3,000 / 2,000
DCU Institute of Education
*where applicable / 4,905 / 2,942 / 10,000 / 6,000 / DCU Institute of Ed / 3,000 / 2,000
Research Masters and PhD fees- students first registered in 09/10 or previously / EU Tuition Fees / Non Eu Tuition Fees
Full time* / Part time / Full time* / Part time
2,290 / 5,000
DCU Business School / 1,372 / year 6 onwards / 3,000
Faculty of Engineering and Computing / 2,290
1,372 / year 6 onwards / 5,000 / 3,000
1,372 / year 6 onwards / 6,500 / 3,250 / Mech & Manu Eng
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / 2,290 / 5,000
1,372 / year 6 onwards / 3,000
Faculty of Science and Health / 2,290 / 5,000
1,372 / year 6 onwards / 3,000
* students have all completed 6 years full time, 3 years on a higher fee level

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