Thursday, 15 March 2012 (0730-1600)

Fort Bragg Community Club, Normandy & Totten Rds, Ft. Bragg, NC 28310

Planned events include6Workshop Sessions, Key Note Address,CDFM Testing,and Much More!!

Registration Deadline is 9 March 2012. Payment is due with form.

Cost: $50.00 Members/ $75.00 Non-Members

Send all Registration Forms and Payments to: Ms. Vicki (ph)910-243-2155

AGENDA (Please select one workshop per session)

0730-0800Registration – conducted in lobby of Community Club

0800-0820Opening Session – Welcome by Mr. Jeff Robinson, Chapter President

0830-0920SESSION 1:

Taking Care of People– Mr. Dave Weinberg

Proponency Update– Ms. Vicki Brown

Audit Readiness– Mr. Jim Watkins

CDFM Testing (2hr block)

0930-1020SESSION 2:

Audit Readiness– Mr. Jim Watkins

Civilian Retirement – Ms. Jenith Dunbar

Army Budget Office – Mr. Todd Nethery

Fort Bragg Master Plan – Mr. Glen Prillaman

1030-1120SESSION 3:

Taking Care of People – Mr. Dave Weinberg

Proponency Update– Ms. Vicki Brown

Audit Readiness– Mr. Jim Watkins

IRAQ Drawdown – COL Bryan Stewart

1130-1250Lunch Buffet Key Note Address – Mr. Dave Weinberg

1300-1350SESSION 4

Proponency Update– Ms. Vicki Brown

Civilian Retirement – Ms. Jenith Dunbar

Army Budget Office – Mr. Todd Nethery

Fort Bragg Master Plan – Mr. Glen Prillaman

CDFM Testing (2hr block)

1400-1450SESSION 5

Fayetteville Futures Initiatives – Ms. Karen Hilton

Civilian Retirement – Ms. Jenith Dunbar

Army Budget Office – Mr. Todd Nethery

IRAQ Drawdown – COL Bryan Stewart

1500-1550SESSION 6

Fayetteville Futures Initiatives – Ms. Karen Hilton

Fort Bragg Master Plan – Mr. Glen Prillaman

IRAQ Drawdown – COL Bryan Stewart

1550-1600Closing Remarks – Mr. Jeff Robinson, Sandhills Chapter President

**Information on ASMC Membership and CDFM testing is available @

***Information on the SANDHILLS CHAPTER is available @

For additional PDI information contact:

Mr. Jeff Robinson, (910) 432-8733,

Ms. Desiree Lake, (910) 570-5896,

About Our Speakers

Key Note Address. Mr. Dave Weinburgwill captivate the audience with his presentation on leadership "The Power of 8s". (1 CPE)

Taking Care of People. Mr. Dave Weinburgwill entertain us as he explains how to take care of people and how leaders can prepare a stronger working environment. (1 CPE)

Fayetteville Futures Initiatives. Ms. Karen Hilton will provide an overview of current City of Fayetteville projects that will impact both the image and quality of life in Fayetteville amid demographic changes associated with the BRAC decisions and investments. (No CPE)

Proponency Update. Ms. Vicki Brownwill provide an overview on civilian professional development and certifications. (1 CPE)

Civilian Retirement. Ms. Jenith Dunbarwillprovide an overview and different options forthe civilian retirement programs CSRS and FERS. (1 CPE)

Audit Readiness. Mr. Jim Watkinswillprovide a current update on Army’s Audit Readiness as we prepare for the FY17 audit of the Army’s financial statements. (1 CPE)

Army Budget Office. Mr. Todd Netherywillprovide an overview on FY12 issues and challenges from the Army Budget Office’s perspective. (1 CPE)

Ft Bragg’s Master Plan. Mr. Glen Prillaman willdiscuss Fort Bragg’s preparation and planning for future initiatives affecting the Post. (No CPE)

IRAQ Drawdown. COL Bryan Stewart, G8 of the XVIII Airborne Corps,will provide an overview of the Financial Operations and Challenges associated with the recent drawdown in IRAQ. (1 CPE)

CDFM Testing. Dr. Fred Copeland serves as an evaluator at ASMC, and is an executive coach and adjunct faculty member at the Federal Executive Institute, OPM. Two sessions for testing will be offered.PRIOR registration through ASMC HQsmust be coordinated – NLT 24 February.


(Return form & payment to Vicki Cooper: (ph) 910-243-2155)

Credit Card (if for multiple unit members, please attach a list of attendees) MasterCard Visa

Cardholder Name: ______TOTAL THIS CHARGE $______

16-Digit Card Number: ______-______-______-______VIN/3-digit code: ______Exp. Date: ______

Billing Address Street # or PO Box #:______Zip Code:______

Cardholder Email ______Cardholder Phone Number ______

Personal Check Check Number:______


For Internal Use Only:

Invoice #______Reference #______Date Payment Accepted:______

**All proceeds from this event fund the “Tom M. Olver Scholarship”future training opportunities for our members.