1. Students will learn about each system of the body including their structure, function, and pathologies.

2. Students will learn to identify bones, major muscle groups, and anatomical structures of the human body.

3. Students will learn how to work in a laboratory setting with their peers.


1. Pen/pencil and paper on a daily basis.

2. 1 Inch Binder and 5 Dividers

3. Composition Notebook

4. Colored pencils (always have them available for use each day)


Students will be graded on tests, individual class work, group class work, and projects. Grades will be assigned through a point system. Each assignment or test will be given a point value assigned by the teacher. Extra Credit opportunities will be available and posted throughout the year, but not on request by the student(s). Be forewarned: assignments have due dates and late work will be severely penalized. Due dates for all assignments will be posted. If you do not have your work then, it is considered late.

Grading Scale:

90-100 = A

80-89 =B

70-79 =C

60-69 =D

0-59 =F


All school policies will be strictly followed for attendance, tardies, and discipline. Make sure you

read and familiarize yourself with these polices. Be prompt, prepared, respectful, and responsible. I do NOT tolerate disrespect of any kind in my classroom. Come to class on time with a willingness to learn. If you do these things your will be successful in this class.


There is no substitution for being in class. But in the event you need to be absent, you will have the number of days you were absent +1 to make up any work you missed. It is the student’s responsibility to get the missed work. Therefore, you must find out what assignments you missed immediately upon your return. Make-up work is to be turned in at the BEGINNING of class on the designated due date. IF YOU ARE ABSENT FOR A TEST, THE MAKE-UP MAY BE A DIFFERENT TEST/DIFFERENT FORMAT.


The best way to contact me is through email. I will always respond to email by the end of the day. If you do not hear from me within one day, please contact me again. The technology that we use is not perfect and neither am I. If you do not have access to email leave a message on my voice mail and I will respond as quickly as possible. All parent conferences are made through the guidance department.


(This is tentative and may be modified at any time.)


Introduction to anatomy and physiology Cardiovascular System:

Cells and Tissues blood

Integumentary system heart

Skeletal system blood vessels

Lymphatic /immunity

Respiratory system


Muscular system

Nervous system Digestive System

Senses Urinary system

Endocrine system Reproductive system


1. NO cheating. This pertains to ALL assignments, not just tests. If you are caught cheating your will receive a zero for that assignment.

2. Come to class ON TIME and prepared with notebook, paper, and pen.

3. Upon entering the classroom, go directly to your seat.

4. Raise your hand to be called on to speak or to leave your seat.

5. Turn ALL assignments in on time. WORK IS DUE WHEN POSTED.

6. No writing on or destroying the desks, chairs, tables, textbooks, or anything of Jones property.

7. You must clean up all materials and put everything away before leaving class.

8. Please keep your hands and belongings to yourself. Horsing around, immaturity and profanity will not be tolerated. *Please note that in conjunction with OCPS AYP mandates, this syllabus may be altered at any time during the year as the need arises.

Please fill out the following information, detach, and return to Ms. Clark.

As a student, I understand the above information. I also understand that it is my responsibility to make sure I succeed in this class. I will ask Ms. Clark for any help needed in order to succeed.

Student printed name ______Date ______

Student signature ______Date ______

As a parent/guardian, I have read the attached syllabus. If I have any questions or concerns I will contact Ms. Clark by email, telephone, or by contacting my child’s guidance counselor.

Parent/guardian signature ______Date ______

Please fill out the following information for my class records.

Father’s name ______

Mother’s name ______

Home phone ______

Father work # ______

Father cell # ______

Father email ______

Mother work # ______

Mother cell # ______

Mother email ______

Is there a preferred parent to contact? If yes, then please identify which parent/guardian.


If there is anything I need to know or any special needs of your child, or special concerns you may have, please feel free to include that below.
