
You may wish to add an image or a file link in a discussion, for example, to direct someone to a resource. This is relatively easy and can be done using wikitext.

Wikitext is a mark up language, like html. If you want to include anything other than plain text in a discussion, you have to use it. If you’ve used html or another mark up language, wikitext will be like falling off a log. If you haven’t it’s still pretty straightforward and it’s well worth getting to grips with if you’re intending to set up a wiki for your own courses.

The information here is actually taken from the wiki help section:

Unusually for an online help tool, the wikispaces help is simple and helpful. Here’s an excerpt that explains adding links and files, including an explanation of how I embedded this file.

How do I add links in Wikitext?

Page Link / [[pagename|label]] or just [[pagename]]
Page Link in Another Wiki / [[space:pagename|label]] or just [[space:pagename]]
URL / http://some.url
Email /
Labeled URL / [[http://some.url|label]]
Anchor / [[#AnchorName]]
Link to an Anchor / [[PageName#AnchorName|DisplayText]] For more on this, read our section on anchors.

How Do I Add a File in Wikitext?

To add a file, place the following wikitext on your page:

[[file:name.txt]] (any file type supported)

Note that the file that you link to still has to be uploaded to the wiki.

If you want to link to a huge file, or an externally hosted one, you can simply add a url and let people copy and paste it into their browser. Don’t forget that we’re trying to keep the size of the site manageable, so don’t upload too many files, or large files, if there’s a practical alternative.

If you are planning to use wikis for your teaching and learning, it’s well worth playing with a site to see just how much you can do with one, including learning a bit of wikitext.