Français 8 Course Outline
Templeton Academy2014-2015
Mrs. Kelly Park
General Overview:
Learning French as a second language promotes an awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity, and fosters openness toward others. The program reflects the interests of the learners, and includes topics such as family and home, school, leisure activities, holidays and travel. The study of second language is an enriching educational experience, long recognized for its contributions to the social, emotional, and intellectual development of learners. It fosters the development of problem-solving and creativity, prepares students for opportunities to learn a third or fourth language and helps in finding employment.
- Students are expected to use French to establish and maintain relationships, to share ideas and opinions and to get things done.
- Students demonstrate knowledge of French-speaking cultures in Newfoundland, Canada, and the world understanding links between language, culture and identity.
- Students use language learning strategies enabling them to access information, clarify and negotiate meaning and cope effectively in unfamiliar situations in their first language as well as in French.
(Reading comprehension includes reading passages and answering oral/written questions.)
(Speaking is a critical part of the French program and all students are encouraged to participate in the French language. Final projects will have a speaking component.)
(All tests will be composed of two parts: one will be a listening section. Other listening activities will be done in class.)
(All tests will be composed of two parts: one will be a written section. Other written activities will be done in class, for example final projects at the end of each unit.)
Classroom Expectations
- The language of instruction will be French.
- Students are expected to speak French as much as possible.
- Students are expected to be on time and prepared for class at all times.
- Unacceptable behaviour/language will not be tolerated.
- Students are expected to give your best effort in all that you do.
- Students are expected to stay on task when working independently and contribute actively when working in groups.
- Students are expected to always show respect for each other and school property and to demonstrate a positive attitude.
- Students are expected to complete all assigned work in a timely manner.
French can be a rewarding and positive class, given the right attitude to learn. If you take French class seriously, you will learn to develop a skill that is highly important. Extra support is always available: recess, lunch and after school, all you need to do is ask.
I look forward to a wonderful year with all of you!
Bonne annéé et fais ton mieux!!!!