Dear Parents:
Your son/daughter has expressed an interest in participating in the Northern Kentucky Honor Choir that is being held on Friday, Nov. 15. This choir is comprised of students in the 6th grade from area middle schools who are serious and enthusiastic about singing. Because there is a large number of schools participating this year, we are only permitted to bring 12 students from our school. Depending on how many students from our 6th grade return the attached permission slip I will have to draw names or have the students write a paragraph explaining why they want to participate, in order to decide who is going. If there is a limited number of students interested in going we may not need to do this.
Here are the details about the event. Students who are going will rehearse the music with me after school once a week until Nov. 15. The day of the 15th students will leave school with me mid-morning to attend rehearsal at The First Baptist Church of Cold Spring. We will have a bus transporting us to the church. That day, our students will rehearse with all of the other participating students and the concert will be performed that night at the church. Parents, friends, and families are invited to attend the event and the student will leave with their parent(s) after the concert.
I believe that this event is worthwhile for my students because it gives them an opportunity to work with another director, interact with other enthusiastic choir students, and presents music that is challenging and fun to perform.
Hopefully the students who return the permission slip are serious about participating and committed to rehearsing after school weeks before the concert (we’ll pick rehearsal dates for this once our group is formed and we discuss everyone’s schedules). Please discuss this with your child before they return the permission slip to make sure they truly want to do this.
I will send more detailed information home once the group is selected so you know more about the date, times, rehearsal schedule, etc. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Beth Rowland
Highlands Middle School
Choral Director
My son/daughter,______, has my permission to participate in and to attend the Northern Kentucky Honor Choir being held at The First Baptist Church of Cold Spring on Friday, November 15, 2013.
(Parent/Guardian Signature)(Date)