Update Report for Planning Committee (West)

11th November 2015

Committee Planning Manager: Stacey Green

Members are advised that the order of items to be considered at the Committee Meeting has changed since the publication of the committee agenda. The planning applications will now be considered in the following order:

Item 4: 15/02725/VARY – The Willows, Long Marston Road, Welford on Avon

Item 5: S106/00004/15 – The Willows, Long Marston Road, Welford on Avon

Item 8: 15/02660/FUL – Land adjacent Mullions, Church Bank, Welford on Avon

Item 6: 15/02994/OUT – Stratford Park, Birmingham Road, Bishopton

Item 7: 15/03090/FUL – Salvation Army Hall, Scholars Lane, Stratford-upon-Avon

Item 9: 15/02959/FUL – Horse Shoe Barn, Welford Road, Barton

The written updates below have been ordered to accord with this revised schedule.

15/02725/VARY – The Willows, Long Marston Road, Welford on Avon
Parish Council Comments
Welford PC maintains its objection to the application. The outstanding issues are:
  • Plots 6 and 7. The proposals amount to circa 800 sq. feet of additional development which is unacceptable to the Parish Council.
  • Plot 15. The Parish Council objects to this property being so close to the estate road as it will give an urban impression on entering the estate. The Parish Council considers that this property is simply too large for the plot (which has of course reduced in size since the amendment to the estate boundary). (05.11.15)
Amended Plans
Amended car barn plans received 09.11.15 indicating a timber construction with timber boarding to three sides of the structure.
Additional Neighbour Representations
Occupier of adjacent property ‘Masefield’ has commented the timber car barn should not raise health and safety concerns as a potential fire risk.
Additional Information from the Applicant
In respect of neighbour concerns, the applicant has confirmed the proposed car barn would be stained in a fire proof coatingto protect against fire risk.
Clarification in respect of the PCs concerns are set out on page 23 of the officer report under ‘applicants supporting comments’.
S106/00004/15 – The Willows, Long Marston Road, Welford on Avon
Parish Council Comments
Welford Parish Council withdraw its objection on the basis of the information supplied subject to the preferential option that purchase of the affordable housing unit only be available to purchasers with a local connection to Welford on Avon and not available to other people “nominated by the District Council’s Housing Advice Team”.This wording is far too wide and might not ensure that local people are given priority. (05.11.15)
Ward Member Response
Cllr Peter Barnes has requested the proposed housing should be discounted to 50% of market value as they are not affordable when proposed at 60% of market value. The reduction to 50% would result in a further financial loss to the developer but this would be a gain for the local community. (06.11.15)
Planning Policy Team Response (06.11.15):
The definition of “Affordable Housing” set out in the NPPF (Annex 2: Glossary) identifies that it includes “Intermediate Housing”. “Intermediate Housing” is defined as comprising homes for sale and rent provided at a cost above social rent, but below market levels, and can include shared equity homes.
The fixed equity homes proposed in this instance are intermediate affordable housing. Crucially, the affordable homes subsidy will remain in perpetuity and thus either future resales would be at 60% of prevailing market value or the owners could purchase the unsold equity at prevailing market value, with the proceeds going to the Council to support the provision of other affordable housing.
Draft Policy CS.17 proposes that 20% of affordable homes provided in the District should be intermediate housing. As such, and notwithstanding the comments set out in the published report, the provision of fixed equity sale properties is wholly consistent with Policy CS.17 as drafted. There is no policy conflict and no need to propose any further modification of Policy CS.17.
Additional Information from the applicant
In respect of request by the ward member to reduce price of affordable homes to 50% of market value:
‘Under previous circumstances before the recent rent deflation announcements, applicant would have been in a better financial position with a Registered Housing Provider (RP) on board to take the units. However, as this isn’t possible, the alternative solution of providing Low Cost Open Market dwellings at 60% of Open Market Value, means that we are circa £11,000 worse off than with an RP on board.
If we were to go with a 50% figure, Spitfire would be circa £110,000 worse off and would therefore bring the financial viability of the scheme into question. This may result in the site stalling for a period of time which goes against recent ministerial statement published by Brandon Lewis on 9th November regarding the delivery of affordable housing.’
15/02660/FUL – Land adjacent Mullions, Church Bank, Welford on Avon
Residential amenity section of the report should state that the biodiversity management plan would be secured through condition, rather than through a S106 agreement
15/02994/OUT – Stratford Park, Birmingham Road, Bishopton
An additional condition is proposed details are set out below:
At such time as the development hereby permitted commences on the site no works shall take place in connection with the implementation of the previously approved extension of the existing caravan park for the stationing of a maximum of four caravans permitted under planning permission 13/02865/FUL dated 20th December 2013 and shown on approved plan B3 Proposed Block Plan received 4th November 2013.
The development hereby permitted shall not be implemented if any works to install the caravans as previously approved for the extension of the existing caravan park, for the stationing of a maximum of four caravans permitted under planning permission 13/02865/FUL, dated 20th December 2013 and shown on approved plan B3 Proposed Block Plan, received 4th November 2013 are carried out following the date of this permission.
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the openness of the Green Belt is protected
15/03090/FUL – Salvation Army Hall, Scholars Lane, Stratford-upon-Avon
Report Updates
Under Planning History on page 60 of the officer report, add the following text:
14/02067/FUL - Demolition of existing former Salvation Army buildings and construction of three new two-bedroom terraced dwellings, associated works and new dropped kerb / vehicular access. Withdrawn on 08.10.15.
Consultation Responses
WCC Highways:
No objection subject to conditions (in addition to those set out within the officer report):
13. Access construction in accordance with WCC Highways specification.
14. Access to be suitably surfaced with bound material.
15. Appropriate drainage measures within the access way.
16. No planting above 0.6m within the visibility splays from the proposed access.
Signing of s.106 legal agreement to remove the proposed properties from the existing residents parking scheme on Scholars Lane and other informative Highways notes.
Officer Comments
On the basis of the scheme providing 5 spaces for 5 two bed flats the removal of the right to parking permit scheme would be unreasonable in the opinion of officers.
Amended Recommendation
Recommend approval of the application as set out on pages 69 and 70 of the committee report with the addition of the 4 highways conditions (numbers 13-16) as set out above.
15/02959/FUL – Horse Shoe Barn, Welford Road, Barton
No updates.